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object:2.09 - The Release from the Ego

THE formation of a mental and vital ego tied to the body-sense was the first great labour of the cosmic Life in its progressive evolution; for this was the means it found for creating out of matter a conscious individual. The dissolution of this limiting ego is the one condition, the necessary means for this very cosmic Life to arrive at its divine fruition: for only so can the conscious individual find either his transcendent self or his true Person. This double movement is usually represented as a fall and a redemption or a creation and a destruction, -- the kindling of a light and its extinction or the formation first of a smaller temporary and unreal self and a release from it into our true self's eternal largeness. For human thought falls apart towards two opposite extremes: one, mundane and pragmatic, regards the fulfilment and satisfaction of the mental, vital and physical ego-sense individual or collective as the object of life and looks no farther, while the other spiritual, philosophic or religious which regards the conquest of the ego in the interests of the soul, spirit or whatever be the ultimate entity, as the one thing supremely worth doing. Even in the camp of the ego there are two divergent attitudes which divide the mundane or materialist theory of the universe. One tendency of this thought regards the mental ego as a creation of our mentality which will be dissolved with the dissolution of mind by the death of the body; the one abiding truth is eternal Nature working in the race-this or another-and her purpose should be followed, not ours. The fulfilment of the race, the collective ego, and not that of the individual should be the rule of life. Another trend of thought, more vitalistic in its tendencies, fixes on the conscious ego as the supreme achievement of Nature, no matter how transitory, ennobles it into a human representative of the Will-to-be and holds up its greatness and satisfaction as the highest aim of our existence. In the more numerous systems that take their stand on some kind of religious thought or spiritual discipline there is a corresponding divergence. The Buddhist denies the existence of a real self or ego, admits no universal or transcendent Being. The Advaitin declares the apparently individual soul to be none other than the supreme Self and Brahman, its individuality an illusion; the putting off of individual existence is the only true release. Other systems assert, in flat contradiction of this view, the eternal persistence of the human soul; a basis of multiple consciousness in the One or else a dependent but still separate entity, it is constant, real, imperishable.

Amidst these various and conflicting opinions the seeker of the Truth has to decide for himself which shall be for him the Knowledge. But if our aim is a spiritual release or a spiritual fulfilment, then the exceeding of this little mould of ego is imperative. In the human egoism and its satisfaction there can be no divine culmination and deliverance. A certain purification from egoism is the condition even of ethical progress and elevation, for social good and perfection; much more is it indispensable for inner peace, purity and joy. But a much more radical deliverance, not only from egoism but from ego-idea and ego-sense, is needed if our aim is to raise human into divine nature. Experience shows that, in proportion as we deliver ourselves from the limiting mental and vital ego, we comm and a wider life, a larger existence, a higher consciousness, a happier soul-state, even a greater knowledge, power and scope. Even the aim which the most mundane philosophy pursues, the fulfilment, perfection, satisfaction of the individual is best assured not by satisfying the same ego but by finding freedom in a higher and larger self. There is no happiness in smallness of the being, says the Scripture, it is with the large being that happiness comes. The ego is by its nature a smallness of being; it brings contraction of the consciousness and with the contraction limitation of knowledge, disabling ignorances-confinement and a diminution of power and by that diminution incapacity and weakness, -- scission of oneness and by that scission disharmony and failure of sympathy and love and understanding, -- inhibition or fragmentation of delight of being and by that fragmentation pain and sorrow. To recover what is lost we must break out of the worlds of ego. The ego must either disappear in impersonality or fuse into a larger I: it must fuse in the wider cosmic 'I' which comprehends all these smaller selves or the transcendent of which even the cosmic self is a diminished image.

But this cosmic self is spiritual in essence and in experience; it must not be confused with the collective existence, with any group soul or the life and body of a human society or even of all mankind. The subordination of the ego to the progress and happiness of the human race is now a governing idea in the world's thought and ethics; but this is a mental and moral and not a spiritual ideal. For that progress is a series of constant mental, vital and physical vicissitudes, it has no firm spiritual content, and offers no sure standing-ground to the soul of man. The consciousness of collective humanity is only a larger comprehensive edition or a sum of individual egos. Made of the same substance, in the same mould of nature, it has not in it any greater light, any more eternal sense of itself, any purer source of peace, joy and deliverance. It is rather even more tortured, troubled and obscured, certainly more vague, confused and unprogressive. The individual is in this respect greater than the mass and cannot be called on to subordinate his more luminous possibilities to this darker entity. If light, peace, deliverance, a better state of existence are to come, they must descend into the soul from something wider than the individual but also from something higher than the collective ego. Altruism, philanthropy, the service of mankind are in themselves mental or moral ideals, not laws of the spiritual life. If in the spiritual aim there enters the impulse to deny the personal self or to serve humanity or the world at large, it comes not from the ego nor from the collective sense of the race, but from something more occult and profound transcendent of both these things; for it is founded on a sense of the Divine in all and it works not for the sake of ego or the race but for the sake of the Divine and its purpose in the person or group or Man collective. It is this transcendent Source which we must seek and serve, this vaster being and consciousness to which the race and the individual are minor terms of its existence. There is indeed a truth behind the pragmatic impulse which an exclusive one-sided spirituality is apt to ignore or deny or belittle. It is this that since the individual and the universal are terms of that higher and vaster Being, their fulfilment must have some real place in the supreme Existence. There must be behind them some high purpose in the supreme Wisdom and Knowledge, some eternal strain in the supreme Delight: they cannot have been, they were not, created in vain. But the perfection and satisfaction of humanity like the perfection and satisfaction of the individual, can only be securely compassed and founded upon a more eternal yet unseized truth and right of things. Minor terms of some greater Existence, they can fulfil themselves only when that of which they are the terms is known and possessed. The greatest service to humanity, the surest foundation for its true progress, happiness and perfection is to prepare or find the way by which the individual and the collective man can transcend the ego and live in its true self, no longer bound to ignorance, incapacity, disharmony and sorrow. It is by the pursuit of the eternal arid not by living bound in the slow collective evolution of Nature that we can best assure even that evolutionary, collective, altruistic aim our modern thought and idealism have set before us. But it is in itself a secondary aim; to find, know and possess the Divine existence, consciousness and nature and to live in it for the Divine is our true aim and the one perfection to which we must aspire.

It is then in the way of the spiritual philosophies and religions, not in that of any earth-bound materialistic doctrine, that the seeker of the highest knowledge has to walk, even if with enriched aims and a more comprehensive spiritual purpose. But how far has he to proceed in the elimination of the ego? In the ancient way of Knowledge we arrive at the elimination of the ego-sense which attaches itself to the body, to the life, to the mind and says of all or any of them, "This is I." Not only do we, as in the way of works, get rid of the "I" of the worker and see the Lord alone as the true source of all works and sanction of works and His executive Nature-power or else His supreme shakti as the sole agent and worker, -- but we get rid also of the ego-sense which mistakes the instruments or the expressions of our being for our true self and spirit. But even if all this has been done, something remains still; there remains a substratum of all these, a general sense of the separate I. This substratum ego is something vague, indefinable, elusive; it does not or need not attach itself to anything in particular as the self; it does not identify itself with anything collective, it is a sort of fundamental form or power of the mind which compels the mental being to feel himself as a perhaps indefinable but still a limited being which is not mind, life or body but under which their activities proceed in Nature. The others were a qualified ego-idea and ego-sense supporting themselves on the play of the prakriti; but this is the pure fundamental ego-power supporting itself on the consciousness of the mental Purusha. And because it seems to be above or behind the play and not in it, because it does not say "I am the mind, life or body," but "I am a being on whom the action of mind, life and body depends," many think themselves released and mistake this elusive Ego for the One, the Divine, the true Purusha or at the very least for the true Person within them, -- mistaking the indefinable for the Infinite. But so long as this fundamental ego-sense remains, there is no absolute release. The egoistic life, even if diminished in force and intensity, can still continue well enough with this support. If there is the error m identification, the ego life may under that pretext get rather exaggerated intensity and force. Even if there is no such error, the ego life may be wider, purer, more flexible and release may be now much easier to attain and nearer to accomplishment, but still there is as yet no definitive release. It is imperative to go farther, to get rid of this indefinable but fundamental ego-sense also and get back to the Purusha on whom it is supporting itself, of whom it is a shadow; the shadow has to disappear and by its disappearance reveal the spirit's unclouded substance.

That substance is the self of the man called in European thought the Monad, in Indian philosophy, Jiva or Jivatman, the living entity, the self of the living creature. This Jiva is not the mental ego-sense constructed by the workings of Nature for her temporary purpose. It is not a thing bound, as the mental being, the vital, the physical are bound, by her habits, laws or processes. The Jiva is a spirit and self, superior to Nature. It is true that it consents to her acts, reflects her moods and upholds the triple medium of mind, life and body through which she casts them upon the soul's consciousness; but it is itself a living reflection or a soul-form or a self-creation of the Spirit universal and transcendent. The One Spirit who has mirrored some of His modes of being in the world and in the soul, is multiple in the Jiva. That Spirit is the very Self of our self, the One and the Highest, the Supreme we have to realise, the infinite existence into which we have to enter. And so far the teachers walk in company, all agreeing that this is the supreme object of knowledge, of works and of devotion, all agreeing that if it is to be attained, the Jiva must release himself from the ego-sense which belongs to the lower Nature or Maya. But here they part company and each goes his own way. The Monist fixes his feet on the path of an exclusive Knowledge and sets for us as sole ideal an entire return, loss, immersion or extinction of the Jiva in the Supreme. The Dualist or the partial Monist turns to the path of Devotion and directs us to shed indeed the lower ego and material life, but to see as the highest destiny of the spirit of man, not the self-annihilation of the Buddhist, not the self-immersion of the Adwaitin, not a swallowing up of the many by the One, but an eternal existence absorbed in the thought, love and enjoyment of the Supreme, the One, the All-Lover.

For the disciple of an integral Yoga there can be no hesitation; as a seeker of knowledge it is the integral knowledge and not anything either half-way and attractive or high-pinnacled and exclusive he must seek. He must soar to the utmost height, but also circle and spread to the most all-embracing wideness, not binding himself to any rigid structure of metaphysical thought, but free to admit and contain all the soul's highest and greatest and fullest and most numerous experiences. If the highest height of spiritual experience, the sheer summit of all realisation is the absolute union of the soul with the Transcendent who exceeds the individual and the universe, the widest scope of that union is the discovery of that very Transcendent as the source, support, continent, informing and constituent spirit and substance of both these manifesting powers of the divine Essence and the divine Nature. Whatever the path, this must be for him the goal. The Yoga of Action also is not fulfilled, is not absolute, is not victoriously complete until the seeker has felt and lives in his essential and integral oneness with the Supreme. One he must be with the Divine will in his highest and inmost and in his widest being and consciousness, in work, his will, his power of action, his mind, body, life. Otherwise he is only released from the illusion of individual works, but not released from the illusion of separate being and instrumentality. As the servant and instrument of the Divine, he works, but the crown of his labour and its perfect base or motive is oneness with that which he serves and fulfils. The Yoga of devotion too is complete only when the lover and the Beloved are unified and difference is abolished in the ecstasy of a divine oneness, and yet in the mystery of this unification there is the sole existence of the Beloved but no extinction or absorption of the lover. It is the highest unity which is the express direction of the path of knowledge, the call to absolute oneness is its impulse, the experience of it its magnet: but it is this very highest unity which takes as its field of manifestation in him the largest possible cosmic wideness. Obeying the necessity to withdraw successively from the practical egoism of our triple nature and its fundamental ego-sense, we come to the realisation of the spirit, the self, lord of this individual human manifestation, but our knowledge is not integral if we do not make this self in the individual one with the cosmic spirit and find their greater reality above in an inexpressible but not Unknowable Transcendence. That Jiva, possessed of himself, must give himself up into the being of the Divine. The self of the man must be made one with the Self of all; the self of the finite , individual must pour itself into the boundless finite and that cosmic spirit must be exceeded in the transcendent Infinite.

This cannot be done without an uncompromising abolition of the ego-sense at its very basis and source. In the path of Knowledge one attempts this abolition, negatively by a denial of the reality of the ego, positively by a constant fixing of the thought upon the idea of the One and the Infinite in itself or the One and Infinite everywhere. This, if persistently done changes in the end the mental outlook on oneself and the whole world and there is a kind of mental realisation; but afterwards by degrees or perhaps rapidly and imperatively and almost at the beginning the mental realisation deepens into spiritual experience -- a realisation in the very substance of our being. More and more frequent conditions come of something indefinable and illimitable, a peace, a silence, a joy, a bliss beyond expression, a sense of absolute impersonal Power, a pure existence, a pure consciousness, an all-pervading Presence. The ego persists in itself or in its habitual movements, but the peace of the One becomes more and more inured, the others are broken, crushed, more and more rejected, becoming weak in their intensity, limp or mechanical in their action. In the end there is a constant giving up of the whole consciousness into the being of the Supreme. In the beginning when the restless confusion and obscuring impurity of our outward nature is active, when the mental, vital, physical ego-sense are still powerful, this new mental outlook, these experiences may be found difficult in the extreme: but once that triple egoism is discouraged or moribund and the instruments of the Spirit are set right and purified, in an entirely pure, silent, clarified, widened consciousness the purity, infinity, stillness of the One reflects itself like the sky in a limpid lake. A meeting or a taking in of the reflected Consciousness by that which reflects it becomes more and more pressing and possible, the bridging or abolition of the atmospheric gulf between that immutable ethereal impersonal vastness and this once mobile whirl or narrow stream of personal existence is no longer an arduous improbability and may be even a frequent experience, if not yet an entirely permanent state. For even before complete purification, if the strings of the egoistic heart and mind are already sufficiently frayed and loosened, the Jiva can by a sudden snapping of the main cords escape, ascending like a bird freed into the spaces or widening like a liberated flood into the One and Infinite. There is first a sudden sense of a cosmic consciousness, a casting of oneself into the universal; from that universality one can aspire more easily, aspire to the Transcendent. There is a pushing back and rending or a rushing down of the walls that imprisoned our conscious being; there is, a loss of all sense of individuality and personality, of all placement in Space or Time or action and law of Nature; there is no longer an ego, a person definite and definable, but only consciousness, only existence, only peace and bliss; one becomes immortality, becomes eternity, becomes infinity. All that is left of the personal soul is a hymn of peace and freedom and bliss vibrating somewhere in the Eternal.

When there is an insufficient purity in the mental being, the release appears at first to be partial and temporary; the Jiva seems to descend again into the egoistic life and the higher consciousness to be withdrawn from him. In reality, what happens is that a cloud or veil intervenes between the lower nature and the higher consciousness and the prakriti resumes for a time its old habit of working under the pressure but not always with a knowledge or present memory of that high experience. What works in it then is a ghost of the old ego supporting a mechanical repetition of the old habits upon the remnants of confusion and impurity still left in the system. The cloud intervenes and disappears, the rhythm of ascent and descent renews itself until the impurity has been worked out. This period of alternations may easily be long in the integral Yoga; for there an entire perfection of the system is required; it must be capable at all times and in all conditions and all circumstances, whether of action or inaction, of admitting and then living in the consciousness of the supreme Truth. Nor is it enough for the Sadhaka to have the utter realisation only in the trance of Samadhi or in a motionless quietude, but he must in trance or in waking, in passive reflection or energy of action be able to remain in the constant Samadhi of the firmly founded Brahmic consciousness349a. But if or when our conscious being has become sufficiently pure and clear, then there is a firm station in the higher consciousness. The impersonalised Jiva, one with the universal or possessed by the Transcendent, lives high-seated above349b and looks down undisturbed at whatever remnants of the old working of Nature may revisit the system. He cannot be moved by the workings of the three modes of prakriti in his lower being, nor can he be shaken from his station by the attacks even of grief and suffering. And finally, there being no veil between, the higher peace overpowers the lower disturbance and mobility. There is a settled silence in which the soul can take sovereign possession of itself above and below and altogether.

Such possession is not indeed the aim of the traditional Yoga of knowledge whose object is rather to get away from the above and the below and the all into the indefinable Absolute. But whatever the aim, the path of knowledge must lead to one first result, an absolute quietude; for unless the old action of Nature in us be entirely quieted, it is difficult if not impossible to found either any true soul-status or any divine activity. Our nature acts on a basis of confusion and restless compulsion to action, the Divine acts freely out of a fathomless calm. Into that abyss of tranquillity we must plunge and become that, if we are to annul the hold of this lower nature upon the soul. Therefore the universalised Jiva first ascends into the Silence; it becomes vast, tranquil, actionless. What action takes place, whether of body and these organs or any working whatever, the Jiva sees but does not take part in, authorise or in any way associate itself with it. There is action, but no personal actor, no bondage, no responsibility. If personal action is needed, then the Jiva has to keep or recover what has been called the form of the ego, a sort of mental image of an "I" that is the knower, devotee, servant or instrument, but an image only and not a reality. If even that is not there, still action can continue by the mere continued force of prakriti, without any personal actor, without indeed there being any sense of an actor at all; for the Self into which the Jiva has cast its being is the actionless, the fathomless still. The path of works leads to the realisation of the Lord, but here even the Lord is not known; there is only the silent Self and prakriti doing her works, even, as it seems at first, riot with truly living entities but with names and forms existing in the Self but which the Self does not admit as real. The soul may go even beyond this realisation; it may either rise to the Brahman on the other side of all idea of Self as a Void of everything that is here, a Void of unnameable peace and extinction of all, even of the Sat, even of that Existent which is the impersonal basis of individual or universal personality; or else it may unite with it as an ineffable "That" of which nothing can be said; for the universe and all that is does not even exist in That, but appears to the mind as a dream more unsubstantial than any dream ever seen or imagined, so that even the word dream seems too positive a thing to express its entire unreality. These experiences are the foundation of that lofty illusionism which takes such firm hold of the human mind in its highest overleapings of itself.

These ideas of dream and illusion are simply results in our still existent mentality of the new poise of the Jiva and its denial of the claim made upon it by its old mental associations and view of life and existence. In reality, the prakriti does not act for itself or by its own motion, but with the Self as lord; for out of that Silence wells all this action, that apparent Void looses out as if into movement all these infinite riches of experiences. To this realisation the Sadhaka of the integral Yoga must arrive by the process that we shall hereafter describe. What then, when he so resumes his hold upon the universe and views no longer himself in the world but the cosmos in himself, will be the position of the Jiva or what will fill in his new consciousness the part of the ego-sense? There will be no ego-sense even if there is a sort of individualisation for the purposes of the play of universal consciousness in an individual mind and frame; and for this reason that all will be unforgettably the One and every Person or Purusha will be to him the One in many forms or rather in many aspects and poises, Brahman acting upon Brahman, one Nara-Narayana351 everywhere. In that larger play of the Divine the joy of the relations of divine love also is possible without the lapse into the ego-sense, -- just as the supreme state of human love likewise is described as the unity of one soul in two bodies. The ego-sense is not indispensable to the world-play in which it is so active and so falsifies the truth of things; the truth is always the One at work on itself, at play with itself, infinite in unity, infinite in multiplicity. When the individualised consciousness rises to and lives in that truth of the cosmic play, then even in full action, even in possession of the lower being the Jiva remains still one with the Lord, and there is no bondage and no delusion. He is in possession of Self and released from the ego.

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Wikipedia - I think therefore I am
Wikipedia - I think, therefore I am
Wikipedia - I Think They Call Him John -- 1964 short film by John Krish
Wikipedia - I Think We're Alone Now -- 1967 single by Tommy James and the Shondells
Wikipedia - I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson -- American sketch comedy series
Wikipedia - Ivan Yefremov -- Soviet paleontologist, science fiction author and social thinker
Wikipedia - I've Been Thinking About You -- 1990 single by Londonbeat
Wikipedia - Javeed Alam -- Activist, Thinker
Wikipedia - Joseph Coors -- Chemical engineer, philanthropist, brewer, political think tank founder
Wikipedia - Kathinka Pasveer -- Dutch flautist
Wikipedia - Kathinka Rebling -- German woman violinist and musicologist
Wikipedia - Kathinka Zitz-Halein -- German writer
Wikipedia - King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center -- Independent non-profit think tank, Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - King of Wishful Thinking -- 1990 single by Go West
Wikipedia - Lateral thinking
Wikipedia - Let Me Think About It -- 2007 single by Ida Corr and Fedde le Grand
Wikipedia - Levy Economics Institute -- Nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy think tank
Wikipedia - Liberalni Institut -- Think tank in Prague, Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Linguistic relativity -- Linguistic hypothesis that suggests language affects how its speakers think
Wikipedia - List of Brazilian intellectuals and thinkers
Wikipedia - List of Christian thinkers in science
Wikipedia - List of integral thinkers and supporters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of social thinkers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of They Think It's All Over episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of thinkers influenced by deconstruction
Wikipedia - List of thinking-related topic lists
Wikipedia - List of think tanks in Singapore -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of think tanks in the United Kingdom -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of think tanks in Wales -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of think tanks -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Who Do You Think You Are? episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lloyd deMause -- American thinker
Wikipedia - Long Now Foundation -- American nonprofit organization promoting very-long-term thinking
Wikipedia - Mad Thinker
Wikipedia - Magical thinking -- Illogical conclusions based on correlated events or thoughts
Wikipedia - Manhattan Institute for Policy Research -- Conservative American think tank
Wikipedia - Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses -- Indian think-tank based in New Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Marcel Bollinger -- Swiss politician and freethinker
Wikipedia - Metacognition -- Thinking about thinking, higher-order thinking skills
Wikipedia - Michel Think -- Luxembourgian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Middle East Research Institute -- Think tank
Wikipedia - Miller Center of Public Affairs -- Think tank on United States presidency
Wikipedia - Mind -- Combination of cognitive faculties that provide consciousness, thinking, reasoning, perception and judgment
Wikipedia - Mises Institute -- Libertarian economic think tank
Wikipedia - Montesquieu -- French social commentator and political thinker
Wikipedia - Muda (Japanese term) -- Japanese term that is a concept in lean process thinking
Wikipedia - National Council on Teacher Quality -- Think tanks based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - National Maritime Foundation -- Indian think-tank based in New Delhi, India
Wikipedia - New America (organization) -- Liberal American think tank
Wikipedia - New Direction (think tank) -- European free market think tank
Wikipedia - New Thought -- Religious movement emphasizing accessible divine power, positive thinking, and faith healing
Wikipedia - Ninon de l'Enclos -- French author, courtesan, freethinker, and patron of the arts
Wikipedia - Nuclear Threat Initiative -- American foreign policy think tank
Wikipedia - Observer Research Foundation -- Indian think-tank based in New Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Operation Unthinkable -- 1945 plan for war between Western Allies and Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Other Truths -- 2009 studio album by Do Make Say Think
Wikipedia - Pacific Research Institute -- California-based free-market think tank
Wikipedia - Palmetto Promise Institute -- Conservative think tank
Wikipedia - People's Policy Project -- US think tank advocating socialist and social democratic economic ideas
Wikipedia - Pew Research Center -- Nonpartisan American think tank based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Sustainable Development Goals, Innovation and Futures Thinking -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Picture thinking
Wikipedia - Policy Exchange -- UK think tank
Wikipedia - Positive mental attitude -- The importance of positive thinking as a contributing factor of success
Wikipedia - Potemkin village -- Structure built solely to deceive others into thinking that a situation is better than it really is
Wikipedia - Problematization -- Process in critical thinking
Wikipedia - Project 2049 Institute -- Think tank
Wikipedia - Project for the New American Century -- Former American neoconservative think tank
Wikipedia - Quick Thinker -- Australian thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Ramswaroop Verma -- Political Thinkar of India
Wikipedia - RAND Corporation -- American global policy think tank founded in 1948
Wikipedia - Religious philosophy -- Philosophical thinking that is inspired and directed by a particular religion
Wikipedia - ResPublica -- British think tank
Wikipedia - Rethink Food -- New York based food collective
Wikipedia - Rethinking Innateness -- 1996 book about gene-environment interaction
Wikipedia - Rethinking Marxism
Wikipedia - Rethink Robotics -- robotics company headquartered in Germany
Wikipedia - Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think -- Biography and festschrift for biologist Richard Dawkins
Wikipedia - Rockford Institute -- American paleoconservative think tank
Wikipedia - Schools of economic thought -- Group of economic thinkers who share or shared a common perspective on the way economies work
Wikipedia - Scientific temper -- The Scientific temper is a way of Free Thinking
Wikipedia - Sentience Institute -- Effective altruism think tank
Wikipedia - Sentience Politics -- anti-speciesist political think tank
Wikipedia - Sexual identity -- How a person thinks of oneself with regard to romantic and sexual orientation and behaviour
Wikipedia - Sheikh Ahmad Rouhi -- Iranian writer, political thinker, and libertarian
Wikipedia - She Thinks His Name Was John -- Single by Reba McEntire
Wikipedia - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy -- 1999 single by Kenny Chesney
Wikipedia - Six Thinking Hats
Wikipedia - Social relation -- Relationship between two people or groups in which their thinking, acting or feeling is related mutually
Wikipedia - Something to Think About -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - So You Think You Can Dance (American season 16) -- Sixteenth (2019) season of the American reality show dance competition
Wikipedia - So You Think You Can Dance (American season 3) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - So You Think You Can Dance (American TV series) -- Reality television dance competition show that airs on Fox in the US
Wikipedia - So You Think You Can Dance (Greek TV series) -- Greek TV series
Wikipedia - So You Think You Can Dance -- TV show franchise
Wikipedia - So You Think You're Funny -- Annual stand-up comedy competition
Wikipedia - Strategic thinking
Wikipedia - Suicidal ideation -- Thinking about, considering, or planning for suicide
Wikipedia - Suspension of disbelief -- Intentional avoidance of critical thinking to enjoy a work
Wikipedia - Systems theory in archaeology -- Application of systems theory and systems thinking in archaeology
Wikipedia - Systems Thinking
Wikipedia - Systems thinking
Wikipedia - Tax Foundation -- Washington, D.C.-based non-profit taxation think tank
Wikipedia - Ted Halstead -- American think tank executive
Wikipedia - Tellus Institute -- American environmental think tank founded in 1976
Wikipedia - The Freethinker (journal)
Wikipedia - The Game (mind game) -- Mental game where the objective is to avoid thinking about The Game itself
Wikipedia - The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable -- 2016 book by Amitav Ghosh
Wikipedia - The Heritage Foundation -- American conservative think tank founded in 1973
Wikipedia - The lady doth protest too much, methinks -- quote from Hamlet
Wikipedia - The Lake of Thinking -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - The Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center -- Think tank and research center
Wikipedia - The Millennium Project -- Think tank which focuses on the future
Wikipedia - The Thinker -- Bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin
Wikipedia - Theudas (teacher of Valentinius) -- 1st century Christian Gnostic thinker
Wikipedia - The Unthinkable (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Think About Us -- 2019 single by Little Mix
Wikipedia - Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy -- 1999 book by Simon Blackburn
Wikipedia - Thinkalkalamaan -- 2020 Malayalam-language TV series
Wikipedia - Think aloud protocol
Wikipedia - Think and grow rich
Wikipedia - Think and Grow Rich -- 1937 book by Napoleon Hill
Wikipedia - Think Big and Kick Ass -- Book by Donald Trump
Wikipedia - ThinkCentre -- desktop computers by Lenovo
Wikipedia - THINK C
Wikipedia - Think Different
Wikipedia - Think different
Wikipedia - ThinkEquity -- US investment banking firm
Wikipedia - Thinker (DC Comics) -- Fictional character from DC Comics
Wikipedia - Thinkers of the New Left -- 1985 book by Roger Scruton
Wikipedia - Think Fast, Mr. Moto -- 1937 film by Norman Foster
Wikipedia - Think for Yourself -- 1965 song composed by George Harrison
Wikipedia - Think globally, act locally
Wikipedia - Think (IBM)
Wikipedia - Thinking about the immortality of the crab -- Spanish idiom about daydreaming
Wikipedia - Thinking About You (Calvin Harris song) -- 2013 single by Calvin Harris
Wikipedia - Thinking About Your Love -- Single released by Skipworth & Turner
Wikipedia - Thinking and Destiny
Wikipedia - Thinking, Fast and Slow -- 2011 book by Daniel Kahneman
Wikipedia - Thinking in Pictures -- Book written and largely edited by Temple Grandin
Wikipedia - Thinking It Over (song) -- 2001 single by Liberty X
Wikipedia - Thinking Machine Corporation
Wikipedia - Thinking Machines Corporation
Wikipedia - Thinking Machines
Wikipedia - Thinking of Me -- 2010 single by Olly Murs
Wikipedia - Thinking of You (Hanson song) -- 1998 single by Hanson
Wikipedia - Thinking of You (I Drive Myself Crazy) -- 1999 single by NSYNC
Wikipedia - Thinking of You (Katy Perry song) -- 2009 single by Katy Perry
Wikipedia - Thinking of You (Loggins and Messina song) -- Loggins and Messina song
Wikipedia - Thinking Out Loud -- 2014 single by Ed Sheeran
Wikipedia - Thinking outside the box -- A metaphor for unconventional thinking
Wikipedia - Thinking Plague -- American avant-rock group
Wikipedia - Thinking Processes (Theory of Constraints)
Wikipedia - Thinking Skills and Creativity
Wikipedia - Thinking
Wikipedia - Thinkin' Things -- Series of educational video games
Wikipedia - Think (journal)
Wikipedia - Think Music Records -- A Portuguese record label
Wikipedia - Think of Me (film) -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Think of the children
Wikipedia - Think of You (Whigfield song) -- 1995 single by Whigfield
Wikipedia - Think outside of the box
Wikipedia - Think outside the box
Wikipedia - ThinkPad T series -- Series of laptops by IBM and Lenovo
Wikipedia - ThinkPad
Wikipedia - Thinkpad
Wikipedia - ThinkProgress -- American news website owned by the Center for American Progress
Wikipedia - Thinkspot
Wikipedia - Thinktank, Birmingham Science Museum -- Science museum in England
Wikipedia - Think Tank (game show) -- 2016 BBC quiz show
Wikipedia - Think tanks
Wikipedia - Think tank -- Organization that performs policy research and advocacy
Wikipedia - Think Think and Ah Tsai -- Cats belonging to Tsai Ing-wen
Wikipedia - Think Twice (Jackie Wilson song) -- 1965 duet by Jackie Wilson and LaVern Baker
Wikipedia - Think
Wikipedia - Thought experiment -- Considering hypothesis, theory, or principle for the purpose of thinking through its consequences
Wikipedia - Tomas Rivera Policy Institute -- Latino think tank based at the University of Southern California
Wikipedia - Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me -- Novel by Javier Marias
Wikipedia - Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking
Wikipedia - Transparify -- Rating of the financial transparency of think tanks
Wikipedia - TregoED -- Critical thinking skill
Wikipedia - Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation -- Non-governmental think tank
Wikipedia - Understanding -- Ability to think about and use concepts to deal adequately with an object
Wikipedia - UPF-Centre for Animal Ethics -- Spanish think tank
Wikipedia - Vertical thinking
Wikipedia - Visual thinking
Wikipedia - Vladimir Bibikhin -- Russian religious thinker
Wikipedia - WAI Architecture Think Tank -- Architectural practice in China
Wikipedia - Wang Huiyao -- Chinese social entrepreneur, think tank founder, leading authority on global talent
Wikipedia - Wellesley Institute -- Non-profit and non-partisan research and policy think tank in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Whatcha Think About That -- 2008 single by The Pussycat Dolls
Wikipedia - What Did You Think When You Made Me This Way? -- 2018 Nothing but Thieves album
Wikipedia - What Do You Care What Other People Think? -- 1988 autobiographical book by Richard Feynman
Wikipedia - What is Called Thinking?
Wikipedia - What Is Called Thinking? -- 1954 book by Martin Heidegger
Wikipedia - Whenever I Think of You -- 2002 single by U-ka Saegusa in dB
Wikipedia - When I Think of You -- 1986 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Who Do You Think You Are? (American TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Who Do You Think You Are? (Australian TV series) -- 2008 Australian television series
Wikipedia - Who Do You Think You Are? (British TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Who Do You Think You Are (Candlewick Green song) -- Single by Candlewick Green
Wikipedia - Who Do You Think You Are (Spice Girls song) -- 1997 single by Spice Girls
Wikipedia - Wikipedia talk:Contents/Philosophy and thinking
Wikipedia - William Ellis (economist) -- English businessman, writer on economics, and educational thinker
Wikipedia - Wisdom -- The ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight
Wikipedia - Wishful Thinking (British band) -- British rock band
Wikipedia - Wishful Thinking (Propaganda album) -- 1985 remix album
Wikipedia - Wishful thinking
Wikipedia - Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars -- American think tank
Wikipedia - Woozle effect -- Frequent citation of previous publications that lack evidence misleads individuals, groups, and the public into thinking or believing there is evidence
Wikipedia - Zinaida Gippius -- Russian poet, playwright, editor, short story writer and religious thinker\,_Canada_(Part_1_3)
Kheper - thinking_mind -- 30 -- 0
Integral World - Postmodern spirituality: Part I: The rise of a proto-spirituality in the late works of some leading postmodern thinkers, Roland Benedikter
Integral World - New Human Species or Unbounded Egoism or Wishful Thinking?, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Reducing Trump's Destruction, Rethinking Impeachment: A More Integrative Perspective, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Re-Rethinking Impeachment After the Mueller Report, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - The Agnostic Thinker, Foreword to a book on Clarence Darrow's Philosophy, Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - The Kohlberg-Wilber Fallacy, Part 1: Why you aren't as ethical as you think you are, Joseph Dillard
Integral World - Slaves to Groupthink, Problems With Integral Life Practice, Joseph Dillard
Integral World - Integral Groupthink, Joseph Dillard
Integral World - Rethinking the 'interobjective' quadrant, Aristotle's views applied to refine the interobjective dimension of the Integral Theory, Josep Gallifa
Integral World - Integral Thinking and its application to Integral Education, Josep Gallifa
Integral World - Nonduality, the only game in town?, Reflections on the long-due rebalancing of integral thinking, Oliver Griebel
Integral World - A Letter On Mythical Thinking: America and Iraq, Ray Harris
Integral World - RETHINKING AQAL, Zakariyya Ishaq
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Jerry Coyne, Paycee Minaya
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Francis Crick, Yan Xu
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Charles Darwin, Ariel Stubbs
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Richard Dawkins, Brandon Gillett
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Stephen Jay Gould, Diana Hernandez
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, J.B.S. Haldane, Faizaan Merchant
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, William Donald Hamilton, Emily Park
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Gavin Lee
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Niles Eldredge, Una Shing
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Ethan Li
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Jared Diamond, Chen Ling-Wang
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, James Lovelock, Rania Serena Soetirto
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Ernest Walter Mayr, Captoria Frizell
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Gregor Mendel, Christy Lin
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Jacques Monod, Sophie Wang
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Herbert Spencer, Alice Ailisi
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Robert Trivers, Yuanling Tang
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Alfred Russel Wallace, Jun Ahn
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, August Weismann, Denise Motus
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, George Christopher Williams, Joseph Perez
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Edward Osborne Wilson, Vikraant Chowdhry
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Daniel Dennett, Captoria Frizell
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Thomas Nagel, Una Shing
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Giulio Tononi, Rania Serena Soetirto
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Gerald Edelman, Gavin Lee
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Paul Churchland, Alice Ailisi
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Timothy Leary, Emily Park
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Noam Chomsky, Faizaan Merchant
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, John Lilly, Joseph Perez
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, David John Chalmers, Diana Hernandez
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Nicholas Keynes Humphrey, Christy Lin
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Aldous Huxley, Denise Motus
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Francis Crick, Ethan Li
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Patricia Churchland, Vikraant Chowdhry
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Jean Pierre Changeux, Chen Lin Wang
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Owen Flanagan, Paycee Minaya
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Terence McKenna, Yan Xu
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Christof Koch, I Cheng Lam
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Brian Cox, Tyler Cardena-Wagers
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Philip J. Klass, Hee June Park
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - James Randi, Veronica Ramirez
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Eugenie Scott, Jenny Wang
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Harry Houdini, Felisha Jacobus
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Christopher Hitchens, (Justin) Yuan-Chun Hsu
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Sam Harris, Hannah Esqueda
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Joe Nickell, Jiselle Ramirez
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Ray Hyman, Alexander Mendez
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Susan Blackmore, Kimberley Cang
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Martin Gardner, Tiffany Wang
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Adam Savage, Brian Tam
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos, Introduction, David Lane
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Charles Darwin, Pete Navarro
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Leo Szilard, Yizhi Zhang
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - John Dewey, Christopher Chan
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Lynn Margulis, Melody Yang
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Isaiah Berlin, Joshua Castromayor
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Thomas Kuhn, Shengkai Hou
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Enrico Fermi, Emika Sukthanasophon
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Thomas Henry Huxley, Brian Tam
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Herbert Spencer, Jasmine Miranda
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - David Hume, Nicole Cobar
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - G.E. Moore, Felisha Jacobus
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Karl R. Popper, Melody Lee
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Bertrand Russell, Sheryl Lin
Integral World - The Agnostics: Thinkers in an Indeterminate Cosmos - Michael Schmidt-Salomon, Erin Lopez
Integral World - Integral Politics, Based on Systems Thinking and AQAL, Keith McCaughin
Integral World - Nexus between Astrobiology and Integrative Thinking, A Philosophical Search Motivated by a Key Symposium at the Library of Congress, Giorgio Piacenza
Integral World - Healthy Thinking and Ken Wilber, Rolf Sattler
Integral World - RETHINKING POPULAR PHILOSOPHIES, Comment on Scot Parker's "Is Wilber's Integral integral?", Imre von Soos
Integral World - Do You Think You're Smarter than Buddha?, Thoughts on Spiritual Intelligence, Gary Stogsdill
American Mysticism: The Hidden History of Positive Thinking
How to Think Integrally
Polarity Wisdom: The Mechanics of Integral Thinking
The Three Principles of Integral Thinking
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dedroidify.blogspot - alan-watts-thinking
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dedroidify.blogspot - if-you-think-youre-too-small-to-make
Psychology Wiki - Category:Anticipatory_thinking
Psychology Wiki - Critical_thinking
Psychology Wiki - Groupthink
Psychology Wiki - Group_think
Psychology Wiki - Integral_thought#Other_integral_thinkers
Psychology Wiki - Integral_thought#Other_thinkers
Psychology Wiki - Positive_thinking
Psychology Wiki - Six_Thinking_Hats
Psychology Wiki - Systems_thinking
Psychology Wiki - Thinking
Psychology Wiki - Wishful_thinking
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - critical-thinking
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - epistemology-visual-thinking,_poet_and_thinker_(1904)_(14577396248).jpg're_All_Bozos_on_This_Bus
Pee-Wee's Playhouse (1986 - 1990) - Pee-Wee Herman invites his audience friends to come play in his magical house with talking furniture, flying bicycles and occasional wacky guests. In case you did not know, Cyndi Lauper sings the theme song! Think Mr. Rogers with a zanier, more entertaining host and more colorful, more animated hou...
Boy Meets World (1993 - 2000) - From middle school through college and beyond, this is story of Corey Matthews. His life, his love, and oh yeah, all the stupid stuff he does.The people and places that he thinks of as home are slowly pulled away from him one by one, leaving him to consider just what his life is about when things ar...
Disney's One Saturday Morning (OSM) (1997 - 2002) - Disney's One Saturday Morning featured a wide variety of animated shows including Doug, Recess, Pepper Ann, The Weekenders, 101 Dalmatians, Hercules, Mickey Mouse Works, and such shorts and skits like Mrs. Munger's Class, Manny The Uncanny, Great Minds Think For Themselves, Flyndiggery Do!, The Monk...
Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994 - 1998) - The 90s version of Spider-Man is the longest running Spider-Man cartoon at 65 episodes. This series really portrayed Peter Parker and what was in his mind. A lot of the show is Peter thinking to himself outloud, giving the audience a true feel of his emotions. The animation was superb, even mixing...
PB&J Otter (1998 - 2000) - Peanut (the big brother), Jelly (his sister), and Baby Butter (their baby sister) Otter live on a houseboat on the shore of Lake Hoohaw, along with all of their friends. Whenever they get into a situation where they need to think, they perform "The Noodle Dance" until one of them gets an idea.This s...
She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985 - 1986) - She-Ra and her rebel friends must destroy the evil Hordak! - This is the ongoing plot of the show. She-Ra is He-Man's twin sister. In many ways the show is a copy of the He-Man series, except that most of it's lead characters were female. Think of Hercules the Legendary Journeys and Xena: The Warrio...
Detention (1999 - 2000) - This show is about a group of young pre-teens who tried to escape the detention room out of the clutches of the bossy Ms. Kisskillya. This is gonna be one heck of a mis-adventure (I think).
Liquid Television (1991 - 1994) - What words come to mind when you think of Liquid Television? Perhaps smart..funny..dramatic...maybe even weird. Liquid Television was THE show for "up-and-coming" animators to show what they got. Originally shown on BBC-2 in December of 1990, MTV picked up the show in June of 1991, and lasted 3 seas...
Angie (1979 - 1980) - Poor waitress Angie Falco (Donna Pescow), working at the Liberty Diner had been secretly slipping Brad Benson pastries, thinking he was also poor. She soon learns, however, that he is actually a pediatrician from the medical building across the street from the diner and a member of one of Philadelph...
Unico (1981 - 1985) - Unico the Unicorn has the amazing power to make anyone he meets happy. Whether it`s because of his personality or the powers of his horn, no one knows. However, the gods become jealous of Unico, thinking that only gods should be able to decide or let people be happy or not. Unico is banished to the...
Space Giants (1966 - 1967) - SPACE GIANTS was a Japanese import that was shown on WTBS in the 1960's and early 1980's. It was in the same vein as GODZILLA except way, way, more campy. (ie. there is a scene where two Japs are having a conversation in a room and one guy comments that he thinks the room is bugged, then there is an...
The New Shmoo (1979 - 1980) - Al Capp's Lil Abner Comics from the late 1940s about the lovable shape shifting white seal-looking Shmoo. In this series, he is accompanied by three teenagers: Mickey, the logical thinker and somewhat leader of the group; Nina, the beauty of the group; and Billy Joe, the big, soft-hearted yet gulla...
Harry and the Henderson's (1991 - 1993) - Returning from a hunting trip in the forest, the Henderson family's car hits an animal in the road. At first they fear it was a man, but when they examine the "body" they find it's a "bigfoot". They think it's dead so they decide to take it home (there could be some money in this..). As you guessed,...
The Man Show (1999 - 2003) - A show about two guys that explore what men like, think, and do.
The White Shadow (1978 - 1981) - When a professional athlete busts his knee, there are a few vocational routes to take. There's sports commentary, the autobiography business, personal appearances at used car lot grand openings, and the lecture circuitall careers that A.E. Housman may have been thinking of when he wrote his poem "T...
The Invisible Man (1975 - 1976) - Dr. Daniel Westin was a brilliant scientist working for an American thinktank who discovered a method to turn objects invisible. Not wanting his notes to fall into the wrong hands (including those of the U.S. Government), he destroyed all evidence of his discovery, and turned himself invisible to te...
The Pretender (1996 - 2012) - Jarod is a Pretender - a genius whose exceptional intelligence allows him to assume various identities at will. Taken from his parents at an early age, Jarod was brought up in the Centre, a think-tank facility where he believed his computer-like mind was being used to benefit mankind. But when he...
Run Joe, Run (1974 - 1976) - Joe, a Vietnam Veteran German Shepard, is accused of a crime he did not commit. For three tv seasons, Joe is on the lamb, er, RUN, because he thinks he did something wrong, or perhaps knows that he's innocent, but thinks The Man is out to get him.
Remington Steele (1982 - 1987) - Private investagator Laura Holt was once ignored by all, because they think a lady P.I. is nothing but too femine. So she decides to create a fictional detective named Remington Steele, and that obviously worked because since then people come into her office asking her to solve cases. But then one...
Two and a Half Men (2003 - 2013) - Take a house, put in 2 guys in that are brothers and a gamer of a kid and you've got one great show called Two and a Half Men. It is a typical day 4 Charlie Harper (Charlie Sheen) who thinks that his life couldn't get any better. That is until his brother Alan (Jon Cryer) and his son Jake (Angus T....
Think Fast! (1989 - 1991) - Host Michael Carrington in 1989-1990
So You Think You Can Dance? (2005 - 2013) - Based on American Idol the show runs in the same format but is based on dance instead of singing.
What a Dummy (1990 - 1991) - Ed Branningan's great uncle dies and leaves a trunk full of props from the days when Uncle Jackie was a ventriloquist. Buzz, Jackie's dummy, has been locked in the trunk for 50-years; Buzz can also think and talk and goes about giving everyone in the house advice. Ed's family, which lives in Secaucu...
Sword Art Online II (2014 - 2014) - One year after the SAO incident was resolved, Kazuto Kirigaya is adjusting to a normal life once again as best he can. He thinks all that death is finally behind him, until he is approached with some startling information. In the wildly popular pro shooter MMO Gun Gale Online, an ominous player has...
A Dark Rabbit has Seven Lives (2011 - 2011) - Taito has been really sleepy lately, and keeps dreaming of a female vampire who says she has given him her "poison." Sometimes he even thinks he hears her voice when he's awake. But after surviving an accident that should have killed him, Taito's world changes drastically and he realizes that his dr...
My Friend Rabbit (2007 - 2008) - My Friend Rabbit is a show about friendship, particularly the friendship between Mouse and Rabbit. These two buddies and their friends don't think about the past or the future too much, but focus most of their boundless energy on enjoying the moment.
Mopatop's Shop (1999 - 2003) - "Mopatop's Shop" was a UK television series by Jim Henson Productions. The show features a large green Muppet named Mopatop and his red duck-like assistant Puppyduck, who run a shop where you can buy anything you could ever think or dream of.
Klonoa phantomile adventures (2014 - 2019) - A Anime tv series base on the psx game by namco bandai,Did you guys think Rango Lango was the easiest boss to fight against on Klonoa: Door to Phantomile which Joker made it oddly mention where his weak point was right before the fight even started right?The game is set in Phantomile, a land fueled...
Deltora Quest (2007 - 2008) - a Japanese anime series based on the series of children's books of the same name, written by Australian author Emily Rodda. It was announced by Rodda herself at Sydney's Book Council of Australia Conference and at an ABC Kids convention. The series was produced by Genco and SKY Perfect Well Think. T...
Ushio & Tora (1992 - 1993) - Ushio thinks his fathers tale of an ancient demon is nuts, but when he finds the monster in his own basement, Ushio has to take another look at the family legend.
Osomatsu-kun (1988) (1988 - 1989) - Meet the Osomatsu boyssextuplets who look, speak, dress and talk like the same. They only add to the hyper eccentric residents of the town who easily break any boundaries defined by common sense. Check your logical thinking and reason at the door and immerse yourself in everyday lives of unique cha...
Star Ocean EX (2001 - 2001) - Claude C. Kenni, a crewmember on the spaceship Calnus and son of the commander of the ship, is transported to Expel, a backwards planet with swords and magic. He teams up with Rena Lanford, who thinks he is the legendary Warrior of Light, and other characters to investigate the Sorcery Globe, a mete...
Mamotte! Lollipop (2006 - 2009) - The story revolves around female protagonist Nina Yamada, a seventh grader who accidentally swallows the Crystal Pearl thinking it was candy. The pearl is the goal of a sorcery examination where the students must retrieve it to pass. But since Nina has swallowed the pearl, she is now the target. For...
The Lion King(1994) - A Lion cub crown prince is tricked by a treacherous uncle into thinking he caused his father's death and flees into exile in despair, only to learn in adulthood his identity and his responsibilities.
Space Jam(1996) - Swackhammer is the owner of a decrypt and run-down amusement park in space named Moron Mountain. When the park is in danger of going out of business he sends his minions the Nerdlucks to Earth where they kidnap the Looney Tunes thinking they would be a great new attraction. Bugs Bunny forms a bet wi...
A Christmas Story(1983) - Picture it, Cleveland Ohio in the 1940's. What does every young boy want? You can safely assume it's not a video game system. No, it's a Red Rider BB Gun, the prefered weapon of every wild west imaginary hero. And Ralphie is no different than any other boy. But while his head is in the clouds thinki...
Garbage Pail Kids(1987) - Seven disgusting kids but nevertheless of interesting personality are being made of the green mud coming out of garbage can. Once alive their master gives them rules to obey although they think that life is funnier without following stupid regulations like no television or no candy. Naturally this w...
Return to Oz(1985) - The movie's plot is a combination of L. Frank Baum's novels Ozma of Oz and The Marvelous Land of Oz, written as sequels to the original novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Dorothy (played by Fairuza Balk) cannot stop thinking about the Land of Oz and her friends the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the...
The Brave Little Toaster(1987) - Five household appliances, thinking they've been abandoned by their owners, decide to leave their country home and go on a journey into the city to find them. Along the way, they meet appliances who are existing on the cutting edge of technology.
Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird(1985) - When a pesky social worker thinks Big Bird should be with his own kind (other birds) instead of living on the diverse Sesame Street, she sends him to a foster with a family of Dodos, but he is not happy and runs away. Big Bird begins a long adventure wandering the country. In the mean time, his frie...
The Cable Guy(1996) - If you think Jim Carrey's comedy is an acquired taste, think of The Cable Guy as a potent bottle of bittersweet wine. The film has a lingering aftertaste, but it is just a bit too dark, a bit too extreme to invite another serving. On the other hand, you've got to give Carrey some credit for risking...
National Lampoon's Animal House(1978) - This is one of those movies that works for all the wrong reasons--disgusting, lowbrow, base humor that we are all far too sophisticated to find amusing. So, just don't tell anyone you still think it's a riot to watch John Belushi as the brutish Bluto slurp Jell-O or terrorize his less-aggressive fel...
The Matrix(1999) - In the distant future, a computer hacker named Neo discovers that what we think is reality is actually a computerized image planted in our minds. The real world is run by machines that use human bodies as batteries, and place the human's minds into an alternate reality, a reality knows as The Matrix...
The Stupids(1996) - This film is based on The Stupids series of children's books by Harry Allard and James Marshall, which are about a family that takes things very, very literally. In this film, the Stupids attempt to discover what happens to the garbage that disappears from their lawn every week (they think it has be...
The Amityville Horror(1979) - The Lutz Family moves into a house on the coast of long island, thinking that it is their dream home. They quickly realize that all is not as it seems. A room full of flies, priests and nuns are driven away from the house in fits of sickness, and a secret room that seems to be a gate to hell are j...
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master(1988) - I like to think of this movie as the second hour and a half of "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3. Aside from some new actors and actresses, the sequel is outwardly similar to its predecessor: in story and cinematography. Although Freddy is dead and buried in the waking world, hes still very much ali...
Troop Beverly Hills(1989) - A mom from Beverly Hills gets a divorce and loses her job (I Think) she's at the house bored with nothing to do. Her daughter played by Jenny Lewis (Rilo Kiley) is in girl scouts and her mom decides to mentor the group her daughters in. All the kids are from Beverly Hills.
Over The Top(1987) - Lincoln Hawk is a struggling trucker who's trying to rebuild his life. After the death of his ex-wife, he tries to make amends with his son who he left behind years earlier. Upon their first meeting, his son doesn't think too highly of him until he enters the nation-wide arm wrestling competition in...
I Know What You Did Last Summer(1997) - Adaptation of Lois Duncan's thriller about four teenagers trying to cover up a hit-and-run. Julie, a high school senior who goes trip with her friends and accidently hits a fisherman. They think he is dead and dump him into the waters. But later they get a strange letter that says "I know what you d...
What About Bob(1991) - Bob Wiley is a man who can hardly leave his house without his lips going numb from fear. Dr. Leo Marvin is the egotistical psychiatrist who has the misfortune of getting Bob pawned off on him by a fellow doctor. What Dr. Marvin thinks is just another aspect of his life that can be meticulously con...
Horton Hears a Who!(1970) - In this story, Horton discovers there is a microscopic community of intelligent beings called the Whos living on a plant that only he can hear. Recognizing the dangers they face, he resolves to keep them safe. However, the other animals around him think Horton has gone crazy thinking that there are...
Angus(1995) - Angus is a large, pathetic 14 year old whose thoughts are most often filled with the image of one Melissa Lefevre. Angus is shy and thinks that he has no chance of ever 'getting' her. Being especially uncool, he is incredibly surprised (along with the rest of the school) that he is chosen to dance w...
Godzilla vs Hedorah(1971) - One of the worst Godzilla films in the series. The King of the Monsters versus a beast spawned from pollution by the name of Hedorah. I don't know about you I think the writers were on acid or LSD when it comes to making a film like this. This disgraceful monster movie features musical numbers (e.g...
True Romance(1993) - It was directed with energetic skill by Top Gun Tony Scott, but this breathtaking 1993 thriller (think of it as an adolescent crime fantasy on steroids) has Quentin Tarantino written all over it. True Romance is really part of a loose trilogy that includes Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, with a cra...
Fatal Attraction(1987) - Dan Gallagher (Michael Douglas), a married book industry man, has a one-night stand with another literary woman named Alex Forrest (Glenn Close). While Dan thinks nothing of it, Alex wants more...And she'll stop at nothing to get it.
Sybil(1976) - A young woman suffers from multiple personality disorder, making her think she is 13 different people, brought on by years of child aduse finds help in a kindly doctor, who helps her find happiness and herself.
Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore(1983) - Eeyore, the melancholy donkey, thinks everyone in the Hundred Acre Wood has forgotten his birthday. When Winnie the Pooh and his friends realize their oversight, they prepare a huge celebration with chocolate cake and a birthda
True Lies(1994) - Harry Tasker live a double life counter terrorism task force called The Omega Sector. He hides his life from his family including his wife Helen however Helen begins hiding something from him. Harry thinks Helen is having an affair but it turns out she just wants some excitement in her life. Harry i...
Urban Cowboy(1980) - Bud Davis is just small country boy from Spur. He moves to the big city and gets a job in an oil refinery with his uncle and at night spends his time in Gilley's Nightclub. There, he meets a pretty little two-stepping filly named Sissy who thinks that Bud is a "real cowboy". After a brief courtship,...
Mio In the Land of Faraway(1988) - Well it's been a while since I've seen this one but I'll try and explain the best I can. Here Goes. There's a boy who lives in England ,I think, with his aunt and uncle. They don't appreciate him and the neglect and verbal put downs they bestowe upon him is borderline abuse. Anyway I think he runs a...
Magic in the Water(1995) - Jack Black, a radio talk doctor and divorced father, takes his kids Joshua and Ashley on a trip to a lake in British Columbia. As he spends his vacation working, the kids learn that the locals believe a mythical lake monster named Orcy lives in the water. Joshua like many others thinks it's just a...
PCU(1994) - Is it possible to be politically correct and unified? Find out in this satire set on a fictional eastern university. Port Chester University espouses pc thinking. From the Womynists to the Republicans, everyone there is involved in a cause; many of them are militant. So involved are they, that there...
Joe Versus the Volcano(1990) - Academy Award-winning screenwriter John Patrick Shanley's first foray into the director's chair is a quirky romantic fantasy, featuring Bo Welch's signature production design. Tom Hanks plays Joe Banks, a man who hates his job, thinks the overhead fluorescent lights are making him sick, and quakes a...
To Grandmother's House We go(1992) - Two little girls (played by the olsen twins) hear thier mom telling her friend about how much trouble it is to be a single mom raising two little girls, its near christmas time and they figure the best thing to do would be to go have christmas with their grandma.So they run away thinking they are he...
Freaky Friday(1976) - A harried mother thinks her 13-year-old daughter's life is a bed of roses. The daughter is similarily envious of her mother. Each wishes she could trade places with the other, and miraculously, one freaky Friday they exchange bodies. While Mom is experiencing the hilarious horrors of junior high sch...
Bowfinger(1999) - Aspiring film director Bobby Bowfinger (Steve Martin) has a script that he thinks will make him a success. It's a sci-fi movie written by his accountant. The title is "Chubby Rain", and if Bobby can get major star Kit Ramsey (Eddie Murphy) for his movie, then producer Jerry Renfro (Robert Downey Jr....
Cannon Movie Tales: Puss In Boots(1988) - A cat belonging to a poor miller's son thinks up a great plan for bringing a title, wealth, and marriage for his owner. He begins to carry it out, using a few birds and rabbits as gifts for the king, his own wit, and a pair of boots that make him appear human when he puts them on. However, his owner...
Patch Adams(1998) - Meet Patch Adams, a doctor who doesn't look, act or think like any doctor you've met before. For Patch, humor is the best medicine, and he's willing to do just anything to make his patients laugh - even if it means risking his own career.
Vibes(1988) - Psychics Sylvia Pickel (Cyndi Lauper) and Nick Deezy (Jeff Goldblum) are hired by a man named Harry Buscafusco (Peter Falk) to find his son...or so they think. They're actually being sent on a journey to find a mysterious pyramid with a resource that's important to many people.
Back To School(1986) - Thornton Melon (Rodney Dangerfield) achieved great success without ever going to college. When his son Jason (Keith Gordon) thinks about dropping out, Thornton helps him out in an unusual manner...By going to college himself. Along the way, Thornton falls in love with one of the members of the schoo...
Yor, the Hunter from the Future(1983) - Yor, a brave and powerful warrior, is on a quest to discover his origins. He wears a medallion that he thinks might be the answer and finds out there is desert goddess who also shares the same medallion. Along the way he battles ape men, dinosaurs and a technological advanc
Spaced Invaders(1990) - A crew of Martians overhears a radio broadcast of Orson Welle's _War of the Worlds_ coming from Earth, and, thinking the Martian fleet is attacking Earth, they land their broken-down ship in a backwater mid-American town. As luck would have it, they land on Halloween and get mistaken for trick-or-tr...
Good Morning, Vietnam(1987) - A new Disc Jockey is shipped from Crete to Vietnam to bring humor to Armed Forces Radio. He turns the studio on it's ear and becomes wildly popular with the troops but runs afoul of the middle management who think he isn't G.I. enough. While he is off the air, he tries to meet Vietnamese especially...
Fled(1996) - Though serving a prison sentence for using his computer to embezzle from an international corporation, Dodge (Stephen Baldwin) still thinks of himself as an ordinary criminal. His fellow convict, Piper (Lawrence Fishburne), whose basic decency leads him to protect Dodge from an assault by another pr...
Mad Love(1995) - A lonely teenager thinks that he's found love, but it turns out to be more than he bargained for. Matt Leland (Chris O'Donnell) is an intelligent but awkward high school student who is in the market for a girlfriend but not having much luck finding one. One night, while looking at the stars through...
Dish Dogs(2000) - Fast-talking, fast-thinking, fast-living oh to be a career dishwasher, without a care in the world other than getting the grime and grease off other peoples' dinner plates. Morgan (Sean Astin) and Jason (Matthew Lillard) have found the Zen in their chosen profession as itinerant dishwashers, scru...
They Still Call Me Bruce(1987) - Bruce Won arrives in America in search of an American G.I. who saved his life in the Korean War. He meets an orphan boy and together they land themselves in a string of outrageous situations. This high-strung farce culminates when a case of mistaken identity leads a gang of thugs to think Bruce is a...
The Man Who Knew Too Little(1997) - An American gets a ticket for an audience participation game in London, then gets involved in a case of mistaken identity. As an international plot unravels around him, he thinks it's all part of the act.
: The Final Insult(1994) - Based on the short-lived primetime series "Police Squad!", the danger never ends for Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen). After many years on the force, he's finally retired Or so he thinks. A trio of terrorists have set their sights on the Oscars, and now Frank has to infiltrate them. On top of that, h...
Heavenly Creatures(1994) - Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme are two schoolgirls and best friends who during 1953 and 1954, share a love for literature, music and a fantasy land that they share thinking that no one could understand real beauty. But, when they stray further away their respected families and other around them, Ju...
Having Babies II(1977) - The second installment of the made for TV trilogy focuses on obstertician Julie Farr and her expectant patients as the effects of parenthood brings them out in different ways. Among them, are Trish, who is faced with an unplanned pregnancy and thinks that she looks and feels unloved by her busy hus...
Aspen Extreme(1993) - T.J. and his friend Dexter quit their jobs in Detroit to become ski-instructors in Aspen. While T.J. advances to the most popular instructor of the school during the season, he has to take care for Dexter, who's future is less bright and who's eventually thinking about jobbing as drug courier - brin...
Screwballs(1983) - Taft & Adams High School (or T&A High, for short) is your typical high school in the way that everybody is thinking about sex. The object of 5 young men's desires is named Purity Busch (Linda Speciale). Even though she got them in trouble, they lust after her anyway, and try to get her naked as payb...
Johnny Got His Gun(1971) - A solider named Joe Bonham is hit by a artillery shell on the last day of WWI and is whiped out of his senses except to think and feel and has his arms and legs cut off from the injuries and must decide whether to remain bed ridden for the rest of his life,or decide to pull the plug on his own life....
Call Me(1988) - A journalist named Anna (Patricia Charbonneau) receives an obscene phone call one day. Thinking it's coming from her boyfriend, it's actually from a stranger who awakens an eroticism in her that ends up having a deadly imprint on her life.
Micki + Maude(1984) - TV journalist Rob Salinger has been married to assistant district attorney Micki for seven years. He wants children, but she doesn't thinking it will put a damper in her career and more after being appointed to be a judge in the Superior Court. Then Rob meets Maude, a beautiful and seductive cello p...
The Thing from Another World(1951) - A U.S. Air Force re-supply crew, lead by commanding officer Captain Patrick Hendry, is requested to come to a research station (in Alaska) by Dr. Carrington (the head of a group of scientists working at a remote research base in the Arctic) after they think they have found unknown aircraft has crash...
Bright Lights, Big City(1988) - Writer Jamie Conway (Michael J. Fox) seeks escape from family and romantic problems through the decadence of the late-80s New York club scene. His relationship with model Amanda (Phoebe Cates) is fucked up beyond all repair and he frequently thinks about his dead mother. Eventually Jamie must make a...
The Accidental Tourist(1988) - After the death of his son, Macon Leary, a travel writer, seems to be sleep walking through life. Macon's wife, seems to be having trouble too, and thinks it would be best if the two would just split up. After the break up, Macon meets a strange outgoing woman, who seems to bring him back down to ea...
The Grifters(1990) - Based on the pulp novel by Jim Thompson, this neo-noir film tells the story of Lilly Dillon, a long-time female con artist who begins to rethink her life when her son Roy, also a grifter, suffers an almost-fatal injury when he is beaten after a failed scam.
Frosty Returns(1992) - The sequel to the original Frosty the Snowman, the story is about a little girl named Holly DeCarlo, who meets a talking snowman named Frosty in the park. And all the people in Beansboro think snow is such a pain in the neck, especially the evil power-hungry tycoon named Mr. Twitchell, who trys to m...
Conspiracy Theory(1997) - Jerry Fletcher (Mel Gibson) is a taxi driver who thinks that the world is filled with lies...That nothing is what it seems. He publishes these thoughts in a newsletter he sends out once in a while. After being tortured with his eyes typed open with flashing strobe lights, and a giant shot put in his...
Not Quite Human II(1989) - Android Chip Carson is back, still fooling people into thinking that he's a real boy. In this installment, he heads off to college, where he meets and falls in love with a female android (Katie Barberi, THE GARBAGE PAIL KID
Roadie(1980) - Meat Loaf, in his first leading part as film actor, plays our hero, Travis W. Redfish, a vigorous, hell-raising, beer truck-driving Texan, whose musical knowledge (at least at the outset) is very limited -- for example, he thinks Alice Cooper is one of "Charlie's Angels." But it's his main skill --...
The Portrait of a Lady(1996) - Isabel Archer, an American heiress and free thinker travels to Europe to find herself. She tactfully rebuffs the advances of Caspar Goodwood, another American who has followed her to England. Her cousin, Ralph Touchett, wise but sickly becomes a soulmate of sorts for her. She makes an unfortunate al...
Swimming with Sharks(1994) - For young Guy, he thinks that his new job is a dream...but soon finds out that it is nothing more than a nightmare for he is working for the boss from Hell. Many people want the covenant position of being Buddy Ackerman's personal assistant at Keystone Pictures (many find it a start to bigger and be...
Tiny toon spring break special(1994) - The tiny toons gang go on a field trip on spring break. Plucky falls in love and elymire thinks busters the easte
Higher Learning(1995) - This drama examines the personal, political, and racial dilemmas facing a group of college freshmen as they begin their first semester at Columbus University. Malik (Omar Epps) is an African-American student attending on a track scholarship; academics are not his strong suit, and he goes in thinking...
Whiteboyz(1999) - What do you do if you're a white guy in a white town who happens to love black music? Flip (Danny Hoch) is a middle-class kid from the Iowa corn belt, but he doesn't think of himself as just another guy from farm country. Flip loves hip-hop, and he longs to be respected as a hard-core rapper. But a...
Dot and the Bunny(1984) - Dot is a spunky red headed little girl who goes out searching for a lost baby kangaroo named Joey. On her way she meets a bunny who tries to convince her that he is the kangaroo. Dot thinks he is really silly and desides to name him Funny Bunny. They deside to search for joey together.
Hanky Panky(1982) - An architect accidentally gets caught up in a web of intrigue and murder when he ends up on the run on false murder charges. Kate is a woman out to find her brother's killer. The two team up, but not before first thinking each other are the bad guys. The duo end up on a wild cross-country ride from...
Buster(1988) - Buster Edwards is a small time crook who pulls a big time job. When he finds that the police will not let the case drop, he goes into hiding and can't contact his wife and child. He arranges to meet them in Mexico where he thinks they can begin again, but finds that he must choose between his family...
A Cosmic Christmas(1977) - Classic Nelvana special from the late 1970s about three Magi-looking aliens who discover the true meaning of Christmas. Think A Charlie Brown Christmas meets E.T.
Bewitched(2005) - Thinking he can overshadow an unknown actress in the part, an egocentric actor unknowingly gets a witch cast in an upcoming television remake of the classic sitcom Bewitched.
Martin(1977) - A young man(John Amplas)who thinks he is a vampire goes to live with his old,and superstitious, grand uncle.
Memories of Murder(1990) - A woman who had been suffering from amnesia suddenly gets her memory back. However, she finds that she's now married to a man who she doesn't think she really loves, and she keeps having visions of a young woman who she believes is out to kill her--but she can't get anyone to listen.
Escaflowne: The Movie(2000) - Hitomi Kanzaki is in a very depressed mood. She only wants to sleep and fade away. Her misery summons Lord Folken who sends her to Gaea. The people of Gaea think she is the Wing Goddess, who can call upon the legendary Dragon Armor called Escaflowne. On Gaea, King Van, the sole survior of the White...
Aquamarine(2006) - Two teenagers think they have problems until they come to the rescue of a girl with a fishy story to tell in this teen-oriented comedy. Thirteen-year-old Claire and same-aged Hailey are two close friends living in Tampa, Florida, who are facing a separation in a few weeks -- Claire's mother is a mar...
Love At Large(1990) - A down and out private detective is asked by a beautiful woman to follow her lover because she thinks he may be planning to kill her. Due to her poor description she's in danger. He ends up following the wrong man, but discovers the wrong man has some sleazy secrets himself. Meanwhile another detect...
Survival Quest(1988) - A bunch of city slickers from different backgrounds go into the wild mountains to be one with nature, but basically to have a good time. However, a paramilitary group has chosen the same time to go camping. When one of the soldiers thinks their boss has been killed by one of the city slickers, he co...
Fangs of the Living Dead(1969) - The vampire lord (Julian Ugarte) of an Italian castle tries to make his niece (Anita Ekberg) think she is a witch.
Mind Game(2004) - Nishi has always loved Myon since they were little. And now as adults, he wants to pursue his dream of becoming a manga artist and marrying his childhood sweetheart. There's one problem, though. She's already been proposed to and she thinks Nishi is too much of a wimp. But upon meeting the fianc wh...
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie(2017) - George Beard and Harold Hutchins are two overly imaginative pranksters who spend hours in a treehouse creating comic books. When their mean principal threatens to separate them into different classes, the mischievous boys accidentally hypnotize him into thinking that he's a ridiculously enthusiastic...
What Women Want(2000) - After an accident, a chauvinistic executive gains the ability to hear what women are really thinking.
Broadway Melody Of 1940(1940) - Johnny Brett and King Shaw are an unsuccessful dance team in New York. A producer discovers Brett as the new partner for Clare Bennett, but Brett, who thinks he is one of the people they lent money to gives him the name of his partner.
Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown(1975) - Linus has grown very fond of his teacher Mrs. Othmar. To prove his point, he buys her a heart-shaped box of chocolates, despite Violet's warning that falling in love with a teacher is not a smart idea. He also has to deal with Sally thinking the box is for her. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown, upset that h...
Short Time(1990) - A cop(Dabney Coleman),thinking he is dying,tries to get killed in the line of duty to collect on an insurance police.
Little Annie Rooney(1925) - A tough slum girl faces a crisis of the heart when the boy she loves is accused of shooting her cop father. Her brother stalks the accused slayer and finally shoots him down in the street. Mary rushes to the hospital and offers her blood for a life-saving transfusion, even though she thinks she'll d...
Bloodsucking Freaks(1976) - Sardu runs the theatre of the macabre. Sardu is into S&M. Sardu likes to kill people in public and make them think it's fake.
American Dreamer(1984) - A housewife named Cathy Palmer (JoBeth Williams) escapes the drudgery of her everyday life by reading books about an adventurer named Rebecca Ryan. Palmer enters a Rebecca Ryan story-writing contest, and when she wins, she's off to Paris to accept her honor. One accident later, Palmer thinks she's R...
Short Time(1990) - Dabney Coleman,Teri Garr,Matt Frewer,and Barry Corbin,star in hilarious action comedy,about a cop(Coleman),who is nearing retirement,only to find out,he's dying of a rare disease(or so he thinks).Burt Simpson(Coleman)is looking forward to retirement,but then finds out he's dying,thanks to a slip up...
Leave it to Beaver(1997) - Beaver gets his heart set on a bicycle in the store window, but does not think his parents will shell out that money for it. Eddie Haskell tells him that if he sucks up to his father, by signing up for football, he will be sure to get the bike on his upcoming birthday. Beaver enrolls on the football...
All About Steve(2009) - Meet Mary. An eccentric crossword puzzle creator for the Sacramento Chronicle who gets fixed up (by her parents) on a blind date with news network cameraman Steve whose quickly put off by her constant verbiage and over-the-top advances. Over the moon and thinking he is the man for her, Mary writes a...
Future Force(1989) - In the future, a cop protects a reporter from an organization of crooked, renegade cops who thinks she knows too much about them.
Planet 51(2009) - American astronaut Captain Charles "Chuck" Baker lands on Planet 51 thinking he's the first person to step foot on it. To his surprise, he finds that this planet is inhabited by little green people who are happily living in a white picket fence world, and whose only fear is that it will be overrun b...
Bullets Or Ballots(1936) - After Police Captain Dan McLaren becomes police commissioner former detective Johnny Blake knocks him down convincing rackets boss Al Kruger that Blake is sincere in his effort to join the mob. "Buggs" Fenner thinks Blake is a police agent.
The Bad Seed(1956) - A mother named Christine Penmark lives with her husband (currently away on military duty) and their daughter, Rhoda. Rhoda is a well, proper and sweetheart, Later it turns out a young boy has drowned at Rhona's school, Christine start to unravel that Rhoda may not be the good girl everyone think she...
Galaxina(1980) - The crew of an interstellar police ship is sent to recover a mysterious crystal, the Blue Star. The ship's female android and a crew member fall in love. Alien is spoofed as as the captain gives birth to an alien who grows up on the ship thinking the captain is its' mother.
Possession(2008) - A woman's life is thrown into chaos after a freak car accident sends her husband and brother-in-law into comas. Thrills arrive after the brother-in-law wakes up, thinking he's his brother.
My Boss's Daughter(2003) - When a young man agrees to housesit for his boss, he thinks it'll be the perfect opportunity to get close to the woman he desperately has a crush on - his boss's daughter. But he doesn't plan on the long line of other houseguests that try to keep him from his mission. And he also has to deal with th...
Sex and the City(2008) - Based on the HBO TV series of the same name. Carrie walks through the streets of New York City thinking about events that have happened to her and her friends during Sex and the City. Charlotte is now living a happy marriage with Harry Goldenblatt, but she had a hard time getting pregnant, so they a...
The Magic Roundabout(2005) - A British animated film based on the TV series of the same name. The film begins with a shaggy, candy-loving dog named Dougal trying to get sweets from a candy cart. He goes so far as to place a tack in the road to pop its tire, thinking to be rewarded for watching the cart. After convincing the dri...
Shrieker(1998) - Clark, a young Mathematics major at University, thinks she's found the best deal for student housing: a group of squatters who live in an abandoned hospital secretly. The quirky residents let her into their community provided she follow the rules, including not telling anyone about her living arrang...
Rio 2(2014) - Blu and Jewel have three kids and while Jewel tries to teach the children to live off the land, Blu lives like he did in America. Linda and Tulio who are now married go to the Amazon to bring a bird they nursed back to health to its natural habitat. While there, they think other birds like Jewel and...
I Think I Do(1997) - A screwball comedy about a gay couple at a straight couple's wedding. Relationships shift within a group of longtime friends reunited for a classmate's wedding five years after college.
Tweety's High-Flying Adventure(2000) - After Colonel Rimfire says he thinks cats are the world's most intelligent animal, Granny goes to prove him wrong by sending Tweety around he world, where he has 80 days to collect 80 paw prints and 80 stamps from each country he visits. Meanwhile, Sylvester just as determined to eat that bird tags...
Paranormal Activity 2(2010) - After experiencing what they think are a series of "break-ins", a family sets up security cameras around their home, only to realize that the events unfolding before them are more sinister than they seem.
Miss Firecracker(1989) - Carnelle isn't happy with her life, so in order to improve herself she enters a local beauty contest, trying to emulate her cousin Elain's win many years ago. Few think she can win, even her closest friends and relatives (e.g. slightly mad cousin Delmount) think she's heading for a big disappointmen...
The Shaggy Dog(1959) - Wilby Daniels is constantly misunderstood by his father, Wilson. Wilson thinks Wilby is crazy half the time because of his elder son's often dangerous inventions. As a retired mailman who often ran afoul of canines, he has a hatred of dogs, and he can't understand why his younger son, Montgomery "Mo...
Son of Flubber(1963) - Professor Ned Brainard's discovery of Flubber has not quite brought him or his college the riches he thought. The Pentagon has declared his discovery to be top secret and the IRS has slapped him with a huge tax bill, even if he has yet to receive a cent. He thinks he may have found the solution in t...
The Bank(2001) - A monstrous banker takes on an econometrist as the latter has thought up a computer system that can predict the rises and falls of the stock market and thinks that they will greatly profit from it, unaware that the latter has revenge in mind for an event from his childhood which he blames on the ban...
Mona Lisa Smile(2003) - A free-thinking art professor teaches conservative 50's Wellesley girls to question their traditional societal roles.
50 First Dates(2004) - Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment up until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams, until he discovers she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the very next day.
Crosstalk(1982) - A man investigates a suspected murder after finding what he thinks is evidence on his advanced computer of a husband murdering his wife.
Gotham(1988) - Eddie is a private detective. When a client asks him to help persuade his ex-wife to leave him alone, Eddie says yes. Nothing strange about that ?, well 'ex' refers to the fact that she died 10 years ago. Eddie thinks this will be an 'easy money' case, but soon falls for the beautiful woman who insi...
The Nest(1988) - North Port is starting to have a bug problem. Sheriff Richard Tarbell starts to notice thinking its a simple infestation however big problems ariase as pets and people start ending up dead. It turns out a the mayor has allowed INTEC to conduct experiments making a species of roach insect repellents...
I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown(2003) - After unfair treatment by his older siblings Linus and Lucy and getting in trouble at school, Rerun thinks that having a pet dog will cheer him up. He writes a letter to Santa Claus asking for a dog, but is later discouraged by the expensive costs of owning a pet and his mother's objections. Watchin...
Santa Buddies(2009) - Puppy Paws, the puppy of Santa's dog Santa Paws has made a wish for Christmas to go away after thinking that Christmas Spirit is a dying premise. Running away he teams up with Budderball, a hyper and fun-loving puppy, who run into the Buddies. The Buddies must show them that Christmas is a holiday t...
Unfriended(2015) - One night, while teenagers Blaire, Mitch, Jess, Adam Ken and Val take part in an online group chat session, they are suddenly joined by a user known only as "Billie227." Thinking it's just a technical glitch, the friends carry on their conversation... until Blaire begins receiving messages from some...
The Girl In The Picture(1985) - Alan and Mary are pretty miserable together and split up. As a very presentable Glaswegian photographer, Alan soon has chances to find consolation elsewhere, but more and more thinks of Mary. She however seems a lot less keen to try again.
Fred 2: Night of the Living Fred(2011) - In the seuqel to the original film, Fred thinks that his new music teacher Mr. Devlin may be a vampire, and he sets out to prove it to the world! After seeing some of Mr. Devlin's weird habits and getting them one video, he proves to the school that Mr. Devlin MAY actually be a vampire. However afte... -- Music
3 Idiots (2009) ::: 8.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 50min | Comedy, Drama | 25 December 2009 (India) -- Two friends are searching for their long lost companion. They revisit their college days and recall the memories of their friend who inspired them to think differently, even as the rest of the world called them "idiots". Director: Rajkumar Hirani Writers:
50 First Dates (2004) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 13 February 2004 (USA) -- Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams until discovering she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the next day. Director: Peter Segal Writer:
About Time (2013) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 8 November 2013 (USA) -- At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think. Director: Richard Curtis Writer:
Adam Ruins Everything ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Comedy, History | TV Series (2015 ) -- Iconoclastic Adam Conover from CollegeHumor turns life as we know it on its ear by showing us how unnecessary, and sometimes horrible, things we think we know to be real and true really are. Stars:
Angel of Mine (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 30 August 2019 (USA) -- A woman grieving over the death of her daughter loses grip of reality when she begins to think her girl may still be alive. Director: Kim Farrant Writers: Luke Davies (screenplay by), David Regal (screenplay by) | 2 more
Animal Kingdom (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Crime, Drama | 3 June 2010 (Australia) -- A seventeen-year-old navigates his survival amongst an explosive criminal family and the detective who thinks he can save him. Director: David Michd Writer: David Michd
A Shock to the System (1990) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 23 March 1990 (USA) -- When you think you're at the top of the corporate ladder and then discover they have managed to pull that ladder away, sometimes you have to take it upon yourself to "level" the playing ... S Director: Jan Egleson Writers:
At Close Range (1986) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Crime, Drama | 18 April 1986 (USA) -- Reunited with his career criminal father, tough teen Brad thinks he's found his ticket to an exciting life of crime, only to find out he's wrong. Director: James Foley Writers:
Ba ma (1999) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Drama | 30 April 1999 (USA) -- An American in Ho Chi Minh City looks for a daughter he fathered during the war. He meets Woody, a child who's a street vendor, and when Woody's case of wares disappears, he thinks the ... S Director: Tony Bui Writers: Timothy Linh Bui (story), Tony Bui (story) | 1 more credit Stars:
Butterflies Are Free (1972) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Comedy, Drama, Music | July 1972 (USA) -- A blind man moves into his own apartment against the wishes of his overprotective mother and befriends the freethinking young woman next door. Director: Milton Katselas Writers:
Capricorn One (1977) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 2h 3min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 2 June 1978 (USA) -- When the first manned flight to Mars is deemed unsafe and scrubbed on the launch pad, anxious authorities must scramble to save face and retain their funding - and so an unthinkable plot to fake the mission is hatched. Director: Peter Hyams Writer:
Carry On Up the Khyber (1968) ::: 6.8/10 -- Carry On... Up the Khyber (original title) -- Carry On Up the Khyber Poster Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond looks after the British outpost near the Khyber Pass. Protected by the kilted Third Foot and Mouth regiment, you would think they were safe but the Khazi of Kalabar has other ideas. Director: Gerald Thomas Writer: Talbot Rothwell (screenplay)
Chappie (2015) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h | Action, Crime, Drama | 6 March 2015 (USA) -- In the near future, crime is patrolled by a mechanized police force. When one police droid, Chappie, is stolen and given new programming, he becomes the first robot with the ability to think and feel for himself. Director: Neill Blomkamp Writers:
Chivalry of a Failed Knight ::: Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Chivalry of a Failed Knight Poster -- Follow Ikki Kurogane as he defies the odds that everyone thinks he can't do. Ikki is the lowest of the low at his acdemy. While others have magical power and are high ranking. He is the ... S
Christmas in July (1940) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 7min | Comedy, Romance | 25 October 1940 (USA) -- When the co-workers of an ambitious clerk trick him into thinking he has won $25,000 in a slogan contest, he begins to use the money to fulfill his dreams. What will happen when the ruse is discovered? Director: Preston Sturges Writer: Preston Sturges Stars:
Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) ::: 7.1/10 -- M | 1h 40min | Sci-Fi, Thriller | 8 April 1970 (USA) -- Thinking this will prevent war, the US government gives an impenetrable supercomputer total control over launching nuclear missiles. But what the computer does with the power is unimaginable to its creators. Director: Joseph Sargent Writers:
Cutter's Way (1981) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 10 February 1982 (France) -- Richard spots a man dumping a body, and decides to expose the man he thinks is the culprit with his friend Alex Cutter. Director: Ivan Passer Writers: Newton Thornburg (novel), Jeffrey Alan Fiskin (screenplay) Stars:
Don't Think Twice (2016) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama | 22 July 2016 (USA) -- When a member of a popular New York City improv troupe gets a huge break, the rest of the group - all best friends - start to realize that not everyone is going to make it after all. Director: Mike Birbiglia Writer:
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Comedy | 11 June 1986 (USA) -- A high school wise guy is determined to have a day off from school, despite what the Principal thinks of that. Director: John Hughes Writer: John Hughes
Flirting (1991) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama, Romance | 14 November 1992 (USA) -- Two freethinking teenagers - a boy and a girl - confront with authoritarian teachers in their boarding schools. The other students treat this differently. Director: John Duigan Writer:
Friends with Better Lives ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (2014) A comedy centered around six 30-something friends who each think the other has it better. Creator: Dana Klein Stars:
Going My Way (1944) ::: 7.0/10 -- Passed | 2h 6min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 2 October 1944 (Brazil) -- When young Father O'Malley arrives at St. Dominic's, old Father Fitzgibbon doesn't think much of the church's newest member. Director: Leo McCarey Writers: Frank Butler (screenplay), Frank Cavett (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Hard Candy (2005) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Drama, Thriller | 28 April 2006 (USA) -- Hayley's a smart, charming teenage girl. Jeff's a handsome, smooth fashion photographer. An Internet chat, a coffee shop meet-up, an impromptu fashion shoot back at Jeff's place. Jeff thinks it's his lucky night. He's in for a surprise. Director: David Slade Writer:
Hotel Mumbai (2018) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Action, Drama, History | 29 March 2019 (USA) -- The true story of the Taj Hotel terrorist attack in Mumbai. Hotel staff risk their lives to keep everyone safe as people make unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and their families. Director: Anthony Maras Writers:
Hunter Hunter (2020) ::: 6.4/10 -- Unrated | 1h 33min | Horror, Thriller | 18 December 2020 (USA) -- Joseph and his family live in the remote wilderness as fur trappers, but their tranquility is threatened when they think they are being hunted by the return of a rogue wolf, and Joseph leaves them behind to track it. Director: Shawn Linden Writer:
I Can't Think Straight (2008) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 22min | Drama, Romance | 1 November 2008 (USA) -- A young woman engaged to be married finds her life changed forever when she meets her best friend's girlfriend. Director: Shamim Sarif Writers: Shamim Sarif (screenplay), Kelly Moss (screenplay)
I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK (2006) ::: 7.1/10 -- Ssa-i-bo-geu-ji-man-gwen-chan-a (original title) -- Korea) I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK Poster A girl who thinks she is a combat cyborg checks into a mental hospital, where she encounters other psychotics. Eventually, she falls for a man who thinks he can steal people's souls. Director: Chan-wook Park Writers: Seo-kyeong Jeong (as Seo-gyeong Jeong), Chan-wook Park
I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Drama, Thriller | 4 September 2020 (USA) -- Full of misgivings, a young woman travels with her new boyfriend to his parents' secluded farm. Upon arriving, she comes to question everything she thought she knew about him, and herself. Director: Charlie Kaufman Writers:
I Think We're Alone Now (2018) ::: 5.7/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 21 September 2018 (USA) -- The apocalypse proves a blessing in disguise for one lucky recluse -- until a second survivor arrives with the threat of companionship. Director: Reed Morano Writer: Mike Makowsky
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson ::: TV-MA | 16min | Comedy | TV Series (2019 ) -- In this new sketch show, Tim Robinson and guests spend each segment driving someone to the point of needing -- or desperately wanting -- to leave. Stars:
Lola Monts (1955) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 56min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 23 December 1955 -- Lola Monts Poster -- When she is reduced to appearing in a circus, a notorious beauty thinks back on her past loves. Director: Max Ophls (as Max Ophuls) Writers:
M. Butterfly (1993) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Drama, Romance | 1 October 1993 (USA) -- In 1960s China, French diplomat Rene Gallimard falls in love with an opera singer, Song Liling - but Song is not at all who Gallimard thinks. Director: David Cronenberg Writers: David Henry Hwang (play), David Henry Hwang (screenplay) Stars:
Mona Lisa Smile (2003) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Drama | 19 December 2003 (USA) -- A free-thinking art professor teaches conservative 1950s Wellesley girls to question their traditional social roles. Director: Mike Newell Writers: Lawrence Konner, Mark Rosenthal
Monsters, Inc. (2001) ::: 8.1/10 -- G | 1h 32min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 2 November 2001 (USA) -- In order to power the city, monsters have to scare children so that they scream. However, the children are toxic to the monsters, and after a child gets through, 2 monsters realize things may not be what they think. Directors: Pete Docter, David Silverman (co-director) | 1 more credit Writers:
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 34min | Comedy, Romance | 4 June 1948 (USA) -- A man and his wife decide they can afford to have a house in the country built to their specifications. It's a lot more trouble than they think. Director: H.C. Potter Writers:
Othello (1951) ::: 7.6/10 -- The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice (original title) -- Othello Poster The Moorish General Othello is manipulated into thinking that his new wife Desdemona has been carrying on an affair with his Lieutenant Michael Cassio when in reality, it is all part of the scheme of a bitter Ensign named Iago. Director: Orson Welles Writer: William Shakespeare (based on the play by)
Othello (1995) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Drama, Romance | 19 January 1996 (USA) -- The Moorish General Othello is manipulated into thinking that his new wife Desdemona has been carrying on an affair with his Lieutenant Michael Cassio, when in reality, it is all part of the scheme of a bitter Ensign named Iago. Director: Oliver Parker Writers:
People of Earth ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20162017) -- Journalist Ozzie Graham is skeptical when he investigates a support group for oddballs who think they have been abducted by aliens -- yet the more he learns, the more confused, intrigued, and seduced he becomes. Creator:
Priceless (2006) ::: 7.0/10 -- Hors de prix (original title) -- Priceless Poster -- Through a set of wacky circumstances, a young gold digger mistakenly woos a mild-mannered bartender, thinking he's a wealthy suitor. Director: Pierre Salvadori Writers:
Psych ::: TV-PG | 44min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | TV Series (20062014) -- A novice sleuth is hired by the Police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases. Creator:
Q & A (1990) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 27 April 1990 (USA) -- Dirty cop, Mike Brennan thinks he got away with murder. But during a routine Q&A, the righteous assistant DA finds a clue that sets them both on a collision course. Director: Sidney Lumet (as Alan Smithee: television prints) Writers:
Rachel, Rachel (1968) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 41min | Drama, Romance | 26 August 1968 (USA) -- Rachel is a lonely school teacher who lives with her mother. When a man from the big city asks her out, she starts thinking about where she wants her life to go. Director: Paul Newman Writers:
Rhino Season (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- Fasle kargadan (original title) -- Rhino Season Poster Kurdish-Iranian poet Sahel has just been released from a thirty-year prison sentence in Iran. Now the one thing keeping him going is the thought of finding his wife, who thinks him dead for over twenty years. Director: Bahman Ghobadi Writer: Bahman Ghobadi (screenplay)
Ruby Sparks (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 6 September 2012 (Portugal) -- A novelist struggling with writer's block finds romance in a most unusual way: by creating a female character he thinks will love him, then willing her into existence. Directors: Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris Writer:
Smoke Signals (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 29min | Comedy, Drama | 27 November 1998 (Iceland) -- Arnold rescued Thomas from a fire when he was a child. Thomas thinks of Arnold as a hero, while Arnold's son Victor resents his father's alcoholism, violence and abandonment of his family. Director: Chris Eyre Writers:
Sons of the Desert (1933) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 8min | Comedy | 29 December 1933 (USA) -- When Stan and Ollie trick their wives into thinking that they are taking a medicinal cruise while they're actually going to a convention, the wives find out the truth the hard way. Director: William A. Seiter Writer:
Sorry, Wrong Number (1948) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 29min | Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery | 24 September 1948 -- Sorry, Wrong Number Poster -- While on the telephone, an invalid woman overhears what she thinks is a murder plot and attempts to prevent it. Director: Anatole Litvak Writers:
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 21min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | 30 June 1999 (USA) -- When Stan Marsh and his friends go see an R-rated movie, they start cursing and their parents think that Canada is to blame. Director: Trey Parker Writers: Trey Parker (television series South Park), Matt Stone (television
So You Think You Can Dance ::: TV-PG | 1h | Game-Show, Music, Reality-TV | TV Series (2005 ) -- Dancers skilled in everything from ballroom and ballet to salsa, jive, hip-hop and krumping, all compete to be named the best. Dancers must impress the judges with their moves and rigorous ... S Creators:
Spies Like Us (1985) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Adventure, Comedy | 6 December 1985 (USA) -- Two bumbling government employees think they are U.S. spies, only to discover that they are actually decoys for Nuclear War. Director: John Landis Writers: Dan Aykroyd (story), Dave Thomas (story) | 3 more credits
Steven Universe: The Movie (2019) ::: 7.8/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 22min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Movie 2 September -- Steven Universe: The Movie Poster -- Steven thinks his time defending the Earth is over, but when a new threat comes to Beach City, Steven faces his biggest challenge yet. Directors: Rebecca Sugar, Joseph D. Johnston (co-director) | 1 more credit Writers:
Support Your Local Gunfighter (1971) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 1h 31min | Comedy, Romance, Western | 14 May 1971 (UK) -- A con artist arrives in a mining town controlled by two competing companies. Both companies think he's a famous gunfighter and try to hire him to drive the other out of town. Director: Burt Kennedy Writer:
Taking Sides (2001) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Drama, Music, War | 7 March 2002 (Germany) -- After the end of World War II, a famous German conductor is accused of loyalty to the Nazi regime. He argues that art and politics are separate. An investigator thinks otherwise. Director: Istvn Szab Writers: Ronald Harwood (play), Ronald Harwood (screenplay) Stars:
The Browning Version (1994) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama | 12 October 1994 (USA) -- On the verge of forced resignation, a strict old-fashioned teacher rethinks his life. Director: Mike Figgis Writers: Terence Rattigan (play), Ronald Harwood Stars:
The Gay Divorcee (1934) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 47min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 12 October 1934 (USA) -- A woman thinks a flirting man is the co-respondent her lawyer has hired to expedite her divorce. Director: Mark Sandrich Writers: Dwight Taylor (from the book by), Kenneth S. Webb (musical adaptation)
The Grinder ::: TV-PG | 21min | Comedy | TV Series (20152016) -- Television lawyer Dean Sanderson moves back to his small home town after a stint in Hollywood, thinking that his time on TV qualifies him to run his family's law firm. Creators:
The Haunting (1963) ::: 7.5/10 -- G | 1h 52min | Horror | 22 August 1963 (USA) -- Hill House has stood for about 90 years and appears haunted: its inhabitants have always met strange, tragic ends. Now Dr. John Markway has assembled a team of people who he thinks will prove whether or not the house is haunted. Director: Robert Wise Writers:
The Inspector General (1949) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 42min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 31 December 1949 (USA) -- A town's corrupt officials think a fool is actually an investigator in disguise. Director: Henry Koster Writers: Philip Rapp (screenplay), Harry Kurnitz (screenplay) | 1 more credit
The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 3 November 2017 (USA) -- Steven, a charismatic surgeon, is forced to make an unthinkable sacrifice after his life starts to fall apart, when the behavior of a teenage boy he has taken under his wing turns sinister. Director: Yorgos Lanthimos Writers:
The Man Who Never Was (1956) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 43min | Drama, War | 9 May 1956 (France) -- In order to fool the Germans into thinking the Allied invasion of Sicily will take place elsewhere, British Military Intelligence comes up with a cunning ruse. Director: Ronald Neame Writers: Ewen Montagu (book) (as The Hon. Ewen Montagu C.B.E. D.L. Q.C.), Nigel Balchin (screenplay)
The Medusa Touch (1978) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 7 April 1978 (UK) -- Psychological thriller about a telekinetic novelist who causes disasters simply by thinking about them. Director: Jack Gold Writers: John Briley (screenplay), Peter Van Greenaway (novel) Stars:
The Moustache (2005) ::: 6.7/10 -- La moustache (original title) -- The Moustache Poster Marc is sitting in his bath one morning and asks his wife, "how would you feel if I shaved off my mustache?" She doesn't think it's a great idea, for the 15 years they've been married, ... S Director: Emmanuel Carrre Writers: Jrme Beaujour, Emmanuel Carrre (novel) | 1 more credit
The Mummy (1932) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 13min | Fantasy, Horror | 22 December 1932 (USA) -- An Egyptian mummy searches Cairo for the girl he thinks is his long-lost princess. Director: Karl Freund Writers: Nina Wilcox Putnam (from a story by), Richard Schayer (from a story by)
The Ruling Class (1972) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 2h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Musical | 15 September 1972 (USA) -- A member of the House of Lords dies, leaving his estate to his son. Unfortunately, his son thinks he is Jesus Christ. The other, somewhat more respectable, members of their family plot to steal the estate from him. Murder and mayhem ensue. Director: Peter Medak Writers: Peter Barnes (screenplay), Peter Barnes (play)
The Sarah Silverman Program. ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (20072010) Sarah's immature, only thinks of herself and has no inhibition nor work. Her sister Laura pays her rent. She has a gay couple as neighbors. Laura's seeing cop Jay. Creators: Dan Harmon, Rob Schrab, Sarah Silverman Stars:
The Secret: Dare to Dream (2020) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance | 31 July 2020 (USA) -- A feature film adaptation of the self-help book, 'The Secret', which focuses on the power of positive thinking. Director: Andy Tennant Writers: Bekah Brunstetter (screenplay by), Andy Tennant (screenplay by) | 3
The Sense of an Ending (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Drama, Mystery | 10 March 2017 (USA) -- A man becomes haunted by his past and is presented with a mysterious legacy that causes him to re-think his current situation in life. Director: Ritesh Batra Writers: Julian Barnes (novel), Nick Payne (adaptation) | 1 more credit
The Sheik (1921) ::: 6.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 26min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 20 November 1921 (USA) -- A charming Arabian sheik becomes infatuated with an adventurous, modern-thinking Englishwoman and abducts her to his home in the Saharan desert. Director: George Melford Writers: Edith Maude Hull (from the novel by) (as Edith M. Hull), Monte M. Katterjohn (adaptation)
The Ugly Dachshund (1966) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 33min | Comedy, Family | 16 February 1966 (USA) -- The Garrisons live with a Great Dane who thinks he's a dainty dachshund. His identity crisis results in an uproarious series of household crises that reduce the Garrisons' house to shambles. Director: Norman Tokar Writers: Albert Aley (screenplay), G.B. Stern (book) Stars:
Think Like a Man (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 2min | Comedy, Romance | 20 April 2012 (USA) -- Four friends conspire to turn the tables on their women when they discover the ladies have been using Steve Harvey's relationship advice against them. Director: Tim Story Writers:
Trees Lounge (1996) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama | 11 October 1996 (USA) -- Tommy is an unemployed mechanic who spends most of his time in a bar (Trees Lounge) in a small blue collar town. He seems to always be thinking, "If only X then I could stop drinking". Director: Steve Buscemi Writer:
Unsolved Mysteries ::: TV-MA | 45min | Documentary, Crime, Mystery | TV Series (2020 ) -- Immersive, character-driven stories are rooted in the experiences of ordinary people who have lived the unthinkable. Families, detectives and journalists hope viewers hold the clues to solving these mysteries. Stars:
Unthinkable (2010) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 26 May 2010 (Belgium) -- A psychological thriller centered around a black-ops interrogator and an F.B.I. Agent who press a suspect terrorist into divulging the location of three nuclear weapons set to detonate in the U.S. Director: Gregor Jordan Writer:
Walking and Talking (1996) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 17 July 1996 (USA) -- Just as Amelia thinks she's over her anxiety and insecurity, her best friend announces her engagement, bringing her anxiety and insecurity right back. Director: Nicole Holofcener Writer: Nicole Holofcener Stars:
What Women Want (2000) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 15 December 2000 (USA) -- A cocky, chauvinistic advertising executive magically acquires the ability to hear what women are thinking. Director: Nancy Meyers
What Women Want (2000) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 15 December 2000 (USA) -- A cocky, chauvinistic advertising executive magically acquires the ability to hear what women are thinking. Director: Nancy Meyers Writers: Josh Goldsmith (story), Cathy Yuspa (story) | 3 more credits Stars:
Yes Minister ::: TV-PG | 1h | Comedy | TV Series (19801984) -- The Right Honorable James Hacker has landed the plum job of Cabinet Minister to the Department of Administration. At last he is in a position of power and can carry out some long-needed reforms, or so he thinks. Stars:"Conjectures_on_the_common_descent_of_all_living_things"_(Charles_Darwin_as_the_first_anti-psychiatric_thinker)"Conjectures_on_the_common_descent_of_all_living_things"_(Charles_Darwin_as_the_first_anti-psychiatric_thinker_timeline)"Effects_of_brain_size_on_discrimination_learning"_(Charles_Darwin_as_the_first_anti-psychiatric_thinker_timeline)"Effects_of_brain_size_on_discrimination_learning_in_animals_and_the_implications_for_the_theory_of_evolution"_(Charles_Darwin_as_the_first_anti-psychiatric_thinker_timeline)"Evolutionary_implications_of_mutual_aid_in_the_smallest_brained_animals"_(Charles_Darwin_as_the_first_anti-psychiatric_thinker_timeline)"Limits_to_sexual_selection"_(Charles_Darwin_as_the_first_anti-psychiatric_thinker_timeline)"Natural_selection_as_the_mechanism_for_the_transmutation_of_species"_(Charles_Darwin_as_the_first_anti-psychiatric_thinker_timeline)"Problem_solving_in_low-ranking_individuals_in_animal_groups"_(Charles_Darwin_as_the_first_anti-psychiatric_thinker_timeline)"Slavery_and_psychiatry"_(Charles_Darwin_as_the_first_anti-psychiatric_thinker_timeline),_a_Genius?_I_Was_Reborn_into_Another_World_and_I_Think_They've_Got_the_Wrong_Idea!'s_Thinking_Adventures's_Anime!_(Given_Takers_album)'s_Ability_Mod_Infuser's_Crit_Bonus_Infuser's_Potency_Infuser's_Stamina_Infuser*Father's_Name*_Thinks_He's_in_For_It_(The_Template)"WHAT_DO_YOU_THINK"!'m_Sexy?,_Thinking'm_Stupid?!'s_All_Over_(comic_story)'s_Coming_Out!
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- -- Maho Film -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Game Drama Fantasy Shounen -- 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- Second season of 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 27,971 N/A -- -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- -- Seven Arcs -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- Nanoha Takamachi, an ordinary third-grader, loves her family and friends more than anything else. One day, after having a strange dream in which a ferret gets injured, she sees the very same ferret in real life and rescues it. That ferret turns out to be Yuuno Scrya, a mage from another world who is trying to capture the 21 scattered Jewel Seeds before they cause serious damage to the universe. Yuuno is not powerful enough to capture the Jewel seeds on his own, so he grants Nanoha the intelligent device "Raising Heart" and begins training her as a mage. -- -- Unfortunately, the powerful Jewel Seeds attract those with ill intentions. Another mage, Fate Testarossa, is desperate to collect the seeds for some unknown and sinister purpose, though the solemn look in her eyes makes Nanoha think that there is more to Fate than meets the eye. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st is a retelling of the original series, which tells the story of two young mages and how their strong emotions shape their actions. -- -- Movie - Jan 23, 2010 -- 27,907 7.90
Advancer Tina -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Space Hentai Sci-Fi -- Advancer Tina Advancer Tina -- There is something very dangerous about planet Omega 13. Whatever it is, it's been killing Advancers sent out, one by one, to investigate. The Domestic Union of Arms is perplexed, so top DUA officer Mugal decides to give the job to the most dangerous, most independent, and most expendable Advancer they could find. -- -- They find such an Advancer in the renegade Tina Owens. Currently incarcerated with a 2,000 year sentence for blowing up a planet, she is given a tempting offer. Instead of rotting in her cell, if she'll go to Omega 13, find and destroy any threats on the planet, and determine any exploitable resources for the Allied Earth Government, they'll let her go. -- -- Knowing how dangerous Omega 13 appears to be (and thinking about what has yet to be discovered), how would you decide? Tina takes the job, and she sets off for the planet. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Aug 21, 1996 -- 2,598 5.05
Ajin -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Horror Supernatural Seinen -- Ajin Ajin -- Mysterious immortal humans known as "Ajin" first appeared 17 years ago in Africa. Upon their discovery, they were labeled as a threat to mankind, as they might use their powers for evil and were incapable of being destroyed. Since then, whenever an Ajin is found within society, they are to be arrested and taken into custody immediately. -- -- Studying hard to become a doctor, Kei Nagai is a high schooler who knows very little about Ajin, only having seen them appear in the news every now and then. Students are taught that these creatures are not considered to be human, but Kei doesn't pay much attention in class. As a result, his perilously little grasp on this subject proves to be completely irrelevant when he survives an accident that was supposed to claim his life, signaling his rebirth as an Ajin and the start of his days of torment. However, as he finds himself alone on the run from the entire world, Kei soon realizes that more of his species may be a lot closer than he thinks. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 465,425 7.47
Akanesasu Shoujo -- -- DandeLion Animation Studio -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action School Sci-Fi -- Akanesasu Shoujo Akanesasu Shoujo -- The urban legend of the 4:44 ritual consists of using a radio player to produce frequencies in front of the Akeyuki Sacred Tree at exactly 4:44, transporting people to a different dimension. -- -- When Asuka Tsuchimiya and her friends—Nana Nanase, Mia Silverstone, Yuu Tounaka, and Chloe Morisu—decide to perform this ritual as an activity of the Crystal Radio Research Club, they are shocked when the ritual works. The five travel to a parallel world, known as a fragment, where they meet an unsettlingly familiar girl—Asuka's parallel-world self. This Asuka is dubbed as Seriouska due to her serious attitude and capability to fight. -- -- Seriouska tells them about the great danger that faces all the parallel worlds, the Twilight. As it strips the parallel worlds of all of its possibilities, Seriouska seeks the death of the man behind the Twilight, the Twilight King, to stop his onslaught over the multiverse. -- -- Akanesasu Shoujo follows the five girls as they learn to accept their true selves, all the while searching for the Twilight King. However, the solution to the invasive Twilight might be closer than they think. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 30,286 6.46
Ane Log: Moyako Neesan no Honpen wo Tobidashite Tomaranai Monologue -- -- Brain's Base -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance Shounen Slice of Life -- Ane Log: Moyako Neesan no Honpen wo Tobidashite Tomaranai Monologue Ane Log: Moyako Neesan no Honpen wo Tobidashite Tomaranai Monologue -- Short flash episodes included on the Ane Log Fan Disc. -- -- The story centers on Moyako Konoe and her younger brother Akira. When they were younger, Akira proposed to her, so Moyako thinks he is a pervert who has fallen in love with his older sister. Moyako's misunderstanding leads her to create wild delusions about her brother. -- -- Episodes -- #1: Ane Prologue -- #2: Ane Furo -- #3: Ane Morning -- #4: Ane Friend -- #6: Ane Ponytail -- #8: Ane Hip -- OVA - Apr 18, 2014 -- 9,881 5.95
Angel Beats! Specials -- -- P.A. Works -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy School Supernatural -- Angel Beats! Specials Angel Beats! Specials -- As the Shinda Sekai Sensen (SSS) continue their vindictive rebellion against God, their leader, Yuri Nakamura, comes up with an ingenious plan to escape the afterlife. Her subordinates prepare to carry out "Operation High Tension Syndrome" to deceive Kanade Tachibana, student council president and alleged associate of God, into thinking that they are ready to pass on. With a week's worth of food on the line and with Heaven as the ultimate prize, will the SSS members be able to fool the inscrutable Kanade? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Dec 22, 2010 -- 233,759 7.61
Angel Cop -- -- D.A.S.T. -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police -- Angel Cop Angel Cop -- Sometime in the future, terrorism in Japan has become commonplace, and the police have become almost as brutal as criminals. A member of the Special Security Force known as Angel, is the best of the best, stopping at nothing in her fight for justice. -- -- Things get interesting for Angel and her partner, Raiden, when they begin investigating a series of murders in which the victims were known criminals, killed in very unpleasant ways. This trio of killers known as Hunters, is a group of psychics that have banded together to hunt down the lowest scum in the city and bring them to justice. -- -- After a couple of encounters between the cops and the psychics, two of the psychics begin to think that maybe they're not the good guys after all; but the third prefers killing to morality. Augmented by cybernetics from a mysterious source, this third hunter heads out on a killing spree, with the Special Security Force as the first target. -- -- Even with help from the other two psychics and her newly cyborged partner (after an unfortunate accident), Angel is going to have her work cut out trying to find the rogue psychic and the organization behind the Hunters. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Sep 1, 1989 -- 13,655 5.94
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Supernatural Drama -- Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. -- Jinta Yadomi is peacefully living as a recluse, spending his days away from school and playing video games at home instead. One hot summer day, his childhood friend, Meiko "Menma" Honma, appears and pesters him to grant a forgotten wish. He pays her no mind, which annoys her, but he doesn't really care. After all, Menma already died years ago. -- -- At first, Jinta thinks that he is merely hallucinating due to the summer heat, but he is later on convinced that what he sees truly is the ghost of Menma. Jinta and his group of childhood friends grew apart after her untimely death, but they are drawn together once more as they try to lay Menma's spirit to rest. Re-living their pain and guilt, will they be able to find the strength to help not only Menma move on—but themselves as well? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, NIS America, Inc. -- 1,229,900 8.40
Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen -- The ExWire of True Cross Academy are beset with shock and fear in the aftermath of discovering that one of their own classmates, Rin Okumura, is the son of Satan. But for the moment, they have more pressing concerns than that of Rin's parentage: the left eye of the Impure King, a powerful demon, has been stolen from the academy's Deep Keep. After an attempt is made to steal the right eye in Kyoto as well, Rin and the other ExWires are sent to investigate the mystery behind the Impure King and the ultimate goal of the thief. -- -- While this mission has them cooperating for the time being, Rin has never felt more distant from his fellow exorcists. In his attempt to reconcile with them, he undergoes specialized training to control his dark power. However, when the right eye is stolen not long after their arrival, the unthinkable threat of a traitor amongst them leaves them in need of all the power they can get. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 555,650 7.41
Babylon -- -- Revoroot -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Psychological Thriller -- Babylon Babylon -- In the newly formed Shiniki district of Tokyo, Zen Seizaki is a diligent public prosecutor at the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office. Assigned to a case involving false advertisement, Zen—along with his assistant officer, Atsuhiko Fumio—investigate Japan Supiri, a pharmaceutical company that had provided fabricated clinical research on the company's new drug. While investigating the file of Shin Inaba, an anesthesiologist connected to the crime, the case takes a dark turn when Zen finds a page stained with a mixture of blood, hair and skin, along with the letter "F" scribbled all across the sheet. As he investigates further, the case goes beyond Zen's imagination and becomes vastly complex, challenging his sense of justice and his knowledge of the truth. -- -- Digging deeper into the investigation, Zen begins to uncover a concealed plot behind the ongoing mayoral election and ties to many people of interest involved in the election and those closer than he thinks. The case grows more severe and propels Zen into an unforeseen hurricane of corruption and deceit behind the election, the establishment of the Shiniki district, and the mysterious woman associated with it all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 107,289 6.80
Bakuman. 3rd Season -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen -- Bakuman. 3rd Season Bakuman. 3rd Season -- Onto their third serialization, manga duo Moritaka Mashiro and Akito Takagi—also known by their pen name, Muto Ashirogi—are ever closer to their dream of an anime adaption. However, the real challenge is only just beginning: if they are unable to compete with the artist Eiji Niizuma in the rankings within the span of six months, they will be canceled. To top it off, numerous rivals are close behind and declaring war. They don't even have enough time to spare thinking about an anime! -- -- In Bakuman. 3rd Season, Muto Ashirogi must find a way to stay atop the colossal mountain known as the Shounen Jack rankings. With new problems and new assistants, the pair continue to strive for their dream. -- -- TV - Oct 6, 2012 -- 275,637 8.57
B-gata H-kei -- -- Hal Film Maker, TYO Animations -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen -- B-gata H-kei B-gata H-kei -- Most people, including the girl herself, would say that first year high school student Yamada is beautiful and perfect. Despite this, she is working towards a peculiar goal: to have sex with one hundred men by the end of high school. -- -- Trying to put some sense into her head, Yamada's best friend, Miharu Takeshita, points out a major flaw in that plan—she is completely inexperienced with men. However, the reason behind this is that Yamada thinks her lady parts look strange and believes others will judge her for it. As a result, Yamada decides that her first time must be with a fellow virgin, since they will not hurt or scare her. After a fateful encounter, she sets her sights on the shy and average Takashi Kosuda, an aspiring photographer with a heart of gold. -- -- With contending rivals for his affection and her own raging hormones, Yamada must find ways to seduce Kosuda and take his cherry. However, as she gets closer to Kosuda, she finds herself increasingly enjoying their time spent together. -- -- 330,273 6.92
Birthday Boy -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Military Historical Drama -- Birthday Boy Birthday Boy -- Korean War, 1951. Little Manuk is playing on the streets of his village and dreaming of life at the front where his father is a soldier. He returns home to find a parcel on the doorstep and, thinking it is a birthday present, he opens it. But its contents will change his life. -- -- (Source: IMDB) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2004 -- 1,617 5.89
Black Cat (TV) -- -- Gonzo -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Black Cat (TV) Black Cat (TV) -- Completing every job with ruthless accuracy, Train Heartnet is an infamous assassin with no regard for human life. Donning the moniker "Black Cat" in the underground world, the elite killer works for the powerful secret organization known only as Chronos. -- -- One gloomy night, the blasé gunman stumbles upon Saya Minatsuki, an enigmatic bounty hunter, and soon develops an odd friendship with her. Influenced by Saya's positive outlook on life, Train begins to rethink his life. Deciding to abandon his role as the Black Cat, he instead opts to head down a virtuous path as an honest bounty hunter. However, Chronos—and particularly Creed Diskenth, Train's possessive underling—is not impressed with Train's sudden change of heart and vows to resort to extreme measures in order to bring back the emissary of bad luck. -- -- This assassin turned "stray cat" can only wander so far before the deafening sound of gunfire rings out. -- -- 236,091 7.37
Black Cat (TV) -- -- Gonzo -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Black Cat (TV) Black Cat (TV) -- Completing every job with ruthless accuracy, Train Heartnet is an infamous assassin with no regard for human life. Donning the moniker "Black Cat" in the underground world, the elite killer works for the powerful secret organization known only as Chronos. -- -- One gloomy night, the blasé gunman stumbles upon Saya Minatsuki, an enigmatic bounty hunter, and soon develops an odd friendship with her. Influenced by Saya's positive outlook on life, Train begins to rethink his life. Deciding to abandon his role as the Black Cat, he instead opts to head down a virtuous path as an honest bounty hunter. However, Chronos—and particularly Creed Diskenth, Train's possessive underling—is not impressed with Train's sudden change of heart and vows to resort to extreme measures in order to bring back the emissary of bad luck. -- -- This assassin turned "stray cat" can only wander so far before the deafening sound of gunfire rings out. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 236,091 7.37
Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte -- -- Production I.G -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Drama Sci-Fi Shoujo -- Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte -- Alice Sakaguchi once dreamt that she is another person living on the moon. The dream is so strange and so real that Alice can't stop thinking about it. She finds out that some of her classmates are having the same kind of dream. They soon discover that they had been seeing flashes of their past lives as a team of scientists on the moon. Alice and her friends then decide to find the other members and piece together what took place back then. Complications arise when they realize that everything that happened in their previous existence continue to haunt and affect their present lives. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- OVA - Dec 17, 1993 -- 14,074 7.16
Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren -- -- Bones -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren -- In this brand-new adventure, some Class 1-A students are sent to hone their survival skills at a training course. Having yet to receive their provisional licenses, they're eager to cut loose and have a little fun. -- -- They quickly discover that the danger they face is no simulation! It's going to take their combined training, teamwork, and quick thinking if they're going to pass this assignment! -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- ONA - Aug 16, 2020 -- 97,538 7.12
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Episode 0 -- -- AIC Build -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Episode 0 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Episode 0 -- Hasegawa Kodaka has transferred schools, and he's having a hard time making friends. It doesn't help that his blond hair tends to make people think he's a delinquent. One day, he runs into his bad-tempered solitary classmate Yozora while she's talking animatedly to her imaginary friend Tomo. Realizing that neither of them have any actual friends, they decide that the best way to alter this situation is to form a club and start recruiting. -- That is how "Rinjinbu", The Neighbours' Club, was formed, a club specifically designed for people who don't have very many friends. As other lonely classmates slowly join their little club, they'll try to learn how to build friendships through cooking together, playing games, and other group activities. But will this group of relationship-challenged misfits really be able to get along? -- -- (Source: MU) -- OVA - Sep 22, 2011 -- 108,219 6.74
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker-hen -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 59 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Demons Game Shounen -- Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker-hen Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker-hen -- A few months have passed since the VF Circuit, and Aichi is now in High School. However Aichi is in a different high school than most of his friends, a high school where the instructors focus on looking towards the future. One day Aichi admits he thinks Cardfight can be a future people can believe in, but in order to prove it Aichi must use his new deck, a deck in which Royal Paladins and Gold Paladins are combined as one force. Slowly but surely Aichi must gain friends through Cardfighting and help his new team win the newly formed high school cardfighting championships. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 17,722 7.15
Cencoroll -- -- Think Corporation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Cencoroll Cencoroll -- When a gigantic, unearthly monster suddenly looms on the skyline of a Japanese city, the expected occurs—the Japan Self-Defense Forces roll out the tanks while the public panics. Nobody knows what it is or where it came from, but Yuki, a bold and inquisitive teenage girl, has a secret but might be a useful clue. Her friend Tetsu has been clandestinely caring for a bizarre creature called Cenco, which will soon prove itself to have some remarkable, even impossible characteristics. Another teenage boy, a stranger with some mysterious link to the monstrosity attacking the city, shows up, and his unwelcome interest in Tetsu's pet snuffs out any doubt of a connection—and lights the fuse for the coming battle. -- -- (Source: Rupert Bottenberg, Fantasia Genre Film Festival) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Jul 28, 2009 -- 84,346 7.20
Cencoroll -- -- Think Corporation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Cencoroll Cencoroll -- When a gigantic, unearthly monster suddenly looms on the skyline of a Japanese city, the expected occurs—the Japan Self-Defense Forces roll out the tanks while the public panics. Nobody knows what it is or where it came from, but Yuki, a bold and inquisitive teenage girl, has a secret but might be a useful clue. Her friend Tetsu has been clandestinely caring for a bizarre creature called Cenco, which will soon prove itself to have some remarkable, even impossible characteristics. Another teenage boy, a stranger with some mysterious link to the monstrosity attacking the city, shows up, and his unwelcome interest in Tetsu's pet snuffs out any doubt of a connection—and lights the fuse for the coming battle. -- -- (Source: Rupert Bottenberg, Fantasia Genre Film Festival) -- Movie - Jul 28, 2009 -- 84,346 7.20
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. -- NEVER make a deal with a wet goddess you've only just met. That's a lesson Ryosuke Kaga learns the hard way when he foolishly agrees to let Lisara Restole use some of his "essence" to stay in this world. Because despite her smoking hot appearance, Lisara's actually a Shinigami, a Goddess of Death. However, she DOESN'T steal years off his life like any decent Shinigami would do. Oh no, instead she sucks him dry of something much more perverse by leeching off his lecherous spirit and draining his ability to enjoy... er... the things that teenage boys normally spend most of their time thinking about! And now that he's been de-debased and de-debauched by her un-dirty trick, the poor regenerated degenerate's only hope of getting his licentiousness renewed is to join the queen of mental-clean on her quest, since when she leaves our mortal plane he regains his normal immorality! But the termination of the probation of his reprobation isn't guaranteed, because Goddesses of Death can be really harsh mistresses and it's going to be anything but easy to go back to being sleazy! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- 340,456 6.63
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. -- NEVER make a deal with a wet goddess you've only just met. That's a lesson Ryosuke Kaga learns the hard way when he foolishly agrees to let Lisara Restole use some of his "essence" to stay in this world. Because despite her smoking hot appearance, Lisara's actually a Shinigami, a Goddess of Death. However, she DOESN'T steal years off his life like any decent Shinigami would do. Oh no, instead she sucks him dry of something much more perverse by leeching off his lecherous spirit and draining his ability to enjoy... er... the things that teenage boys normally spend most of their time thinking about! And now that he's been de-debased and de-debauched by her un-dirty trick, the poor regenerated degenerate's only hope of getting his licentiousness renewed is to join the queen of mental-clean on her quest, since when she leaves our mortal plane he regains his normal immorality! But the termination of the probation of his reprobation isn't guaranteed, because Goddesses of Death can be really harsh mistresses and it's going to be anything but easy to go back to being sleazy! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 340,456 6.63
Dance with Devils -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Harem Demons Supernatural Romance Vampire Shoujo -- Dance with Devils Dance with Devils -- Ritsuka Tachibana has always been a good student, so she is completely shocked when she is suddenly summoned by the student council. Even more, they seem to think of Ritsuka as a troublemaker. Led by the handsome Rem Kaginuki, the student council—also consisting of Urie Sogami, Shiki Natsumizaka and Mage Nanashiro—tries to question her, but it soon becomes clear that they have ulterior motives. -- -- However, this is only the beginning. When her mother gets kidnapped, her life is turned upside down, and Ritsuka gets drawn into a world of vampires and devils. Both groups are searching for the "Grimoire," a forbidden item allowing its owner to rule the world. The return of her brother Lindo from overseas gives her hope, but even he appears to be hiding something. In a world filled with secrets, Ritsuka questions whom she can trust in this dark musical tale, while the handsome and dangerous members of the student council compete for her attention. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 97,898 6.33
Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky -- Once again, Kaitou Kid crosses swords with Conan Edogawa in this annual installment of the Detective Conan movie franchise. After receiving a letter from the thief, famous actress Juri Maki seeks the help of private detective Kogorou Mouri to protect the Star Sapphire—the "Jewel of Destiny," said to represent faith, fate, and hope. Thinking he has deciphered Kid's riddle, Kogorou personally shows up to the newly constructed space theater where Juri is acting in the play "Josephine" in order to catch Kid in the act. -- -- The next day, Conan and the gang are invited by Juri to her holiday home, to celebrate the thwarting of Kid's plan and the success of the play. However, their triumph crumbles when a murder occurs during the flight there. Although unintentional, this sets off a series of events that escalate to catastrophic results. Conan and Kid, unlikely allies that they are, must work together to save both their friends and every other passenger aboard the plane. -- -- Movie - Apr 17, 2004 -- 44,589 8.10
Detective Conan Movie 15: Quarter of Silence -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 15: Quarter of Silence Detective Conan Movie 15: Quarter of Silence -- The momentous day of the opening of the new Tokyo subway, the Touto Line, has come, but a bombing incident puts all celebrations to a halt. The governor of Tokyo is caught in the blast while onboard the train, but he and everyone else present is fortunately saved by the quick thinking and actions of Conan Edogawa. -- -- Intrigued by the incident, Conan researches the governor's political history and discovers that the man was responsible for the destruction of a village in Niigata to build the Kitanosawa Dam. Believing the attack to be related to the construction of the dam, Conan, accompanied by Ran Mouri, Kogorou Mouri, Professor Agasa, Sonoko Suzuki, and the Detective Boys, decides to visit the village and investigate. -- -- There, they meet a group of locals who lived in the old village before it was torn down. However, just as one mystery leads to another, one of the locals is murdered. Suspecting that something much more sinister is afoot, Conan vows to uncover the truth behind these two incidents before it is too late. -- -- Movie - Apr 16, 2011 -- 36,932 8.02
Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Police Shounen Sports -- Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker -- In Touto Stadium, a J. League soccer match is taking place. During this, Detective Kogorou Mouri receives a bomb threat from an unknown caller and a mysterious riddle that points to its location. Conan Edogawa must now save the fans of the game before the time runs out. -- -- Fortunately, with Conan's quick actions and clever thinking, the bomb is discovered and the explosion is evaded. The culprit does not stop there; Detective Kogorou is informed of another hidden bomb set to explode at a large event in the city. Forced into a race against time, with thousands of more lives at stake, Conan must decipher another riddle, discover the place of the bomb, and catch the culprit in order to escape a terrible tragedy. -- -- Movie - Apr 14, 2012 -- 33,061 7.73
Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters -- -- Toei Animation -- 52 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters -- Everyone in the world uses smartphone apps. But inside them lurks unknown creatures called "Appli Monsters," or "Appmon." The Appmon are AI lifeforms with the ability to think and act, and exist in the boundary between the human world and digital space. In the vast sea of the internet, the "last boss AI" Leviathan takes control of the Appmon with a virus and begins hacking every system, thus starting to control the human world from the world of the net. Haru Shinkai is led to acquire the Appli Drive, and uses it to materialize Gatchmon, a search app monster. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 11,498 6.58
Dorohedoro -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Magic Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro Dorohedoro -- Hole—a dark, decrepit, and disorderly district where the strong prey on the weak and death is an ordinary occurrence—is all but befitting of the name given to it. A realm separated from law and ethics, it is a testing ground to the magic users who dominate it. As a race occupying the highest rungs of their society, the magic users think of the denizens of Hole as no more than insects. Murdered, mutilated, and made experiments without a second thought, the powerless Hole dwellers litter the halls of Hole's hospital on a daily basis. -- -- Possessing free access to and from the cesspool, and with little challenge to their authority, the magic users appear indomitable to most—aside for a few. Kaiman, more reptile than man, is one such individual. He hunts them on a heedless quest for answers with only a trusted pair of bayonets and his immunity to magic. Cursed by his appearance and tormented by nightmares, magic users are his only clue to restoring his life to normal. With his biggest obstacle being his stomach, his female companion Nikaidou, who runs the restaurant Hungry Bug, is his greatest ally. -- -- Set in a gritty world of hellish design, Dorohedoro manages a healthy blend of comedy and lightheartedness with death and carnage. Taking plenty of twists and turns while following the lives of Hole's residents, it weaves a unique world of unearthly origin and dreary appearance not for the squeamish or easily disturbed. -- -- 303,473 8.10
Dorohedoro -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Magic Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro Dorohedoro -- Hole—a dark, decrepit, and disorderly district where the strong prey on the weak and death is an ordinary occurrence—is all but befitting of the name given to it. A realm separated from law and ethics, it is a testing ground to the magic users who dominate it. As a race occupying the highest rungs of their society, the magic users think of the denizens of Hole as no more than insects. Murdered, mutilated, and made experiments without a second thought, the powerless Hole dwellers litter the halls of Hole's hospital on a daily basis. -- -- Possessing free access to and from the cesspool, and with little challenge to their authority, the magic users appear indomitable to most—aside for a few. Kaiman, more reptile than man, is one such individual. He hunts them on a heedless quest for answers with only a trusted pair of bayonets and his immunity to magic. Cursed by his appearance and tormented by nightmares, magic users are his only clue to restoring his life to normal. With his biggest obstacle being his stomach, his female companion Nikaidou, who runs the restaurant Hungry Bug, is his greatest ally. -- -- Set in a gritty world of hellish design, Dorohedoro manages a healthy blend of comedy and lightheartedness with death and carnage. Taking plenty of twists and turns while following the lives of Hole's residents, it weaves a unique world of unearthly origin and dreary appearance not for the squeamish or easily disturbed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Netflix -- 303,473 8.10
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III -- The third season of Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. -- -- When Bell encounters a frightened little girl in the dungeon, he doesn’t think twice to help. But this simple act of kindness has consequences. The girl is a monster and proof that monsters can be eerily human. And not everyone can accept this... -- -- (Source: HIDIVE) -- 339,465 7.46
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III -- The third season of Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. -- -- When Bell encounters a frightened little girl in the dungeon, he doesn’t think twice to help. But this simple act of kindness has consequences. The girl is a monster and proof that monsters can be eerily human. And not everyone can accept this... -- -- (Source: HIDIVE) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 339,465 7.46
Eikyuu Kazoku -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Comedy -- Eikyuu Kazoku Eikyuu Kazoku -- It started as a sociological experiment. Six different people were brainwashed to think that they were a family and then put in arbitrary situations to see how they would react; however, when a taping of the families conducts is sold in a desperate attempt to make a little capital, it instantly becomes a success. Now the family is a first rated show and their every move is broadcasted around the world without them knowing it. But when a clogged toilet sets off a chain of events that ultimately frees the family from the room they are confined in the broadcasters, not willing to lose their source of income, set out to hunt down and recapture every member of the Eternal family. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Apr 1, 1997 -- 8,447 5.94
ēlDLIVE -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Police Shounen -- ēlDLIVE ēlDLIVE -- Chuuta Kokonose is an orphan who lives with his aunt. For as long as he can remember, he's had a voice in his head, but other than that he's a normal boy—right until the day when a strange-looking thing follows him home and teleports him to a place filled with more fantastic creatures. It's a space police station, and Rein Brickke, the Chief of Solar System Department, tells him that he's been chosen by the computer as a possible candidate to join the police force. Misuzu Sonokata, a girl from Chuuta's school with an angelic face and ill temper who turns out to be one of Rein Brickke's subordinates, doesn't think him suitable for such a job. Chuuta, who was shocked at first, decides to take the aptitude test after being urged by the voice in his head and to prove Misuzu wrong. -- 42,658 6.14
ēlDLIVE -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Police Shounen -- ēlDLIVE ēlDLIVE -- Chuuta Kokonose is an orphan who lives with his aunt. For as long as he can remember, he's had a voice in his head, but other than that he's a normal boy—right until the day when a strange-looking thing follows him home and teleports him to a place filled with more fantastic creatures. It's a space police station, and Rein Brickke, the Chief of Solar System Department, tells him that he's been chosen by the computer as a possible candidate to join the police force. Misuzu Sonokata, a girl from Chuuta's school with an angelic face and ill temper who turns out to be one of Rein Brickke's subordinates, doesn't think him suitable for such a job. Chuuta, who was shocked at first, decides to take the aptitude test after being urged by the voice in his head and to prove Misuzu wrong. -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 42,658 6.14
Escaflowne -- -- Bones, Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Mecha Romance Sci-Fi Shoujo -- Escaflowne Escaflowne -- Hitomi Kanzaki is in a very depressed mood. She only wants to sleep and fade away. Her misery summons Lord Folken who sends her to Gaea. The people of Gaea think she is the Wing Goddess, who can call upon the legendary Dragon Armor called Escaflowne. On Gaea, King Van, the sole survior of the White Dragon Clan, is also in a depressed state. Swearing an oath to get his revenge on the Black Dragon Clan that obliterated Van's kingdom, he lives by the sword. Now that the Wing Goddess has finally appeared, she posseses Gaea's world fate in her heart. Escaflowne will either lead Gaea to peace or total ruin. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Movie - Jun 24, 2000 -- 58,717 7.08
Escaflowne -- -- Bones, Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Mecha Romance Sci-Fi Shoujo -- Escaflowne Escaflowne -- Hitomi Kanzaki is in a very depressed mood. She only wants to sleep and fade away. Her misery summons Lord Folken who sends her to Gaea. The people of Gaea think she is the Wing Goddess, who can call upon the legendary Dragon Armor called Escaflowne. On Gaea, King Van, the sole survior of the White Dragon Clan, is also in a depressed state. Swearing an oath to get his revenge on the Black Dragon Clan that obliterated Van's kingdom, he lives by the sword. Now that the Wing Goddess has finally appeared, she posseses Gaea's world fate in her heart. Escaflowne will either lead Gaea to peace or total ruin. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jun 24, 2000 -- 58,717 7.08
Forsaken -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Music -- Music Vampire -- Forsaken Forsaken -- The song tells of a person who is visited at night by a vampiress. While the man thinks he is being shown "beautiful things", in reality he is having his blood sucked by the vampiress. -- -- Music video by Dream Theater, produced by Gonzo and directed by Yasufumi Soejima. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Music - Jan 26, 2008 -- 1,091 5.73
Free! (Movie) -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Sports Drama School -- Free! (Movie) Free! (Movie) -- At the end of final episode of Free! Dive to the Future, the movie was announced to premiere in Summer 2020. It has now been postponed to 2021. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,274 N/AUzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/ALost Song -- -- Dwango, LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Lost Song Lost Song -- Lost Song tells the stories of the cheerful Rin and the reserved Finis, two songstresses who are capable of performing magical songs. Rin grew up in a remote village with her family and was taught to keep her power secret, while Finis lives and performs in the royal palace. -- -- Rin's happy and peaceful life is shattered after she saves an injured knight named Henry Leobort with her song of healing. She was seen by soldiers who proceeded to attack her village in hopes of capturing her. With nowhere else to go, she and her inventor brother Al begin a journey to the capital. -- -- Finis finds herself falling in love with Henry and, knowing that the greedy and spiteful Prince Lood Bernstein IV desires her, must hide their relationship. She wants to help people with her songs, but with war on the horizon, she worries that Lood will order her to cast her magic in the battlefield. Only time will tell how her destiny and Rin's will intersect, as the two of them struggle to find their paths. -- -- 33,037 6.99
Fuuka -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Ecchi Music Romance School Shounen -- Fuuka Fuuka -- The story follows the life of Yuu Haruna, who recently moved into Tokyo with his sisters after their father is forced to transfer overseas on work. -- -- On his way to buy dinner while looking at his Twitter account, a high school girl suddenly crashes into him. Thinking he was taking upskirt pictures of her, the girl takes Yuu's phone, breaks it, and slaps him before leaving Yuu lying on the ground. As it turns out, this girl—Fuuka Akitsuki—also goes to the school Yuu is transferring to. -- -- Unlike most people, Fuuka doesn't own a cellphone; she even listens to music using a CD player. Eventually these two become closer, and decide to form a band with their friends and enter the professional world of music. With Fuuka around, what will now become of Yuu's new life in Tokyo? -- -- 232,443 6.53
Fuuka -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Ecchi Music Romance School Shounen -- Fuuka Fuuka -- The story follows the life of Yuu Haruna, who recently moved into Tokyo with his sisters after their father is forced to transfer overseas on work. -- -- On his way to buy dinner while looking at his Twitter account, a high school girl suddenly crashes into him. Thinking he was taking upskirt pictures of her, the girl takes Yuu's phone, breaks it, and slaps him before leaving Yuu lying on the ground. As it turns out, this girl—Fuuka Akitsuki—also goes to the school Yuu is transferring to. -- -- Unlike most people, Fuuka doesn't own a cellphone; she even listens to music using a CD player. Eventually these two become closer, and decide to form a band with their friends and enter the professional world of music. With Fuuka around, what will now become of Yuu's new life in Tokyo? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 232,443 6.53
Golden Kamuy -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Seinen -- Golden Kamuy Golden Kamuy -- In early 1900s Hokkaido after the Russo-Japanese war, Saichi Sugimoto tirelessly pans for gold. Nicknamed "Sugimoto the Immortal" for his death-defying acts in battle, the ex-soldier seeks fortune in order to fulfill a promise made to his best friend before he was killed in action: to support his family, especially his widow who needs treatment overseas for her deteriorating eyesight. One day, a drunken companion tells Sugimoto the tale of a man who murdered a group of Ainu and stole a fortune in gold. Before his arrest by the police, he hid the gold somewhere in Hokkaido. The only clue to its location is the coded map he tattooed on the bodies of his cellmates in exchange for a share of the treasure, should they manage to escape and find it. -- -- Sugimoto does not think much of the tale until he discovers the drunken man’s corpse bearing the same tattoos described in the story. But before he can collect his thoughts, a grizzly bear—the cause of the man's demise—approaches Sugimoto, intent on finishing her meal. He is saved by a young Ainu girl named Asirpa, whose father happened to be one of the murdered Ainu. With Asirpa's hunting skills and Sugimoto's survival instincts, the pair agree to join forces and find the hidden treasure—one to get back what was rightfully her people's, and the other to fulfill his friend's dying wish. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 235,656 7.83
Golden Kamuy OVA -- -- Geno Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Seinen -- Golden Kamuy OVA Golden Kamuy OVA -- The 7th Division's Private Hyakunosuke Ogata and former Shinsengumi Vice Commander Toshizou Hijikata find themselves on opposite sides of a gang war in Barato after hearing rumors of the Hidoro gang possessing an escaped prisoner's tattooed skin. With a lead to the hidden Ainu gold close at hand, the two gladly take up arms but a betrayal will force both sides to think twice before carelessly jumping the gun. -- -- OVA - Sep 19, 2018 -- 17,338 7.19
Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Game -- Comedy Drama Mystery Police -- Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! -- Since he was a child, Ryuuichi Naruhodou's dream was to become a defense attorney, protecting the innocent when no one else would. However, when the rookie lawyer finally takes on his first case under the guidance of his mentor Chihiro Ayasato, he realizes that the courtroom is a battlefield. In these fast paced trials, Ryuuichi is forced to think outside the box to uncover the truth of the crimes that have taken place in order to prove the innocence of his clients. -- -- Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! follows Ryuuichi as he tackles cases to absolve the falsely accused of the charges they face. It will not be easy—standing in his path is the ruthless Reiji Mitsurugi, a prosecutor who will stop at nothing to hand out guilty verdicts. With his back against the wall, the defense attorney must carefully examine both evidence and witness testimony, sifting through lies to solve the mystery behind each case. With a shout of "objection!," the battle in the courtroom begins! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 110,395 6.45
.hack//Roots -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//Roots .hack//Roots -- After the termination of the incredibly popular virtual reality MMORPG "The World," a new version of the game—The World R:2—is brought online. On his first day in the game, newcomer Haseo thinks he has made some friends to quest with. However, as if mocking his sentiments, they kill his character just for fun. Luckily, he is saved by a mysterious, one-armed player named Ovan who offers to show him around The World. -- -- Alongside Ovan and his cleric friend Shino, Haseo enjoys a wonderful first year in the game. But this peaceful life is shattered when Shino's character is killed by a familiar figure notoriously known as Tri-Edge, whose victims have all fallen into comas in the real world. In a fit of rage, Haseo vows to find the elusive Tri-Edge and kill him. -- -- Taking place during Haseo's first year in The World, .hack//Roots explores the friendships Haseo built in the game before Tri-Edge ripped them away. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- TV - Apr 6, 2006 -- 67,429 6.90
.hack//Roots -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//Roots .hack//Roots -- After the termination of the incredibly popular virtual reality MMORPG "The World," a new version of the game—The World R:2—is brought online. On his first day in the game, newcomer Haseo thinks he has made some friends to quest with. However, as if mocking his sentiments, they kill his character just for fun. Luckily, he is saved by a mysterious, one-armed player named Ovan who offers to show him around The World. -- -- Alongside Ovan and his cleric friend Shino, Haseo enjoys a wonderful first year in the game. But this peaceful life is shattered when Shino's character is killed by a familiar figure notoriously known as Tri-Edge, whose victims have all fallen into comas in the real world. In a fit of rage, Haseo vows to find the elusive Tri-Edge and kill him. -- -- Taking place during Haseo's first year in The World, .hack//Roots explores the friendships Haseo built in the game before Tri-Edge ripped them away. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2006 -- 67,429 6.90
Hajime no Ippo -- -- Madhouse -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama Shounen -- Hajime no Ippo Hajime no Ippo -- Makunouchi Ippo has been bullied his entire life. Constantly running errands and being beaten up by his classmates, Ippo has always dreamed of changing himself, but never has the passion to act upon it. One day, in the midst of yet another bullying, Ippo is saved by Takamura Mamoru, who happens to be a boxer. Ippo faints from his injuries and is brought to the Kamogawa boxing gym to recover. As he regains consciousness, he is awed and amazed at his new surroundings in the gym, though lacks confidence to attempt anything. Takamura places a photo of Ippo's classmate on a punching bag and forces him to punch it. It is only then that Ippo feels something stir inside him and eventually asks Takamura to train him in boxing. Thinking that Ippo does not have what it takes, Takamura gives him a task deemed impossible and gives him a one week time limit. With a sudden desire to get stronger, for himself and his hard working mother, Ippo trains relentlessly to accomplish the task within the time limit. Thus Ippo's journey to the top of the boxing world begins. -- -- 401,550 8.74
Hajime no Ippo -- -- Madhouse -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama Shounen -- Hajime no Ippo Hajime no Ippo -- Makunouchi Ippo has been bullied his entire life. Constantly running errands and being beaten up by his classmates, Ippo has always dreamed of changing himself, but never has the passion to act upon it. One day, in the midst of yet another bullying, Ippo is saved by Takamura Mamoru, who happens to be a boxer. Ippo faints from his injuries and is brought to the Kamogawa boxing gym to recover. As he regains consciousness, he is awed and amazed at his new surroundings in the gym, though lacks confidence to attempt anything. Takamura places a photo of Ippo's classmate on a punching bag and forces him to punch it. It is only then that Ippo feels something stir inside him and eventually asks Takamura to train him in boxing. Thinking that Ippo does not have what it takes, Takamura gives him a task deemed impossible and gives him a one week time limit. With a sudden desire to get stronger, for himself and his hard working mother, Ippo trains relentlessly to accomplish the task within the time limit. Thus Ippo's journey to the top of the boxing world begins. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 401,550 8.74
Hanamonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 5 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural -- Hanamonogatari Hanamonogatari -- Now that Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjougahara have graduated, very few familiar faces remain at Naoetsu Private High School, one of them being Kanbaru Suruga, holder of the Monkey's Paw. When she begins to hear talk of a mysterious being known as the "Devil," who will magically solve any problem, she immediately thinks these rumors are about her and decides to investigate. -- -- She discovers the Devil is actually Rouka Numachi, a former rival from junior high who is providing free advice to those who seek her out now that she is no longer able to play basketball due to a leg injury. Acting as a collector of misfortune, she enjoys relieving the stress of her clients by providing them with the false hope of having their problems solved. Although Kanbaru sees no real harm being done, she reprimands Rouka for lying and heads home, relieved she is not the cause of the rumors. But when she finds that her left hand has reverted back to its human form, she may have a reason to worry after all... -- -- 339,149 7.98
Hanamonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 5 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural -- Hanamonogatari Hanamonogatari -- Now that Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjougahara have graduated, very few familiar faces remain at Naoetsu Private High School, one of them being Kanbaru Suruga, holder of the Monkey's Paw. When she begins to hear talk of a mysterious being known as the "Devil," who will magically solve any problem, she immediately thinks these rumors are about her and decides to investigate. -- -- She discovers the Devil is actually Rouka Numachi, a former rival from junior high who is providing free advice to those who seek her out now that she is no longer able to play basketball due to a leg injury. Acting as a collector of misfortune, she enjoys relieving the stress of her clients by providing them with the false hope of having their problems solved. Although Kanbaru sees no real harm being done, she reprimands Rouka for lying and heads home, relieved she is not the cause of the rumors. But when she finds that her left hand has reverted back to its human form, she may have a reason to worry after all... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 339,149 7.98
Hashi no Mukou -- -- Iyasakadou Film -- 1 ep -- - -- Historical Horror Supernatural -- Hashi no Mukou Hashi no Mukou -- There are old stories of children disappearing by the river's edge. This has haunted Otoha ever since her friend Jiro disappeared when she was seven years old and now she is back in her hometown covering the war between the government and the dissidents. When she gets separated from the squad, Otoha thinks someone seems to be leading her deeper into the back alleys of the town. -- ONA - Sep 21, 2012 -- 1,568 5.89
Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy -- Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- Second season of Hataraku Maou-sama! -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 98,137 N/ADance with Devils -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Harem Demons Supernatural Romance Vampire Shoujo -- Dance with Devils Dance with Devils -- Ritsuka Tachibana has always been a good student, so she is completely shocked when she is suddenly summoned by the student council. Even more, they seem to think of Ritsuka as a troublemaker. Led by the handsome Rem Kaginuki, the student council—also consisting of Urie Sogami, Shiki Natsumizaka and Mage Nanashiro—tries to question her, but it soon becomes clear that they have ulterior motives. -- -- However, this is only the beginning. When her mother gets kidnapped, her life is turned upside down, and Ritsuka gets drawn into a world of vampires and devils. Both groups are searching for the "Grimoire," a forbidden item allowing its owner to rule the world. The return of her brother Lindo from overseas gives her hope, but even he appears to be hiding something. In a world filled with secrets, Ritsuka questions whom she can trust in this dark musical tale, while the handsome and dangerous members of the student council compete for her attention. -- -- 97,898 6.33
Hatsukoi Limited.: Gentei Shoujo -- -- J.C.Staff -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi School Shounen -- Hatsukoi Limited.: Gentei Shoujo Hatsukoi Limited.: Gentei Shoujo -- Andou Soako, a high school girl and a 'Mega-klutz' as she thinks herself to be is about to be late for school yet again, for nine straight days! She rushes out from her home and runs out to make up for the lost time when she suddenly realizes that her breasts are wobbling much more than usual and she has a feeling of a gentle breeze under her skirt... -- Special - Jul 24, 2009 -- 15,347 6.70
Hustle!! Tokitama-kun -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Hustle!! Tokitama-kun Hustle!! Tokitama-kun -- Director's description: "I want to show you a world that you have never seen." I think this is something that all computer graphics producers strive for. What to create?! How do you create it with computer graphics? The skill of drawing does not change that much when performed on a computer instead of paper. This work is a mixture of traditional cel-based animation, 3-D animation and 2-D computer graphics techniques, each with its own history and production standards. My theme for this production was "The Transformation of Time and Space." I used ToonShader and hand drawn animation to achieve the desired effect. I think that I have succeeded in creating a world that you have never seen. -- -- (Source: -- Special - ??? ??, 1998 -- 644 4.33
iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi -- iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia -- 107 years ago, the Moon was destroyed in a massive cataclysm that shattered Earth's former satellite into 81 quintillion tons of orbital debris. However, thanks to super-science, the Earth itself was saved and today no one really thinks much about that century-past disaster. Which is why when teenage Haruka Amami auditions for something called the Idolmaster Project, she THINKS she's trying out to be a singing idol. Instead, Haruka finds herself at a secret school run by the Mondenkind Agency, living with a group of other girls who have also been selected as candidates to pilot an iDOL - an advanced robot specifically designed to intercept falling chunks of moon rock. Except, the people who run the Mondenkind Agency aren't exactly knights in shining armor. And then there's the question of whether the iDOLs are really JUST robots. Because from almost the first moment, Haruka starts to feel emotions resonating from within the iDOL called Imber. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 20,356 6.51
Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Military Sci-Fi -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- Shuuzou ''Shuu'' Matsutani lives his ordinary life in peace. He has friends, a crush, and a passion for kendo. Dejected after losing to his kendo rival, Shuu climbs a smokestack to watch the sunset where he finds Lala-Ru, a quiet, blue-haired girl wearing a strange pendant. Shuu attempts to befriend her, despite her uninterested, bland responses. -- -- However, his hopes are crushed when a woman, accompanied by two serpentine machines, appear out of thin air with one goal in mind: capture Lala-Ru. Shuu, bull-headed as he is, tries to save his new friend from her kidnappers and is transported to a desert world, unlike anything he has ever seen before. Yet, despite the circumstances, Shuu only thinks of saving Lala-Ru, until he is thoroughly beaten up by some soldiers. As he soon finds out, Lala-Ru can manipulate water and her pendant is the source from which she is able to bring forth the liquid, a scarce commodity in his new environment. But now, the pendant is lost, and Shuu is the prime suspect. -- -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku is the haunting story of a dystopian world, and of Shuu, who has to endure torture, hunger, and the horrors of war in order to save the lonely girl he found sitting atop a smokestack. -- -- 110,835 7.66
Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Military Sci-Fi -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- Shuuzou ''Shuu'' Matsutani lives his ordinary life in peace. He has friends, a crush, and a passion for kendo. Dejected after losing to his kendo rival, Shuu climbs a smokestack to watch the sunset where he finds Lala-Ru, a quiet, blue-haired girl wearing a strange pendant. Shuu attempts to befriend her, despite her uninterested, bland responses. -- -- However, his hopes are crushed when a woman, accompanied by two serpentine machines, appear out of thin air with one goal in mind: capture Lala-Ru. Shuu, bull-headed as he is, tries to save his new friend from her kidnappers and is transported to a desert world, unlike anything he has ever seen before. Yet, despite the circumstances, Shuu only thinks of saving Lala-Ru, until he is thoroughly beaten up by some soldiers. As he soon finds out, Lala-Ru can manipulate water and her pendant is the source from which she is able to bring forth the liquid, a scarce commodity in his new environment. But now, the pendant is lost, and Shuu is the prime suspect. -- -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku is the haunting story of a dystopian world, and of Shuu, who has to endure torture, hunger, and the horrors of war in order to save the lonely girl he found sitting atop a smokestack. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- 110,835 7.66
Injuu Kyoushi -- -- - -- 4 eps -- - -- Demons Hentai Horror -- Injuu Kyoushi Injuu Kyoushi -- Atsuko and Sayaka think they have it made when they are both accepted into the same prestigious women`s academy. There, they will be free to explore the intense passion of their relationship, unbounded. -- -- But when the mystical bonds imprisoning a hideous ancient evil that feeds on the lust of nubile women are accidentally broken, the two young lovers soon learn they have more to fear than final exams. -- -- Licensor: -- SoftCel Pictures -- OVA - Oct 21, 1994 -- 2,173 5.49
Interlude -- -- Toei Animation -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Horror Mystery -- Interlude Interlude -- The unnamed main character has been having strange dreams, seeing strange things, and meeting strange people. He investigates these events and finds a strange girl named Aya. With her help, he discovers that his world may not in fact be real and many of the people he thinks he knows may not exist anymore. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Mar 25, 2004 -- 11,604 6.46
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi Vampire -- Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi -- Taito has been really sleepy lately, and keeps dreaming of a female vampire who says she has given him her "poison." Sometimes he even thinks he hears her voice when he's awake. But after surviving an accident that should have killed him, Taito's world changes drastically and he realizes that his dreams are more real than he thought. -- 116,615 6.59
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure -- -- APPP -- 7 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural Vampire -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure -- Kujo Jotaro is a normal, popular Japanese high-schooler, until he thinks that he is possessed by a spirit, and locks himself in prison. After seeing his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul, Jotaro learns that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form. Later, his mother gains a Stand, and becomes sick. Jotaro learns that it is because the vampire Dio Brando has been revived 100 years after his defeat to Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather. Jotaro decides to join Joseph and Abdul in a trip to Egypt to defeat Dio once and for all. -- -- Licensor: -- Super Techno Arts -- OVA - May 25, 2000 -- 59,139 7.19
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure -- -- APPP -- 7 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural Vampire -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure -- Kujo Jotaro is a normal, popular Japanese high-schooler, until he thinks that he is possessed by a spirit, and locks himself in prison. After seeing his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul, Jotaro learns that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form. Later, his mother gains a Stand, and becomes sick. Jotaro learns that it is because the vampire Dio Brando has been revived 100 years after his defeat to Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather. Jotaro decides to join Joseph and Abdul in a trip to Egypt to defeat Dio once and for all. -- OVA - May 25, 2000 -- 59,139 7.19
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken -- -- APPP -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural Vampire -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken -- Kujo Jotaro is a normal, popular Japanese high-schooler, until he thinks that he is possessed by a spirit, and locks himself in prison. After seeing his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul, Jotaro learns that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form. Later, his mother gains a Stand, and becomes sick. Jotaro learns that it is because the vampire Dio Brando has been revived 100 years after his defeat to Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather. Jotaro decides to join Joseph and Abdul in a trip to Egypt to defeat Dio once and for all. -- -- Licensor: -- Super Techno Arts -- OVA - Nov 19, 1993 -- 81,313 7.35
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken -- -- APPP -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural Vampire -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken -- Kujo Jotaro is a normal, popular Japanese high-schooler, until he thinks that he is possessed by a spirit, and locks himself in prison. After seeing his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul, Jotaro learns that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form. Later, his mother gains a Stand, and becomes sick. Jotaro learns that it is because the vampire Dio Brando has been revived 100 years after his defeat to Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather. Jotaro decides to join Joseph and Abdul in a trip to Egypt to defeat Dio once and for all. -- OVA - Nov 19, 1993 -- 81,313 7.35
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- -- MAPPA -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- Yuuta Okkotsu is haunted. Ever since his childhood friend Rika died in a traffic accident, her ghost has stuck with him. But her spirit does not appear as the sweet girl Yuuta once knew. Instead, she manifests as a monstrous and powerful entity who fiercely protects him. Unable to control Rika's violent behavior, Yuuta is helpless to stop the bloodshed that follows from her brutal vengeance. As a result, when apprehended by "Jujutsu" sorcerers—the secret guardians of the world, trained to combat forces like Rika—Yuuta wishes to be completely isolated so that no one else can get hurt. -- -- Yet his apprehender, the master sorcerer Satoru Gojou, has different plans for him: he will join Jujutsu High School and learn to control Rika in order to help people. Now a first-year at this school, Yuuta starts to learn Jujutsu arts and combat malignant beings. Alongside his new classmates Maki Zenin, a Jujutsu weapons expert; Toge Inumaki, a spellcaster who uses his words as weapons; and Panda, a seemingly walking and talking panda bear, Yuuta begins to find his place in the world and, for once, to feel comfortable with his abilities. However, as his training progresses, Yuuta comes to learn that the dangers of the Jujutsu world go far beyond that of wicked spirits. -- -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 97,895 N/A -- -- Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren -- -- Bones -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren -- In this brand-new adventure, some Class 1-A students are sent to hone their survival skills at a training course. Having yet to receive their provisional licenses, they're eager to cut loose and have a little fun. -- -- They quickly discover that the danger they face is no simulation! It's going to take their combined training, teamwork, and quick thinking if they're going to pass this assignment! -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- ONA - Aug 16, 2020 -- 97,538 7.12
Kanojo mo Kanojo -- -- Tezuka Productions -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Kanojo mo Kanojo Kanojo mo Kanojo -- After harboring an unrequited love for years, Naoya Mukai finally gets to date his childhood friend, Saki Saki. However, just as he tries to commit himself to this relationship, he receives an abrupt confession from Nagisa Minase. -- -- At first, Naoya tries to reject her but is soon overcome by feelings of not wanting to hurt Nagisa. Trying to avoid betraying his girlfriend's trust in him, Naoya thinks up a "solution" to make both girls happy—two-timing. Naturally, Saki rebuffs this idea, but through Naoya's and Nagisa's persistence, she reluctantly submits. -- -- With this, a three-way affair begins between Naoya, his girlfriend, and his "other" girlfriend, as they develop a relationship that deviates from the social norm. -- -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 14,817 N/A -- -- Gokinjo Monogatari -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Gokinjo Monogatari Gokinjo Monogatari -- The protagonist, Kouda Mikako, is a student of "Yaza Gaku". Specialising in fashion design, Mikako dreams of becoming a fashion designer with her own brand. Living next to her is her childhood friend, Yamaguchi Tsutomu. Even though they have been close since they were young, they share a platonic friendship. However, Tsutomu has been gaining popularity, especially with the girls, because he seems to resemble a popular vocalist from a band and somehow, Mikako begins to see him in a different light. This is a story about how youths cope with dreams, love and friendship. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Sep 10, 1995 -- 14,813 7.49
Kanojo mo Kanojo -- -- Tezuka Productions -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Kanojo mo Kanojo Kanojo mo Kanojo -- After harboring an unrequited love for years, Naoya Mukai finally gets to date his childhood friend, Saki Saki. However, just as he tries to commit himself to this relationship, he receives an abrupt confession from Nagisa Minase. -- -- At first, Naoya tries to reject her but is soon overcome by feelings of not wanting to hurt Nagisa. Trying to avoid betraying his girlfriend's trust in him, Naoya thinks up a "solution" to make both girls happy—two-timing. Naturally, Saki rebuffs this idea, but through Naoya's and Nagisa's persistence, she reluctantly submits. -- -- With this, a three-way affair begins between Naoya, his girlfriend, and his "other" girlfriend, as they develop a relationship that deviates from the social norm. -- -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 14,817 N/A -- -- Rockman.EXE Axess -- -- Xebec -- 51 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Game Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Rockman.EXE Axess Rockman.EXE Axess -- Netto's father Yuuichirou Hikari has made a scientific breakthrough by introducing the "synchro chips". If an operator and his or her navi are in a special enviroment known as a "dimensional area", they can fuse together in the real world via a technique called "cross fusion"! Yuuichirou's first test subject, Misaki Gorou, attempts the process and sadly fails. Netto offers to try with Rockman, but his father forbids it. Cross Fusion puts enormous strain on the operator's health, and battling in the real world could mean death. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- TV - Oct 4, 2003 -- 14,733 7.13
Karen Senki -- -- Next Media Animation -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Karen Senki Karen Senki -- In the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a war between machines and their creators, machines rule while humans exist in a state of servitude. Titular character Karen leads Resistance Group 11, an eclectic group of humans who find themselves fighting for their lives as they are hunted by the robots in each episode. Is this the end of humanity? Are they fighting a losing battle? -- -- Through Karen, we delve into a struggle between right and wrong, between indifference and love that explores some of the deepest questions about humanity. What is the difference between a thinking machine and a human being? What is a soul? -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- ONA - Sep 27, 2014 -- 10,550 5.78
Katte ni Kaizou -- -- Shaft -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody School Sci-Fi Shounen -- Katte ni Kaizou Katte ni Kaizou -- Katsu Kaizou is a very gullible, 17-year-old high school student and a believer in science fiction, aliens, ghosts, UFOs, conspiracies, etc. He thinks that everything going on around him is the result of some sort of alien plot to take over the world. Each story is pretty much self-contained and is completely bizarre. Kaizou joins the school's science club, makes new friends, and ends up coming in contact with all sorts of strange things like log people, deadly sushi, pee-blades, scary infections, robot invasions, ghosts, living dolls, and more! -- OVA - May 23, 2011 -- 26,910 6.91
Kirepapa. -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Yaoi -- Kirepapa. Kirepapa. -- Chisato Takatsukasa, a 35-year-old author, has such a youthful appearance that anyone would think him to be in his early twenties. His work is inspired by his idol—the best-selling mystery author Saki Shunka, who is as much of an enigma herself as the plots of the books she writes. -- -- Chisato is also the extremely overprotective father of 15-year old Riju, convinced that the "friends" his son constantly brings over are nothing but predators waiting for the perfect opportunity to defile his precious boy. As a result, Chisato will stop at nothing to ensure they never come over again, resorting to the most extreme of methods. -- -- There is not a man he hates more, however, than Riju's rather persistent best friend Shunsuke Sakaki, who just won't go away regardless of what Chisato tries to do. But the motivations of these characters lie as secrets bubbling just below the surface. Why is Chisato so wary of Riju's friends, and what exactly does Shunsuke know about the mysterious author his friend's father idolizes? -- -- OVA - Jan 25, 2008 -- 47,596 6.68
Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: 101 Banme no Mamono -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Shounen Supernatural -- Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: 101 Banme no Mamono Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: 101 Banme no Mamono -- During the Summer holidays, Gash and gang decide to head for Fuji Mountain for a picnic gathering. There, they encounter a girl with a white magical book. Her name is Kotoha and her book has a message saying that Gash's mother is located a cave in the forest. However, when they eventually found the cave, there was already a blond-haired youth by the name of Wiseman. In order to rescue Wiseman, Gash and the others attempt to proceed into the depths of the cave and stumble upon the entrance to another world. Soon later, the strongest warrior, the Black Knight, appeared before them. Thinking that Gash was the one who stole the 101th magical book, the Black Knight started to attack them. Gash and Kiyomaro have to find the real criminal in exactly 24 hours, or else they will be stuck in the alternative world forever. -- Movie - Aug 7, 2004 -- 7,243 7.28
Kono Danshi, Ningyo Hiroimashita. -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Fantasy Shounen Ai -- Kono Danshi, Ningyo Hiroimashita. Kono Danshi, Ningyo Hiroimashita. -- *The Second OVA of Kono Dan series. -- -- They say look before you leap and make sure you can swim before you go in the deep water, but when a picture of his late grandfather falls into the ocean, Shima jumps in after it without thinking. Nearly drowning as a result, he is instead saved by a very perfect stranger... one whose strangeness extends to only being human from the waist up! -- -- For Shima, who's always felt like a fish out of water himself, it's more than just a revelation, and the young man and merman quickly begin to bond in ways neither anticipated. And yet, it's going to be far from easy sailing. After all, Shima and Isaki aren't just from opposite sides of the tracks, they're from entirely divergent species, and swimming in separate gene pools may make maintaining a long term relationship a whole different kettle of fish! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Nov 9, 2012 -- 31,643 7.39
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Tachikoma na Hibi -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi Comedy Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Tachikoma na Hibi Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Tachikoma na Hibi -- Tachikomatic Days is a series of comedic shorts attached to the end of every episode of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG. The shorts feature the antics of the Tachikoma think tanks of Section 9 and usually involve plot points. The average short time is a little over a minute. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - Sep 10, 2004 -- 18,555 7.20
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society - Uchikoma na Hibi -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Comedy Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society - Uchikoma na Hibi Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society - Uchikoma na Hibi -- Uchikomatic Days is a 5 minute short telling the story of the birth of the Uchikomas, the 'ugly duckling' second generation think-tanks that made substandard replacement models for the Tachikomas. The short features a music performance by the A.I. Tough Guy Uchikomas, a group of rising stars that will provide entertainment at the Harima City for Academic Research New Year's Eve Party. -- -- This special feature is available on the Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. Solid State Society DVD. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - Jul 24, 2007 -- 11,473 6.95
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Tachikoma na Hibi -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi Comedy Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Tachikoma na Hibi Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Tachikoma na Hibi -- Tachikomatic Days is a series of comedic shorts attached to the end of every episode of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. The shorts feature the antics of the Tachikoma think tanks of Section 9 and usually involve plot points. The average short time is a little over a minute. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - Oct 1, 2002 -- 23,592 7.15
Kuroko no Basket Movie 2: Winter Cup - Namida no Saki e -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sports School Shounen -- Kuroko no Basket Movie 2: Winter Cup - Namida no Saki e Kuroko no Basket Movie 2: Winter Cup - Namida no Saki e -- Second of three compilation films of the Kuroko no Basket franchise. -- -- Seirin faces off with Yosen in the quarter finals of the Winter Cup. Facing Yosen’s impenetrable defense with Murasakibara at its center, Kuroko manages to shoot his first point. Meanwhile, the ace battle between Kagami and Himuro also heats up. An intense battle is held until the very end. Next, Seirin faces off with Kaijo in the semi finals. Cautious of Kaijo's ace, Kise, and his Perfect Copy ability, Seirin works fast and hard to take the lead. Kise hurts his leg and is benched, so Seirin thinks they now have their chance, but then Kaijo shows them exactly what they can do even without Kise. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- Movie - Oct 8, 2016 -- 22,718 7.65
Level E -- -- David Production, Studio Pierrot -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Level E Level E -- Tokyo-born schoolboy Yukitaka Tsutsui is moving to Yamagata Prefecture for high school on a baseball scholarship. Since he went to the top middle school in Japan for baseball, the townsfolk are very excited about his arrival. However, when he arrives in his apartment, he encounters a strange man nonchalantly reading and wearing his clothes! The stranger claims to be an alien who crash-landed on Earth and has nowhere to go. Revealing himself to be Baka Ki El Dogra, the crown prince of the planet Dogra, he is just one of the hundreds of aliens that have already made Earth their home. -- -- Despite his regal origins, the prince is an infamous intergalactic fool who thinks nothing of inconveniencing others for his own amusement. Whether he is running ridiculous tests on his subordinates, giving strange powers to random children, or just generally being a nuisance, nobody is safe from the idiot prince's antics! -- -- TV - Jan 11, 2011 -- 82,693 7.45
Lovely� -- Complex -- -- Toei Animation -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Shoujo -- Lovely� -- Complex Lovely� -- Complex -- Love is unusual for Koizumi Risa and Ootani Atsushi, who are both striving to find their ideal partner in high school—172 cm tall Koizumi is much taller than the average girl, and Ootani is much shorter than the average guy at 156 cm. To add to their plights, their crushes fall in love with each other, leaving Koizumi and Ootani comically flustered and heartbroken. To make matters worse, they're even labeled as a comedy duo by their homeroom teacher due to their personalities and the stark difference in their heights, and their classmates even think of their arguments as sketches. -- -- Lovely� -- Complex follows Koizumi and Ootani as they encourage each other in finding love and become close friends. Apart from their ridiculous antics, they soon find out an unexpected similarity in their music and fashion tastes. Maybe they possess a chemistry yet unknown, but could love ever bloom between the mismatched pair? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 7, 2007 -- 452,926 8.05
Magikano -- -- Tokyo Kids -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Harem Magic Romance Shounen -- Magikano Magikano -- Ayumi Mamiya is a witch cursed to lose her powers and only one boy can break the spell. Haruo Yoshikawa thinks he is a normal boy but unknown to him his three sisters have magical powers and keep him protected and ignorant about the exsistence of magic. Now Ayumi must wake up Haruo's latent powers to save herself but his sisters will have none of that. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- TV - Jan 1, 2006 -- 31,048 6.37
Magikano -- -- Tokyo Kids -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Harem Magic Romance Shounen -- Magikano Magikano -- Ayumi Mamiya is a witch cursed to lose her powers and only one boy can break the spell. Haruo Yoshikawa thinks he is a normal boy but unknown to him his three sisters have magical powers and keep him protected and ignorant about the exsistence of magic. Now Ayumi must wake up Haruo's latent powers to save herself but his sisters will have none of that. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jan 1, 2006 -- 31,048 6.37
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- -- Seven Arcs -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- Nanoha Takamachi, an ordinary third-grader, loves her family and friends more than anything else. One day, after having a strange dream in which a ferret gets injured, she sees the very same ferret in real life and rescues it. That ferret turns out to be Yuuno Scrya, a mage from another world who is trying to capture the 21 scattered Jewel Seeds before they cause serious damage to the universe. Yuuno is not powerful enough to capture the Jewel seeds on his own, so he grants Nanoha the intelligent device "Raising Heart" and begins training her as a mage. -- -- Unfortunately, the powerful Jewel Seeds attract those with ill intentions. Another mage, Fate Testarossa, is desperate to collect the seeds for some unknown and sinister purpose, though the solemn look in her eyes makes Nanoha think that there is more to Fate than meets the eye. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st is a retelling of the original series, which tells the story of two young mages and how their strong emotions shape their actions. -- -- Movie - Jan 23, 2010 -- 27,907 7.90
Mahou Shoujo Site -- -- production doA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Mahou Shoujo Site Mahou Shoujo Site -- Every day, Aya Asagiri thinks about killing herself. She is bullied relentlessly at school, and at home, her older brother Kaname physically abuses her to relieve the academic stress put on him by their father. -- -- One night, as she lies awake wishing for death, a mysterious website called Magical Girl Site appears on her laptop, promising to give her magical powers. At first, she dismisses it as a creepy prank, but when she finds a magical gun in her shoe locker the next day, she doesn't know what to believe. Deciding to take it with her, she soon runs into her bullies once again. But this time, desperate for anything to save her, she uses the gun—and her assailants are transported to a nearby railroad crossing, where they are run over. -- -- Aya's conscience is unable to handle the fact that she murdered two of her classmates with magic, and she desperately tries to understand the situation. However, when she finds herself in trouble again, she is saved by Tsuyuno Yatsumura, a classmate who can use magic to stop time. This duo has a lot to do: not only do they have to fight alongside and against other magical girls, but they also need to uncover the truth behind the website and the apocalyptic event known as "The Tempest" that is soon to occur. -- -- 161,527 6.49
Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Comedy Super Power Romance Ecchi Martial Arts School -- Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! -- The samurai are a very important part of Japan's history, and to be related to them in any way is probably one of the most inspiring things that a young high school student could hope for. -- -- Kawakami City is well-known for having many samurai ancestors among its citizens, and is generally surrounded by an atmosphere of fighting spirit, loyalty, and dedication to work. In Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!, the students of Kawakami Academy use this knowledge on a daily basis, whether they are studying for exams, competing in sports competitions, or making sure that they take very good care of their traditions. Yamato Naoe is one such student, and his six closest friends (three boys and three girls) make up the perfect team for friendship, rivalry, and motivation. However, even samurai have weaknesses. -- -- Although the balance and long friendship of their group has been undisturbed for a long time, when two new girls enter the group, things start to get a lot more interesting. Not only must they maintain what they think is the samurai tradition, but they must now also do it with a lot of "distractions." -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 238,653 6.75
Mamotte! Lollipop -- -- Studio Comet -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Mamotte! Lollipop Mamotte! Lollipop -- Nina, thinking it was a lolly, swallows an object called "Crystal Pearl". But the candy turns out to be a test for the magicians. To retrieve the crystal, a special medicine has to be made so now Zero and Ichii, the magicians, have to protect her from others while waiting for the medicine to be completed. -- -- (Source: ANN, edited) -- TV - Jul 2, 2006 -- 20,706 6.66
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Demons Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- Second half of Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou 2nd Season. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 12,937 N/A -- -- Gokudou-kun Manyuuki -- -- Trans Arts -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Gokudou-kun Manyuuki Gokudou-kun Manyuuki -- It all starts when Gokudou steals a pouch from a fortuneteller, thinking that it contains a gem. Instead, it turns out to be a rock, from which emerges Djinn. The genie grants Gokudou the standard three wishes, but our anti-hero doesn't think heavily about his wishes. Gokudou does get his wishes, though not exactly in the fashion that he expected. The best thing he gets out of his wishes is Honou no Maken, a magical sword that enables its owner to do fire attacks and it can be summoned from anywhere in the world. -- -- Even with an enchanted sword, Gokudou doesn't get much respect. He gets turned into a woman by Djinn, who is also a shapeshifter. He is followed by Rubette La Late, a potential love interest who is more interested in adventure, karaoke and outperforming Gokudou. He gets whapped on the head a lot, especially by the fortuneteller who reappears throughout the series just to plague Gokudou it seems. Later in the series, he gets another sidekick, a former evil magician named Prince, who is more handsome and a better womanizer than Gokudou. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Media Blasters -- 12,895 7.46
Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd -- -- Studio Deen -- 5 eps -- Light novel -- Drama School Shoujo Ai Slice of Life -- Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd -- Summer has arrived, and the students of Lillian Girls' Academy are on break! Yumi and Sachiko head out to the Ogasawara family's summer home, but what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation takes a turn for the worse when some of Sachiko's old acquaintances drop by for tea. These rich and snobby debutantes don't think Yumi is worthy of Sachiko's affection and they're out to make this summer one she'll regret. -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Dec 29, 2006 -- 18,895 7.84
Mazica Party -- -- OLM -- ? eps -- Original -- Game Magic Fantasy -- Mazica Party Mazica Party -- The franchise's story centers on wizards who gather mazica in order to save the world. Junior high school student Kezuru wakes up after a strange dream featuring himself as a wizard, a creature called "mazin," and a mysterious girl. The next day, his friend Kuracchi proudly shows off the newly launched Mazica Party card game. To Kezuru's shock, all the characters drawn in the game's cards are just like the ones in his dream. -- -- Meanwhile, Kezuru receives a notification for an event at the major international company Mazica. Intrigued, Kezuru goes to the Mazica Store as directed, only to meet the Mazica CEO himself, Jeff Johns. Johns says, "I have great expectations for you," and hands Kezuru Mazica Gear. -- -- On his way back home, Kezuru is attacked by an airship-like creature. Just when he thinks, "this is it!" to himself, his Mazica Gear erupts and a magic book appears. When he scratches a card, he seals a contract with Barunya, a "mazin" creature that is an odd remixed fusion between an airship and a cat. -- -- The mysterious girl Anya says Kezuru and those of his ilk will be "the true wizards who save the world." Amid all these mysterious revelations, Kezuru enrolls in the Mazica Academy and engages in Mazica Party card battles alongside his partner mazin. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 627 N/A -- -- Kairisei Million Arthur -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Card game -- Game Music Fantasy -- Kairisei Million Arthur Kairisei Million Arthur -- The animated promotional videos for Square Enix's Kairisei Million Arthur RPG mobile card game launched for iOS and Android on November 19, 2014. It is a sequel to the original game. -- ONA - Nov 18, 2014 -- 623 5.50
Medaka Box -- -- Asahi Production, Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Martial Arts School Shounen Super Power -- Medaka Box Medaka Box -- Medaka Kurokami is, in the truest sense of the word, perfect. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic, Medaka's dream is to make others happy. So when she runs for Student Council President of the prestigious Hakoniwa Academy, winning the election with 98% of the votes is only to be expected. -- -- The very first thing the boisterous new president does is set up the "Medaka Box," a suggestion box allowing students to submit any kind of request for assistance. Together with the cynical Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, her childhood friend who has been strong-armed into helping, Medaka fulfills these requests at a ridiculous rate. For every job completed, she adds flowers to the student council room, with the aim of filling the entire school. However, the two are about to find out that helping others may be a lot harder than they think as they begin to uncover a devastating plan centering on the academy and even Medaka herself! -- -- 208,054 7.06
Medaka Box -- -- Asahi Production, Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Martial Arts School Shounen Super Power -- Medaka Box Medaka Box -- Medaka Kurokami is, in the truest sense of the word, perfect. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic, Medaka's dream is to make others happy. So when she runs for Student Council President of the prestigious Hakoniwa Academy, winning the election with 98% of the votes is only to be expected. -- -- The very first thing the boisterous new president does is set up the "Medaka Box," a suggestion box allowing students to submit any kind of request for assistance. Together with the cynical Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, her childhood friend who has been strong-armed into helping, Medaka fulfills these requests at a ridiculous rate. For every job completed, she adds flowers to the student council room, with the aim of filling the entire school. However, the two are about to find out that helping others may be a lot harder than they think as they begin to uncover a devastating plan centering on the academy and even Medaka herself! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 208,054 7.06
Mezzo DSA -- -- Arms -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Mezzo DSA Mezzo DSA -- Mikura, Kurokawa, and Harada are the 3 members of the Danger Service Agency (DSA). Mikura is the brawns of the group, Harada is the brains, and Kurokawa is just a bitter ex-cop that likes to think he's in charge. They'll take on any job as long as it involves lots of danger and, of course, money. If you want to live long enough to eat dinner, you better not cross them. Their biggest case, however, could prove to be finding out why someone wants Kurokawa assassinated. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- 17,500 6.67
Morita-san wa Mukuchi. -- -- Seven -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Morita-san wa Mukuchi. Morita-san wa Mukuchi. -- Morita Mayu, a high school girl. She is extremely reticent and her silence and habit of looking at people's eyes straightly sometimes cause misunderstanding. The reason behind it is not because she doesn’t like to talk nor because she has nothing to say. The reason she rarely speaks is due to the fact she thinks too much before speaking, thus losing the timing to speak altogether. But she lives a happy school life with her classmates. -- TV - Jul 6, 2011 -- 21,221 6.53
Morita-san wa Mukuchi -- -- Seven -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Morita-san wa Mukuchi Morita-san wa Mukuchi -- OVA bundled with the special edition of manga volume 3. -- -- Morita Mayu is a high school girl. She is extremely reticent and her silence and habit of looking at people's eyes straightly sometimes cause misunderstanding. The reason behind it is not because she doesn’t like to talk nor because she has nothing to say. The reason she rarely speaks is due to the fact she thinks too much before speaking, thus losing the timing to speak altogether. Despite this, she lives a happy school life with her classmates. -- OVA - Mar 26, 2011 -- 8,592 6.58
Muv-Luv Alternative -- -- - -- ? eps -- Visual novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Muv-Luv Alternative Muv-Luv Alternative -- In Muv-Luv Alternative, Takeru wakes up three years after the end of Muv-Luv Unlimited to find himself back in his room. Although he first thinks that everything that had happened to him was a dream, he soon feels that something is wrong, and leaves the house to find that he has been sent back in time to the beginning of the events in Unlimited. Unwilling to accept something like Alternative V, he decides to help professor Kouzuki to complete Alternative IV and save mankind. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 4,705 N/AGirls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 4 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military School -- Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 4 Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 4 -- The fourth film in the six-part Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou film series. -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 4,663 N/A -- -- Girls & Panzer Heartful Tank Disc Picture Drama -- -- Actas -- 4 eps -- Original -- Military School -- Girls & Panzer Heartful Tank Disc Picture Drama Girls & Panzer Heartful Tank Disc Picture Drama -- Picture drama episodes bundled with the Girls & Panzer "Heartful Tank Disc." -- Special - Sep 25, 2013 -- 4,653 6.59
Natsume Yuujinchou San -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Demons Supernatural Drama Shoujo -- Natsume Yuujinchou San Natsume Yuujinchou San -- Natsume Yuujinchou San follows Takashi Natsume, a boy who is able to see youkai. Natsume and his bodyguard Madara, nicknamed Nyanko-sensei, continue on their quest to release youkai from their contracts in the "Book of Friends." -- -- Natsume comes to terms with his ability to see youkai and stops thinking of it as a curse. As he spends more time with his human and youkai friends, he realizes how much he values them both and decides he doesn't have to choose between the spirit and human worlds to be happy. -- -- 206,009 8.59
Natsume Yuujinchou San -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Demons Supernatural Drama Shoujo -- Natsume Yuujinchou San Natsume Yuujinchou San -- Natsume Yuujinchou San follows Takashi Natsume, a boy who is able to see youkai. Natsume and his bodyguard Madara, nicknamed Nyanko-sensei, continue on their quest to release youkai from their contracts in the "Book of Friends." -- -- Natsume comes to terms with his ability to see youkai and stops thinking of it as a curse. As he spends more time with his human and youkai friends, he realizes how much he values them both and decides he doesn't have to choose between the spirit and human worlds to be happy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 206,009 8.59
Net-juu no Susume -- -- Signal.MD -- 10 eps -- Web manga -- Game Comedy Romance -- Net-juu no Susume Net-juu no Susume -- For the first time since graduating high school, 30-year-old Moriko Morioka is unemployed—and she couldn't be happier. Having quit her long-standing job of over 11 years, Moriko quickly turns to online games to pass her now-plentiful free time, reinventing herself as the handsome and dashing male hero "Hayashi" in the MMO Fruits de Mer. With the pesky societal obligations of the real world out of the way, she blissfully dives headfirst into the realm of the game, where she promptly meets the kind and adorable healer Lily. Befriending each other almost instantly, the two become inseparable just as Moriko herself becomes more and more engrossed in her new "life" as Hayashi. Eventually, Moriko adopts the reclusive lifestyle in its entirety, venturing out from the safety of her apartment only when absolutely necessary. -- -- Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Moriko, a timid 28-year-old corporate worker named Yuuta Sakurai has also logged onto Fruits de Mer from the other side of town. Coincidentally bumping into each other at the convenience store one night, both write off their meeting as no more than just another awkward encounter with a stranger—however, fate has more in store for them than they think. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- ONA - Oct 10, 2017 -- 351,949 7.62
Ojamajo Doremi -- -- Toei Animation -- 51 eps -- Original -- Comedy Magic -- Ojamajo Doremi Ojamajo Doremi -- Harukaze Doremi considers herself to be the unluckiest girl in the world. Her parents are always fighting, her little sister makes fun of her, and her crush pines after another girl. If only Doremi could just wave a magic wand, she would have a much better life—or so she used to think. -- -- After a mishap with a real witch, Doremi becomes an apprentice witch herself, and it turns out she's pretty horrible at that, too. -- -- Now she and her two friends must study to become better at magic so they can become good witches. That is, if they can focus on their magic studies! -- -- The three apprentices will need all the luck they can get if they want to pass the witch exams and become full-fledged witches. Only then will Doremi's debt to the witch Majorika be repaid. Until then, Doremi will remain a useless little witch girl! -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment -- 40,996 7.22
Omae Umasou da na -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Picture book -- Action Adventure Fantasy Kids -- Omae Umasou da na Omae Umasou da na -- By a twist of fate, a herbivorous dinosaur finds a lost egg and brings it back to her nest. When the egg hatches, however, a carnivorous dinosaur emerges. Unable to abandon the child, she names him "Heart" and raises him in exile alongside her own child. As Heart comes of age, he struggles to eat the same food as his family and runs away in disgrace when he learns that he cannot live properly without meat. -- -- Years later, the now feared predator Heart encounters a situation similar to his past—he spots a dinosaur egg opposite his kind. As it emerges, Heart remarks that the newborn is delicious-looking. The newborn herbivore thinks that Heart is his father and takes delicious-looking, or "Umasou," as his name. Unable to eat a newborn who loves him, Heart reluctantly decides to raise Umasou as his own. As he nurtures a forbidden child like his mother before him, Heart struggles to deal with an unforgiving world and the true natures of predator and prey. -- -- Movie - Oct 16, 2010 -- 14,519 8.02
Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Romance School -- Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy -- My childhood friend Shida Kuroha seems to have feelings for me. She lives next door, and is small and cute. With an outgoing character, she's the caring Onee-san type, this being one of her greatest strengths. -- -- ...But, I already have my first love, the beautiful idol of our school, and the award-winning author, Kachi Shirokusa! Thinking about it rationally, I should have no chances with her, but, while walking home from school, she only talks to me, with a smile even! I might actually have a chance, don't you think?! -- -- Or so I thought, but then I heard that Shirokusa already has a boyfriend, and my life took a turn for the worse. I want to die. Why is it not me?! Even though she was my first love... As I was drowning in despair and depression, Kuroha whispered. -- -- —If it's that tough for you, then how about we get revenge? The best revenge ever, that is~ -- -- (Source: Novel Updates, edited) -- 93,230 7.22
Persona 5 the Animation Specials -- -- CloverWorks -- 2 eps -- Game -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Persona 5 the Animation Specials Persona 5 the Animation Specials -- Unaired episodes included in 11th & 12th BD/DVD volume of the Persona 5 the Animation. These volumes contained the two Persona 5 the Animation TV Specials ("Stars and Ours" & "Dark Sun..." respectively) rather than episodes of the regular TV series. -- -- #1: Few days after battle against Akechi. Ren, who was helping out with the cafe, saw a cross word puzzle magazine on the table and saw Akechi's handwriting besides a solved crossword "Seigi no Akashi (Sign of Justice)." In order to investigate the meaning, he walks around the street under the cold winter snow while thinking back at the memory with Akechi. The meaning that revealed and Akechi's feeling is... -- -- #2: Valentine's Day Omnibus Story featuring Ren Amamiya. -- Special - May 29, 2019 -- 9,557 6.89
Ranma ½: Yomigaeru Kioku -- -- Gainax, Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen -- Ranma ½: Yomigaeru Kioku Ranma ½: Yomigaeru Kioku -- "Reawakening Memories" deals with Akane suddenly remembering a trip to Ryugenzawa when she was a small child. While there she was saved from a giant platypus by Shinnosuke. Akane travels back to Ryogenzawa and once again meets Shinnosuke, who falls in love with her. Akane blames herself for Shinnosuke`s life-threatening injuries, and decides to stay and help out. This irritates Ranma, who thinks that Akane has fallen in love with Shinnosuke, and will do what it takes to get her back. -- OVA - Dec 16, 1994 -- 16,319 7.63
Rekka no Honoo -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 42 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Rekka no Honoo Rekka no Honoo -- Most people think that ninjas are a thing of the past, but Rekka Hanabishi wishes otherwise. Although he comes from a family that makes fireworks, he likes to think of himself as a self-styled, modern-day ninja. Sounds like fun, right? Maybe not. Rekka ends up in lots of fights because he once made the bold announcement that if someone can defeat him, he will become their servant. -- -- Then one day, Rekka meets Yanagi Sakoshita, a gentle girl with the ability to heal any wound or injury. Their meeting sets off a chain of events, which culminate into a shocking discovery. Rekka is the last surviving member of a legendary ninja clan that was wiped out centuries ago. Even more astonishing than being an actual ninja, he also wields the power to control fire. What does this mean for Rekka? Who are these strange people after him and Yanagi? Find out in Rekka no Honoo! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, VIZ Media -- 55,567 7.36
Rinne no Lagrange Season 2 -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi -- Rinne no Lagrange Season 2 Rinne no Lagrange Season 2 -- Several months have passed since Lan and Muginami left Earth. Now in her final year of high school, Madoka spends most of her days thinking about her friends, when Lan suddenly returns to Kamogawa City. -- -- (Source: VIZ Media) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Jul 8, 2012 -- 25,568 6.98
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song -- Before Chise became the "ultimate weapon," there was another—Lieutenant Mizuki. A battle-hardened military woman, she volunteered for an experimental procedure after injuries left her unable to return to the battlefield. As the prototype ultimate weapon, Lieutenant Mizuki was highly successful on the battlefield, however, as the first candidate, her development was limited. -- -- When a more suitable candidate to become the weapon, Chise, is forced into the military, Lieutenant Mizuki thinks that she is silly, weak, and unsuited for the role. As the only other person to have undergone the procedure, however, Lieutenant Mizuki can hear Chise's thoughts and is the only one who understands her. As the war rages on and Chise's development progresses, Lieutenant Mizuki discovers more about Chise, ultimate weapons, and herself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- OVA - Aug 5, 2005 -- 16,216 7.10
Sankarea -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Horror Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Sankarea Sankarea -- Ever since he was a child, zombie-obsessed Chihiro Furuya has wanted an undead girlfriend. Soon enough, his love for all things zombie comes in handy when his cat Baabu gets run over, prompting Chihiro to try to make a resurrection potion and bring him back to life. During his endeavor, he sees a rich girl named Rea Sanka yelling into an old well every day about her oppressive life. After meeting and bonding with her, Chihiro is convinced by Rea to persevere in saving Baabu. Eventually, he succeeds with the help of the poisonous hydrangea flowers from Rea's family garden. -- -- Unaware of the potion's success and seeking to escape the burdens of her life, Rea drinks the resurrection potion, mistakenly thinking she will die. Though it doesn't kill her, the effects still linger and her death from a fatal accident causes her to be reborn as a zombie. With help from Chihiro, Rea strives to adjust to her new—albeit undead—life. -- -- For a boy wanting a zombie girlfriend, this situation would seem like a dream come true. But in Sankarea, Chihiro's life becomes stranger than usual as he deals with Rea's odd new cravings and the unforeseen consequences of her transformation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 481,086 7.34
Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mystery Comedy Supernatural School -- Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin -- The story revolves around Maya, the daughter of the former Headmaster of Waldstein Academy, and a time traveling agent Fumiaki Uchida. In the year 2012, the world had been invaded by aliens and time travelers were sent back to the year 1999 in order to find and destroy the Nostradamus Key, which Nostradamus Prophecy foretold as what would bring about the apocalypse. The series then turns to the year 1999, where Maya returns to the Academy with the intention of destroying the Academy by superseding her late father's position as the principal. Her plan was interrupted when she meets Fumiaki and learns of the forthcoming destruction. Despite being distrusting towards Fumiaki, they form a pact to look for the Nostradamus Key. -- -- In order to find the Nostradamus Key, time agents were provided with specially created cell phones. When a user finds an object of interest, by thinking of destroying it and taking a photo, and if the resulting image is that of a peaceful world, then the subject is the Nostradamus Key. Conversely, if the subject is not the Nostradamus Key, then the photo displays destruction. By using the phone, Maya and Fumiaki investigates occult occurrences as they occur in the town. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 91,327 7.07
Seitokai no Ichizon -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Parody School -- Seitokai no Ichizon Seitokai no Ichizon -- Imagine living life as the vice president of the student council, passing the days eating snacks, playing games, and bonding with a harem of beautiful girls. This is exactly the kind of life that high school student Ken Sugisaki leads, or so he thinks! -- -- Usually, the officers of Hekiyou Academy's student council are elected by popular vote, but an additional position is granted to the student who scores the highest on the exams. Ken, who historically has had below average grades, worked hard to improve them to be accepted into the student council, with the ultimate goal of surrounding himself with girls who fawn over him. -- -- Unfortunately for the vice president, things do not go quite as planned. Not only do the ladies of the council continually rebuff his advances, they also prefer to focus on more important and "boring" activities, such as organizing school events and managing the other clubs. But a few minor hurdles like these won't stop Ken from chasing after his dreams, even if they seem a bit ridiculous. -- -- TV - Oct 3, 2009 -- 169,766 7.35
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2 -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2 Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2 -- First loves are messy. While settling in as a shoujo manga editor at the famous Marukawa Publishing House, Ritsu Onodera is quite troubled. Working under the stern and superb Masamune Takano is hard enough as it is. However, Masamune is not only Ritsu's first love from middle school but he also suddenly declares that he will make Ritsu fall for him again. -- -- Unknown to them, another editor in the department, Yoshiyuki Katori, is in a relationship with the popular manga artist Chiaki Yoshino. The carefree Chiaki fails to notice, however, that his high school friend—Yuu Yanase—thinks of him as more than a friend. The stoic but caring Hatori will not surrender his love so easily. -- -- Falling in love for the first time when you are 30 is certainly troublesome. Shouta Kisa, yet another editor, is going out with 21-year-old Kou Yukina, an art student. Despite Yukina's assurances, Kisa cannot help but doubt whether someone like himself is truly worthy of his younger, "sparkling" boyfriend. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 8, 2011 -- 130,512 7.94
Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru -- -- SILVER LINK., Studio Palette -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy -- Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru -- "I'm going to live for myself!" -- -- The greatest assassin on Earth knew only how to live as a tool for his employers—until they stopped letting him live. Reborn by the grace of a goddess into a world of swords and sorcery, he's offered a chance to do things differently this time around, but there's a catch...He has to eliminate a super-powerful hero who will bring about the end of the world unless he is stopped. -- -- Now known as Lugh Tuatha Dé, the master assassin certainly has his hands full, particularly because of all the beautiful girls who constantly surround him. Lugh may have been an incomparable killer, but how will he fare against foes with powerful magic? -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 10,570 N/A -- -- Karen Senki -- -- Next Media Animation -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Karen Senki Karen Senki -- In the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a war between machines and their creators, machines rule while humans exist in a state of servitude. Titular character Karen leads Resistance Group 11, an eclectic group of humans who find themselves fighting for their lives as they are hunted by the robots in each episode. Is this the end of humanity? Are they fighting a losing battle? -- -- Through Karen, we delve into a struggle between right and wrong, between indifference and love that explores some of the deepest questions about humanity. What is the difference between a thinking machine and a human being? What is a soul? -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- ONA - Sep 27, 2014 -- 10,550 5.78
Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! -- Always bring a gun to a sword fight! -- -- With world domination nearly in their grasp, the Supreme Leaders of the Kisaragi Corporation—an underground criminal group turned evil megacorp—have decided to try their hands at interstellar conquest. A quick dice roll nominates their chief operative, Combat Agent Six, to be the one to explore an alien planet...and the first thing he does when he gets there is change the sacred incantation for a holy ritual to the most embarrassing thing he can think of. -- -- But evil deeds are business as usual for Kisaragi operatives, so if Six wants a promotion and a raise, he'll have to work much harder than that! For starters, he'll have to do something about the other group of villains on the planet, who are calling themselves the "Demon Lord's Army" or whatever. After all, this world doesn't need two evil organizations! -- -- (Source: Yen Press, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 116,577 7.15
Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi School -- Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai -- With the introduction of strict new morality laws, Japan has become a nation cleansed of all that is obscene and impure. By monitoring citizens using special devices worn around their necks, authorities have taken extreme measures to ensure that society remains chaste. -- -- In this world of sexual suppression, Tanukichi Okuma—son of an infamous terrorist who opposed the chastity laws—has just entered high school, offering his help to the student council in order to get close to president Anna Nishikinomiya, his childhood friend and crush. Little does he know that the vice president Ayame Kajou has a secret identity: Blue Snow, a masked criminal dedicated to spreading lewd material amongst the sheltered public—and Tanukichi has caught the girl's interest due to his father's notoriety. -- -- Soon, Tanukichi is dragged into joining her organization called SOX, where he is forced to spread obscene propaganda, helping to launch an assault against the government's oppressive rule. With their school set as the first point of attack, Tanukichi will have to do the unthinkable when he realizes that their primary target is the person he admires most. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 590,301 7.31
Shin Angyo Onshi -- -- OLM Digital -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy -- Shin Angyo Onshi Shin Angyo Onshi -- After wandering through the desert for days, a bitter warrior named Munsu is lost and unable to continue. His life is unexpectedly saved by Mon-ryon, a young man who dreams of becoming a secret agent for Jushin, a once-great country that was recently destroyed. Mon-ryon's goal is to save his girlfriend, Chunhyan, a born fighter who is held captive by the evil Lord Byonand. Then, from out of nowhere, blood begins trickling from his chest. He has been fatally wounded by the Sarinjas, a cannibalistic breed of desert goblin. The quick-thinking Munsu convinces these beasts to spare his life, in exchange for the peaceful handover of Mon-ryon's appetizing corpse. Although skeptical of Mon-ryon's motives, Munsu sets out to continue the mission that the young idealist described. Accompanied by an army of ghost troops, unleashed using the powers of Angyo Onshi, Munsu liberates Chunhyan. After visiting her boyfriend's final resting place, she declares herself Munsu's bodyguard and, together, they set out on a mission to punish those who stripped Jushin of its original glory. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation, OLM Digital -- Movie - Dec 4, 2004 -- 16,795 6.87
Shin Koihime†Musou -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Historical -- Shin Koihime†Musou Shin Koihime†Musou -- Kanuu and Chouhi's group rescue a mysterious girl, who is actually the real Ryuubi, her name and heirloom sword stolen after the events of the last season. The group sets off to recover Ryuubi's sword. At the same time, a group of street performers, the three Chou Sisters, are given a mysterious magic book that may be more trouble than they think....The franchise re-imagines the classic Chinese historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Sangokushi) as a "moe (fiery), moe (preciously cute) action love comedy" with an almost all-female cast. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 5, 2009 -- 28,312 6.83
Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni Shima -- -- Studio Flad, Wolfsbane -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Slice of Life Fantasy -- Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni Shima Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni Shima -- A heroic and mighty adventurer dreams of...opening a pharmacy? -- -- Red was once a member of the Hero's party, a powerful group destined to save the world from the evil forces of Taraxon, the Raging Demon Lord. That is, until one of his comrades kicked him out. Hoping to live the easy life on the frontier, Red's new goal is to open an apothecary. However, keeping the secret of his former life may not be as simple as he thinks. Especially when the beautiful Rit, an adventurer from his past, shows up and asks to move in with him! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 12,587 N/A -- -- Takamiya Nasuno Desu!: Teekyuu Spin-off -- -- Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Takamiya Nasuno Desu!: Teekyuu Spin-off Takamiya Nasuno Desu!: Teekyuu Spin-off -- A spin-off from Teekyuu which centers on the daily life of Nasuno Takamiya, the "exceedingly airheaded" school tennis club member in Teekyuu, and her friends. -- 12,565 6.43
Shinryaku! Ika Musume -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Slice of Life -- Shinryaku! Ika Musume Shinryaku! Ika Musume -- Humans have been polluting the ocean for a long time, carelessly pouring their garbage and desecrating the waters that many creatures call home. The denizens of the sea have suffered at their poisoning hands. Finally, one certain squid has had enough and vows to punish the humans' selfish actions. -- -- Possessing all the fearsome abilities of a squid such as powerful hair-tentacles, the ability to spit ink, and even use bioluminescence at will, Ika Musume takes it upon herself to rise from the depths of the ocean and exact revenge upon humanity! She surfaces at a certain Lemon Beach House, a restaurant managed by the sisters Eiko and Chizuru Aizawa. Thinking them to be an easy first step toward world domination, she immediately declares war against them, only to find out that she is, quite literally, a fish out of water! To make things worse, she destroys a part of a wall of the beach house in an attempt to flaunt her squiddy superiority and is consequently forced into becoming a waitress to pay the repair costs. Beached for the time being after tasting a thorough defeat at the hands of the Aizawa sisters, Ika Musume is forced to put her plans for world domination on hold. -- -- Despite these setbacks, Ika Musume soon finds herself right at home in her unexpected position as Lemon Beach House's newest employee. Wacky and hilarious, Shinryaku! Ika Musume follows her brand new life on the surface as she makes precious memories and meet lots of new people. With her newfound acquaintances, Ika Musume is looking to take the world by storm, one squid ink spaghetti at a time! -- -- TV - Oct 5, 2010 -- 162,731 7.45
Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen -- -- Xebec -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha -- Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen -- The Kingdom of Arandas alliance and the Countries Unification of Ingelmia have been at war for many years. The fortress of the Great Wall has remained firmly closed, but when it creaks open, the complexion of the war starts to change dramatically. -- -- A new recruit, Susumu Tokimune, is waiting for his first battle. He takes the lead without thinking of the possibility of being trapped, and has a fatal encounter with engineer Jamie Hazaford and the Silver Trailkrieger, Argevollen. -- -- The encounter takes place in a corner of the world where fighting has become the norm. This small coincidence is going to change the future of Tokimune's Independent 8th platoon, as well as the course of the war. -- -- (Source: Showgate) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 3, 2014 -- 40,843 6.50
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- 288,264 7.71
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 286,923 7.71
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 288,264 7.71
Sora no Method -- -- Studio 3Hz -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy School Slice of Life -- Sora no Method Sora no Method -- A group of friends—Nonoka Komiya, Koharu Shiihara, Shione Togawa, and twins Yuzuki and Souta Mizusaka—once attempted to summon a flying saucer to grant their wishes. After thinking that they failed, they called it a day. However, soon afterward, Nonoka abruptly moved out of Kiriya City, breaking the bond of their circle. Little did the group know, they were successful and the saucer has been floating in the sky since then, waiting to fulfill its purpose. -- -- Seven years later, Nonoka returns to Kiriya, all but forgetting everything regarding her life there. She meets Noel, a little girl wearing strange clothes, and through her, Nonoka begins to remember the past and the friends she left behind. From there, she strives to reforge her severed relationship with the others as she uncovers the mysteries connecting Noel, the saucer, and the wishes they once cherished together. -- -- 91,491 6.76
Sora no Method -- -- Studio 3Hz -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy School Slice of Life -- Sora no Method Sora no Method -- A group of friends—Nonoka Komiya, Koharu Shiihara, Shione Togawa, and twins Yuzuki and Souta Mizusaka—once attempted to summon a flying saucer to grant their wishes. After thinking that they failed, they called it a day. However, soon afterward, Nonoka abruptly moved out of Kiriya City, breaking the bond of their circle. Little did the group know, they were successful and the saucer has been floating in the sky since then, waiting to fulfill its purpose. -- -- Seven years later, Nonoka returns to Kiriya, all but forgetting everything regarding her life there. She meets Noel, a little girl wearing strange clothes, and through her, Nonoka begins to remember the past and the friends she left behind. From there, she strives to reforge her severed relationship with the others as she uncovers the mysteries connecting Noel, the saucer, and the wishes they once cherished together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 91,491 6.76
Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 9 eps -- Original -- Action Super Power Magic Romance Fantasy -- Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai -- To save both the Magical Kingdom and the Heavens and restore the flow of akuto, the flow of energy of everything, the Magical King Munto must follow a vision and find the girl Yumemi in the normal world. Yumemi herself is just a normal girl except that she is the only one who can see the islands of the Heavens floating above. When Munto appears before her she starts thinking about hers and others responsibility to the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 35,286 7.12
Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus -- -- I.Gzwei, Xebec -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus -- 2150 AD. The battle against the silicon-based Festums from outer space reaches a new phase. Fragments of the North Pole Mir were scattered throughout the world. Eventually, they began to act on their own as independent Mirs. Most hated humanity and attacked them, but some chose to coexist with mankind. Some with the same way of thinking existed within the human race, as well: those who were both human and Festum. They added to the chaos of the battle and brought about even more hatred. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 19,101 7.38
Souten Kouro -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical -- Souten Kouro Souten Kouro -- Souten Kouro's story is based loosely on the events taking place in Three Kingdoms period of China during the life of the last Chancellor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao (155 – March 15, 220), who also serves as the main character. -- -- The Three Kingdoms period has been a popular theme in Japanese manga for decades, but Souten Kouro differs greatly from most of the others on several points. One significant difference is its highly positive portrayal of its main character, Cao Cao, who is traditionally the antagonist in not only Japanese manga, but also most novel versions of the Three Kingdoms period, including the original 14th century version, Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong. Another significant difference from others is that the storyline primarily uses the original historical account of the era, Records of Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou, as a reference rather than the aforementioned Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel. By this, the traditional hero of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei, takes on relatively less importance within the story and is portrayed in a less positive light. Yet, several aspects of the story are in fact based on the novel version, including the employment of its original characters such as Diao Chan, as well as anachronistic weapons such as Guan Yu's Green Dragon Crescent Blade and Zhang Fei's Viper Blade. -- -- A consistent theme throughout the story is Cao Cao's perpetual desire to break China and its people away from its old systems and ways of thinking and initiate a focus on pragmatism over empty ideals. This often puts him at odds with the prevalent customs and notions of Confucianism and those that support them. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Apr 8, 2009 -- 15,970 7.29
Special A -- -- AIC, Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Special A Special A -- Hikari Hanazono has always been able to do things that normal people cannot. As a child, she assumed no one could beat her—until she met Kei Takishima. Thinking she would win, Hikari challenged him to a match. But things didn’t go as planned; she lost not once but each time she rechallenged him. From that point on, she has sworn to best Kei at everything, ranging from academics to athletics. -- -- To achieve her goal, Hikari enrolls in the same school as Kei—Hakusenkan, a prestigious institute for the wealthy. As a pair, they hold the top two rankings in school and are among seven of the academy's best students in a class known as Special A. -- -- While Hikari treats Kei as a rival, she is completely oblivious that he harbors hidden feelings for her. Together, the members of Special A deal with competition, friendship, and just a bit of love. -- -- 307,188 7.55
Star Ocean EX -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Game -- Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Star Ocean EX Star Ocean EX -- Claude C. Kenni, a crewmember on the spaceship Calnus and son of the commander of the ship, is transported to Expel, a backwards planet with swords and magic. He teams up with Rena Lanford, who thinks he is the legendary Warrior of Light, and other characters to investigate the Sorcery Globe, a meteorite that has been causing problems all over the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 11,539 6.60
Submarine Super 99 -- -- Vega Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Shounen -- Submarine Super 99 Submarine Super 99 -- Dr. Oki , the genius scientist who designed a new type of submarine is missing. His son, Susumu, smells an evil scheme of unknown group. He knows everything of his father's submarine called "Super 99" – equipment, weapons, functions and capacity. Susumu thinks that to find his father is to reveal the secret organization, Helmet Party, and stop their conspiracy. With the help of his friends and Marine Corps, he sets out to an underwater quest, not knowing how dangerous his endeavour is… -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Enoki Films -- TV - May 8, 2003 -- 1,458 6.20
Suisei no Gargantia -- -- Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha -- Suisei no Gargantia Suisei no Gargantia -- In the distant future, a majority of humans have left the Earth, and the Galactic Alliance of Humanity is founded to guide exploration and ensure the prosperity of mankind. However, a significant threat arises in the form of strange creatures called Hideauze, resulting in an interstellar war to prevent humanity's extinction. Armed with Chamber, an autonomous robot, 16-year-old lieutenant Ledo of the Galactic Alliance joins the battle against the monsters. In an unfortunate turn of events, Ledo loses control during the battle and is cast out to the far reaches of space, crash-landing on a waterlogged Earth. -- -- On the blue planet, Gargantia—a large fleet of scavenger ships—comes across Chamber and retrieves it from the ocean, thinking they have salvaged something of value. Mistaking their actions for hostility, Ledo sneaks aboard and takes a young messenger girl named Amy hostage, only to realize that the residents of Gargantia are not as dangerous as he had believed. Faced with uncertainty, and unable to communicate with his comrades in space, Ledo attempts to get his bearings and acclimate to a new lifestyle. But his peaceful days are about to be short-lived, as there is more to this ocean-covered planet than meets the eye. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 289,134 7.49
Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life Shoujo -- Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran -- Sporting designer clothes, make-up, and nails, Ran Kotobuki is the very picture of a trendy, young Shibuya girl, but don't let that fool you. This girl comes from a family of cops, and she’s ready to lay you out flat if you even think about causing trouble in her town! At least, she will... when she’s not distracted with karaoke, shopping, and dodging her homework. Join Ran and her friends as they defend the streets of Shibuya and attempt to shop their way into the history books as the most famous Gals ever! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Apr 1, 2001 -- 16,301 7.41
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- The final battle against the Dark Territory drags on, as players from all over the world flood the Underworld's servers and plunge the Human Empire into utter chaos. Asuna Yuuki and her friends defend their new allies with everything they have, but their numbers are falling. Meanwhile, Alice Zuberg heads toward the World's End Altar while Gabriel "Vecta" Miller relentlessly pursues her. -- -- Meanwhile, members of Rath strategize a plan in an attempt to restore Kirito's damaged fluctlight. However, the intruders occupying the main control room have other plans. Surrounded by death and despair, when all hope seems to be lost, one voice reaches out to Kirito—a familiar one saying, "I will always be by your side." -- -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season is the epic conclusion to Akihiko Kayaba's dream of creating artificial human intelligence. Now it is up to Kirito and his friends to protect this collapsing world from the people that still think it is just a game. -- -- 352,245 7.42
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- The final battle against the Dark Territory drags on, as players from all over the world flood the Underworld's servers and plunge the Human Empire into utter chaos. Asuna Yuuki and her friends defend their new allies with everything they have, but their numbers are falling. Meanwhile, Alice Zuberg heads toward the World's End Altar while Gabriel "Vecta" Miller relentlessly pursues her. -- -- Meanwhile, members of Rath strategize a plan in an attempt to restore Kirito's damaged fluctlight. However, the intruders occupying the main control room have other plans. Surrounded by death and despair, when all hope seems to be lost, one voice reaches out to Kirito—a familiar one saying, "I will always be by your side." -- -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season is the epic conclusion to Akihiko Kayaba's dream of creating artificial human intelligence. Now it is up to Kirito and his friends to protect this collapsing world from the people that still think it is just a game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 352,245 7.42
Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai -- -- Doga Kobo -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Romance Slice of Life -- Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai -- Love has never really been a concern for Mitsuyoshi Tada, and as the aspiring photographer enters his second year of high school, it truthfully couldn't be further from his mind. However, things just might change after he meets a bright and bubbly foreigner named Teresa Wagner while he was taking pictures of a cherry blossom tree. Nevertheless, after she asks him to photograph her, the two soon separate... only to meet each other again twice more that same day! Finding Teresa just as she is caught in a sudden downpour, Tada invites her to his family's coffee shop to dry off. There, she explains that she was separated from her traveling companion, a no-nonsense redhead named Alexandra ''Alec'' Magritte. When Alec reunites with Teresa shortly after, they say their goodbyes, expecting to part ways for good—but the two unexpectedly show up as transfer students in his class the next day. -- -- Teresa and Alec quickly get used to their lives at Koinohoshi High School and decide to join Tada in the photography club, along with his narcissistic friend Kaoru Ijuuin, the idol-obsessed Hajime Sugimoto, serious class rep Hinako Hasegawa, and the dog-like Kentarou Yamashita. With these two peculiar additions to his equally eccentric group of friends, Tada's second year of high school is about to get even livelier, and he might need to start rethinking his approach to love. -- -- 196,789 7.54
Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai -- -- Doga Kobo -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Romance Slice of Life -- Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai -- Love has never really been a concern for Mitsuyoshi Tada, and as the aspiring photographer enters his second year of high school, it truthfully couldn't be further from his mind. However, things just might change after he meets a bright and bubbly foreigner named Teresa Wagner while he was taking pictures of a cherry blossom tree. Nevertheless, after she asks him to photograph her, the two soon separate... only to meet each other again twice more that same day! Finding Teresa just as she is caught in a sudden downpour, Tada invites her to his family's coffee shop to dry off. There, she explains that she was separated from her traveling companion, a no-nonsense redhead named Alexandra ''Alec'' Magritte. When Alec reunites with Teresa shortly after, they say their goodbyes, expecting to part ways for good—but the two unexpectedly show up as transfer students in his class the next day. -- -- Teresa and Alec quickly get used to their lives at Koinohoshi High School and decide to join Tada in the photography club, along with his narcissistic friend Kaoru Ijuuin, the idol-obsessed Hajime Sugimoto, serious class rep Hinako Hasegawa, and the dog-like Kentarou Yamashita. With these two peculiar additions to his equally eccentric group of friends, Tada's second year of high school is about to get even livelier, and he might need to start rethinking his approach to love. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 196,789 7.54
Taiho Shichau zo: Second Season -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Police Shounen -- Taiho Shichau zo: Second Season Taiho Shichau zo: Second Season -- AA! Megami Sama creator, Kosuke Fujishima, is back with the second season of Taiho Schihauzo (You're Under Arrest). Same characters, two policewomen, the gentle Miyuki and the wild Natsumi teamed up together in Bokuto police station`s traffic division. -- -- Other characters including Kenichi, the motorcycle cop who has a feeling for Miyuki; Yoriko with her gossip and Aoi, a transvestite. They all ready to take on harmless criminals and costumed weirdos... You think you can have a better police station? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 7, 2001 -- 8,600 7.41
Taimanin Asagi -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Demons Hentai Martial Arts Supernatural -- Taimanin Asagi Taimanin Asagi -- The city streets of Tokyo are more dangerous than they’ve ever been before. Humans and demons exist side-by-side, with a sworn trust that they will not harm each other. But some humans have disregarded these sacred pledges and have teamed with demons to form groups and organizations, bent on death, destruction, and unholy human tragedy. -- -- To help quell this tide of evil, there exists a group of female ninjas who hunt down and slay those demons who mean to harm others. Asagi Igawa is one of these ninjas, or at least, she was. Her demon hunting days have been put aside in favor of being with her boyfriend, Sawaki. Unfortunately for the couple, Asagi’s past is not as far behind her as she would like to think. Her previously defeated nemesis, Oboro, has somehow come back from the grave to get revenge. -- -- Revenge in the twisted world of Taimanin Asagi is not something so simple as death however. By the time Oboro is done, Asagi and her shinobi sister Sakura will be sexually and physically transformed and tortured to the utter depths of depravity. Asagi is about to find out that none of her training as a ninja could ever prepare her for the power that pleasure holds when used as a weapon. -- OVA - Feb 24, 2007 -- 16,819 6.86
Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou Ningyo no Mori -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Horror Drama Fantasy -- Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou Ningyo no Mori Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou Ningyo no Mori -- According to an ancient legend, mermaid's flesh can grant immortality if eaten. 500 years ago, Yuta unknowingly ate a piece of mermaid's flesh. For centuries, he travels across Japan, hoping to find a mermaid, thinking she may be able to make him a normal human again. When he finally finds one, he discovers that she and her companions have been raising a girl to be their food so they can eat her and take on her youthful looks. That is how mermaids stay young. Yuta kills the mermaids and rescues her, but she has already eaten some of the mermaid's flesh. Although he had to kill the mermaids, Yuta isn't too disappointed. Yuta's once lonely existence is now over, as he has found a companion in Mana. And Mana, who had been trapped in a small hut her whole life, finds delight in even the simplest of things. Together, Yuta and Mana attempt to seek out more mermaids, trying to become normal humans again. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 5, 2003 -- 22,654 7.05
Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Romance Supernatural -- Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity -- Yuuri Mito is a typical, normal Japanese teenager. He goes to school, works on people's motorcycles and performs exorcisms. Okay, that last part's a little bit unusual, but his family lives in a shrine and they do that sort of thing. Still, you would think he'd know enough to be careful with an ancient relic he finds in the woods, especially when a mysterious goddess appears and tells him to leave it alone. Unfortunately, despite Mito's best efforts, the seal gets broken anyway and a number of dangerous "tayuti" that it held in stasis get loose. This is bad. Mito also ends up with a beautiful goddess girl who decides that she's going to marry him. This might not be so bad. if he wasn't already caught up in the middle of a war between the entities he's released. The flesh may be weak but the spirit's more than willing to compensate. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- 61,922 6.77
Tenchi Muyou! Manatsu no Eve -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Manatsu no Eve Tenchi Muyou! Manatsu no Eve -- Tenchi Masaki gets the surprise of his life when a teenage girl approaches him and calls him "Daddy." Believing that the girl is mistaking him for someone else, Tenchi brings her home to figure out what is going on, which turns out to be a big mistake. When the girl introduces herself as Mayuka Masaki, Tenchi's daughter, the Masaki household is thrown into yet another frenzy. -- -- Thinking that Mayuka is just taking advantage of Tenchi, the girls refuse to believe that she is really his child. However, when DNA testing reveals that Tenchi is indeed her father, Washuu comes to the conclusion that Mayuka is his daughter from the future, the result of a recent time distortion. With this new revelation, everyone tries to welcome Mayuka into their lives with the sole exception being Ryouko Hakubi, who senses something sinister lurking beneath Mayuka's charm. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Movie - Aug 2, 1997 -- 13,867 7.14
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki -- Seventeen-year-old Tenchi Masaki grew up hearing stories about how his ancestor used a sword to seal a demon inside a cave seven hundred years ago. When curiosity gets the better of him, Tenchi goes to the cave and stumbles across the sword from the legend. Thinking that the story is nothing more than a fairy tale, he removes the blade and inadvertently releases the demon, who turns out to be a space pirate named Ryouko Hakubi. Furious about being trapped for so long, she attacks Tenchi, but he is able to repel her with the sword, awakening his inner power. After seeing this, Ryouko takes an interest in her unlikely savior and decides to crash at his place. -- -- As if it were a chain reaction, more alien women—Aeka Jurai Masaki, an uptight princess from the planet Jurai; Sasami, Aeka's sweet younger sister; Mihoshi Kuramitsu, a ditzy Galactic Police Officer; and Washuu Hakubi, a wisecracking genius—gradually come in contact with Tenchi and begin living with him. Through his encounters with these five women, Tenchi begins to learn more about his ancestry, newfound power, and the looming threat lurking beyond the skies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Sep 25, 1992 -- 42,835 7.65
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki -- Seventeen-year-old Tenchi Masaki grew up hearing stories about how his ancestor used a sword to seal a demon inside a cave seven hundred years ago. When curiosity gets the better of him, Tenchi goes to the cave and stumbles across the sword from the legend. Thinking that the story is nothing more than a fairy tale, he removes the blade and inadvertently releases the demon, who turns out to be a space pirate named Ryouko Hakubi. Furious about being trapped for so long, she attacks Tenchi, but he is able to repel her with the sword, awakening his inner power. After seeing this, Ryouko takes an interest in her unlikely savior and decides to crash at his place. -- -- As if it were a chain reaction, more alien women—Aeka Jurai Masaki, an uptight princess from the planet Jurai; Sasami, Aeka's sweet younger sister; Mihoshi Kuramitsu, a ditzy Galactic Police Officer; and Washuu Hakubi, a wisecracking genius—gradually come in contact with Tenchi and begin living with him. Through his encounters with these five women, Tenchi begins to learn more about his ancestry, newfound power, and the looming threat lurking beyond the skies. -- -- OVA - Sep 25, 1992 -- 42,835 7.65
Tenchi Souzou Design-bu -- -- Asahi Production -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy Seinen -- Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Tenchi Souzou Design-bu -- In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He also sought after a wide variety of animals to populate the planet. However, he felt that it was too tiresome to think of new ideas within his criteria. To address this problem, God appointed an organization—the Heaven's Design Team—to do the work instead! -- -- Shimoda is a newly-hired angel who serves as the mediator between God and the design team. As he steps into his role, he witnesses his coworkers conceive interesting ideas for many unique life forms according to God's desires. From giraffes and snakes to birds, anteaters, and everything in between, the possibilities for different animal species are endless! -- -- 48,634 7.16
Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden -- -- Azeta Pictures -- 13 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden -- Maetel abandoned her mother and her home planet, the doomed and frozen La Metal, where people must become cyborgs to survive. When she is beckoned to return, her options seem slim: follow her mother's path (and with it a robot mind and the contempt of all humans), or run away and fight with humans against the machines. Yet, she is not without comrades and defenders. If she can accept the friendship of beings of metal who desire peace, and oppose those who think being made of flesh and blood is enough to make one human, she may still have a chance to find her own path. -- -- (Source: Anime-Planet) -- TV - Aug 6, 2004 -- 3,724 6.69
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Fantasy Seinen -- Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari -- Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, Souta Tawara returns to his hometown in Kagawa. Though his parents are no longer around, his former home and family-owned udon restaurant reminds him of the times his family was still together. Reminiscing about his childhood, Souta enters the udon restaurant and discovers a grimy young boy sleeping. -- -- At first, Souta thinks nothing of the chance encounter and provides the boy with food and clothing. However, to his surprise, the boy suddenly sprouts a furry pair of ears and a tail! Souta soon learns that the nameless boy is actually the rumored shapeshifting tanuki that has been inhabiting Kagawa for many years. Thinking that the boy has been living a lonely life, he decides to take him in and name him Poko. -- -- Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari follows the heartwarming relationship between Souta and Poko, and through the time they spend together, Souta recalls his own past, the place he left behind for the city, and the relationship he had with his father. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 102,239 7.75
Upotte!! -- -- Xebec -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Military Seinen -- Upotte!! Upotte!! -- Kiss kiss, bang bang! The arms race takes on a startling new development when the arms come with heads, legs and very feminine bodies attached! -- -- Yes, at Seishou Academy every girl is literally a lethal weapon, and they're all gunning for the top shot at getting their own personal serviceman! Needless to say, it's going to be difficult for newly recruited human instructor Genkoku to adjust to working with a living arsenal of high caliber cuties with tricky names like FNC (Funko) M 16A4 (Ichiroku) L85A1 (Eru) and SG 550 (Shigu). Especially since many have hair triggers and there's no bulletproof vest that can stop a really determined coed! He'll have to rewrite the operator's manual on student/teacher relationships, and pray that his job description won't include having to field strip and reassemble one of his cadets in the dark. But unfortunately (for him) FNC's already thinking about becoming HIS personal weapon, and she usually gets what she aims for! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Apr 7, 2012 -- 64,158 6.50
Ushio to Tora -- -- Pastel -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror -- Ushio to Tora Ushio to Tora -- Ushio thinks his father's tale of an ancient ancestor impaling a demon on a temple altar stone with the legendary Beast Spear is nuts, but when he finds the monster in his own basement, Ushio has to take another look at the family legend! Fortunately, Ushio knows it's best to let sleeping dogs lie and leave captured demons where they are. Unfortunately, the release of the monster's evil energies begins to beckon other demons to Ushio's hometown! To save his friends and family from the invading spirits, Ushio is forced to release Tora from his captivity. But will the cure prove to be worse than the curse? Will Ushio end his life a Tora-snack? Or will the Beast Spear keep Tora in line long enough to save the city? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Sep 11, 1992 -- 11,509 7.15
Uzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/A -- -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Tou no Kuni - Free Lance -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Psychological Fantasy -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Tou no Kuni - Free Lance Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Tou no Kuni - Free Lance -- Waking up from a nap, Kino is relieved to see that a certain tower from afar is still proudly standing. Located in the heart of the Tower Country, the immensely tall tower stretches high into the sky, reaching seemingly infinite heights. The tower looks like something out of a dream, but the breathtaking construction is unmistakably real. Intrigued, the traveling partners Kino and Hermes—the talking motorcycle—journey to the tower to get a closer look at the building. -- -- Despite already being unbelievably tall, the tower is still being built by the townspeople to this day. Puzzled by the origins of the tower, Kino and Hermes ask around the town for information, but they fail to obtain any definitive answer. They continue to observe both the tower and the townspeople during their stay, hoping to understand the reasoning behind building a tower that requires so much effort. After all, there is always something to learn... even from the strangest of countries. -- -- Special - Oct 19, 2005 -- 33,066 7.60
Uzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/A -- -- Towa no Quon 2: Konton no Ranbu -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Super Power Supernatural -- Towa no Quon 2: Konton no Ranbu Towa no Quon 2: Konton no Ranbu -- The story follows a boy named Quon and others who suddenly wake up with supernatural powers. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jul 16, 2011 -- 32,999 7.37
Uzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/AKakurenbo -- -- Yamato Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Kakurenbo Kakurenbo -- Among the high rises of steel pipes, meshed power lines, and faded neon lights, exists a game that children dare to play within the ruins of the old city. -- -- "Otokoyo," a secret game of hide-and-seek, one where all who play wear fox masks and only begins when seven have gathered. But it is no normal game, as all who have played it have gone missing. Many whisper it is the work of demons, but that is just a rumor... or is it? -- -- Kakurenbo follows the story of seven children as they play Otokoyo for the first time and discover why if you play, you never return. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 1, 2004 -- 32,995 6.74
Uzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/ANihon Animator Mihonichi -- -- Khara, Studio Colorido, Trigger -- 35 eps -- Original -- Action Dementia Ecchi Fantasy Mecha Military Music School Sci-Fi Space Supernatural -- Nihon Animator Mihonichi Nihon Animator Mihonichi -- Nihon Animator Mihonichi is a collaborative series of standalone anime shorts with the support of various directors and studios. Aiming to expose new animators to a worldwide audience, these small works offer a glimpse into the future of the industry, featuring rising talents, cutting-edge techniques, and experimental aesthetic designs. -- -- ONA - Nov 7, 2014 -- 32,294 7.39
Vampire Knight: Guilty -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Mystery Romance Shoujo Supernatural Vampire -- Vampire Knight: Guilty Vampire Knight: Guilty -- When the missing Zero Kiryuu returns to Cross Academy, Yuuki Cross is relieved to see him safe, but finds that Zero has changed in more ways than one. As a result of choices he made, Zero is plagued by visions, and he seeks to uncover the reason behind them—unaware that the answers may be much closer than he thinks. -- -- Soon Yuuki also begins to be tormented by ghastly hallucinations, and she seeks an explanation about her shrouded past from the only one who can provide clarity: Pureblood vampire Kaname Kuran, who is closest to her heart. But what will happen when the truth is finally revealed? -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Oct 7, 2008 -- 312,148 7.19
Venus Versus Virus -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Supernatural -- Venus Versus Virus Venus Versus Virus -- Venus Versus Virus follows regular schoolgirl Sumire who's had the ability to see ghosts since a young age. She tells friends and family about this fact and they just dismiss it, thinking she's a liar. A chance encounter with a broach flying out of nowhere, a monster and gothloli clad monster killer named Lucia leaves her with a life changing decision to use her ability and fight against these "viruses" feeding upon the human race. -- -- (Source: AnimeNewsService) -- 26,826 6.38
Venus Versus Virus -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Supernatural -- Venus Versus Virus Venus Versus Virus -- Venus Versus Virus follows regular schoolgirl Sumire who's had the ability to see ghosts since a young age. She tells friends and family about this fact and they just dismiss it, thinking she's a liar. A chance encounter with a broach flying out of nowhere, a monster and gothloli clad monster killer named Lucia leaves her with a life changing decision to use her ability and fight against these "viruses" feeding upon the human race. -- -- (Source: AnimeNewsService) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 26,826 6.38
Wakaranai Buta -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama -- Wakaranai Buta Wakaranai Buta -- A huge pig is lying down in front of a house. Father, mother, grandmother, six children and a dog live in the house. Everyone is aware of the huge pig, and the pig is aware of the family. But nobody knows how and what the other think. The mother doesn't understand the father… It depends what you imagine when you hear about normal family life. -- -- (Source: Fresh Film Fest Website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2010 -- 726 4.81
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! -- After living 50 simulated high school lives and dating over 100 virtual boys, Tomoko Kuroki believes that she is ready to conquer her first year of high school. Little does she know that she is much less prepared than she would like to think. In reality, Tomoko is an introverted and awkward young girl, and she herself is the only one who doesn't realize it! With the help of her best friend, Yuu Naruse, and the support and love of her brother Tomoki, Tomoko attempts to brave the new world of high school life. -- -- Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! chronicles the life of a socially awkward and relatively friendless high school otaku as she attempts to overcome her personal barriers in order to live a fulfilling life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 527,392 7.03
Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Fantasy -- Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! -- Having stood out from others most of her life due to her exceptional character, Misato Kurihara has lived without neither the joy of having close friends nor the experience of having a regular life. However, after a sudden death, she was transported to a divine realm to be reincarnated—and granted one wish to top it off. Thinking about the ordinary life that she had always wanted, she wished to be born as a normal person, with abilities that are average for the world she will resurrect in. -- -- Reborn as Adele von Ascham—the daughter of a noble—she possesses magic powers completely exceeding what one would label average. Still desiring to carry out the life she wanted, she leaves her home and enrolls at a hunter school in a faraway kingdom using "Mile" as an alias. However, try as she might to hide her overpowering potential, attaining her goal will be difficult—especially when facing against the crazy situations that ensue! -- -- 116,130 6.84
Within the Bloody Woods -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Original -- Horror -- Within the Bloody Woods Within the Bloody Woods -- A man wanders lost in the forest when he happens upon another person. At first thinking the stranger is injured, the man quickly realizes that isn't the case. The stranger, in fact, isn't even human—he's a zombie! Suddenly finding himself in danger, the man pulls out a machete to fight. The lost man must now defend himself against the dangers lurking in the forest... -- -- ONA - May 22, 2006 -- 2,146 3.36
Yoake Tsugeru Lu no Uta -- -- Science SARU -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Music Supernatural Fantasy -- Yoake Tsugeru Lu no Uta Yoake Tsugeru Lu no Uta -- Kai, a young middle schooler, lives in Hinashi Town, a lonely fishing village, with his father and his grandfather, a sun-umbrella maker. He used to live in Tokyo, but after his parents divorced he moved back to his parent's home town. Kai has trouble telling his parents the complicated feelings he has for them, and he's lonely and pessimistic about his school life. One of his joys is uploading songs he writes to the internet. -- -- One day, his classmates Kunio and Yuuho invite him to join their band, "SEIRÈN." As he reluctantly follows them to Merfolk Island, their practice spot, they meet Lu, the mermaid girl. Lu sings merrily and dances innocently. As Kai begins to spend time with her, he starts to be able to say what it is that he's really thinking. -- -- But since ancient times, the people of Hinashi Town have thought that mermaids brought disaster. Something happens that puts a huge rift between Lu and the townspeople. And then, the town is in danger. Will Kai's cry for the heart be able to save the town? -- -- (Source: Fuji Creative Corporation) -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, NYAV Post -- Movie - May 19, 2017 -- 36,923 7.43
Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Military Seinen -- Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings -- Kazuhiro Uchida is transferred to a rescue centre located in a small town while training to become a fighter pilot. Initially, Kazuhiro thinks negatively about his new occupation, due to the difficult missions and the harsh discipline he receives from his seniors. However, over the course of his training, he begins to accept the job for what it is and becomes a true member of the rescue force. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jan 9, 2006 -- 11,879 7.42
Young Black Jack -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Historical Drama Seinen -- Young Black Jack Young Black Jack -- In the 1960s, a gifted young medical student tries to make a name for himself. Kuroo Hazama is a reserved young man with unusual black-and-white hair, a body covered with scars, and a dark past. Despite only being a medical student, his surgical brilliance starts to attract attention after he completes a seemingly impossible operation. Together with the spirited and honest intern Maiko Okamoto and Yabu, a close friend with a troubled life, Hazama devotes himself to the world of medicine. -- -- However, his path to becoming a respectable surgeon is a difficult one as student riots, war, and corruption are consuming Japan. Hazama quickly finds himself caught up in a series of nefarious circumstances that challenge his integrity as a person and his path towards becoming a surgeon. Young Black Jack chronicles the story of a man capable of performing unthinkable feats of medicine, and the journey that leads him to become the legend known as Black Jack. -- -- 72,784 7.24
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. OVA -- -- Asread -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy -- Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. OVA Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. OVA -- Raul's sister has come all the way from Raul's home village to see her brother who has "become a hero." Raul and his fellow co-workers think its a better idea to trick his sister to thinking Raul is a real hero. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Mar 7, 2014 -- 40,249 6.82
Zetsumetsu Kigu Shoujo: Amazing Twins -- -- Encourage Films -- 2 eps -- Original -- Magic Slice of Life -- Zetsumetsu Kigu Shoujo: Amazing Twins Zetsumetsu Kigu Shoujo: Amazing Twins -- Amane Todoroki is a young girl who is straightforward but also unthinking. She will try her very best in everything and say, "I don't know how to answer you if you ask me whether this can be done. I just believe it can. If not, then nothing will get started!" She easily gets stuck in her thinking, but she can also get easily moved at something small and start crying. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Feb 26, 2014 -- 10,199 6.37've_ever_seen..jpg,_A_Brief_Introduction_to_Philosophical_Thinking.pdf,_Wellcome_V0009100.jpg!_(13938290863).jpg
Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man
Agenda (think tank)
Alice, I Think
Alice, I Think (novel)
Alice, I Think (TV series)
All I Can Think About Is You
All I Do Is Think of You
American Thinker
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street
As a Man Thinketh
As Close as You Think
A Simple Thinking About Blood Type
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As We May Think
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Benefits of Thinking Out Loud
Bet You Think I'm Lonely
Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World
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Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
But What Will the Neighbors Think
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Dear Diz (Every Day I Think of You)
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Difficult Shapes & Passive Rhythms, Some People Think It's Fun to Entertain
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Do Make Say Think
Don't Think... Feel
Don't think. Feel !!!
Don't Think I've Forgotten
Don't Think of Me
Don't Think Twice
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
Don't Wanna Think About You
Don't You Know Who I Think I Was?
Don't You Think It's Time?
Don't You Think You've Had Enough?
Doublethink Theatre
Do You Ever Think of Me
Do You Think of Me?
Ekklesia (think tank)
Enjoy Yourself (It's Later than You Think)
Everytime I Think About Her
Every Time I Think of You
FAAAT think & do tank
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World and Why Things Are Better Than You Think
Filipino Freethinkers
Fool (If You Think It's Over)
For Those Who Think Young
For Those Who Think Young (album)
For Those Who Think Young (Mad Men)
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I'm Thinking of Ending Things
I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes
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IBM ThinkPad 240
IBM ThinkPad 310
IBM ThinkPad 350
IBM ThinkPad 360
IBM ThinkPad 380
IBM ThinkPad 600
IBM ThinkPad 760
IBM ThinkPad 770
IBM ThinkPad Butterfly keyboard
IBM ThinkPad T20 series
IBM ThinkPad UltraPort
I Can't Think Straight
I Can't Think Straight (novel)
I Don't Think About You
If You Ever Think I Will Stop Goin' In Ask Double R
If You Think You Can, You Can!
I Keep Thinking It's Tuesday
I May Be Wrong (but I Think You're Wonderful)
Index of sociopolitical thinkers
Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines
Institute for New Economic Thinking
Involve (think tank)
I Often Think of Piroschka
It's What I'm Thinking Pt.1 Photographing Snowflakes
ITHINK Financial Amphitheatre
ITHINK Financial Credit Union
I Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink
I Think I'm in Love with You
I Think I'm Okay
(I Think I'm Over) Getting Over You
I Think I'm Paranoid
I Think I Love It
I Think I Love My Wife
I Think I See Myself on CCTV
I Think It's Going to Rain Today
I Think My Older Brother Used to Listen to Lagwagon
I Think of You
I Think of You (disambiguation)
I Think They Call Him John
I Think They Like Me
I Think This Is
I Think We're All Bozos on This Bus
I Think We're Alone Now
I Think We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson
I Try to Think About Elvis
Jealous Minds Think Alike
Kathinka von Deichmann
Kathinka Zitz-Halein
King of Wishful Thinking
Lateral thinking
Lean thinking
Le Sicle (think tank)
Let's Think About Living
Let Me Think About It
Life cycle thinking
List of So You Think You Can Dance finalists
List of The Thinker sculptures
List of thinkers influenced by deconstruction
List of think tanks
List of think tanks in Greece
List of think tanks in Singapore
List of think tanks in the United Kingdom
LogoVisual thinking
Mad Thinker
Magical thinking
Magical Thinking (book)
Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers
Millennium Institute (Hungarian think tank)
Modern Thinkers Party of Islamic Iran
Mom Thinks I'm Crazy to Marry a Japanese Guy
More Than You Think You Are
Music for the Hard of Thinking
New Direction (think tank)
New political thinking
Non-believers: Freethinkers on the Run
No One Thinks of Greenland
No Time to Think
Not the Girl You Think You Are
Not Thinking Straight
Not Thinking Straight (album)
Of Late I Think of Cliffordville
Oomana Thinkal
Oppa Thinking
Oracle Thinkquest
Overthinking with Kat & June
Parallel thinking
Partial concurrent thinking aloud
Platinum Party of Employers Who Think and Act to Increase Awareness
Po (lateral thinking)
Polish Association of Freethinkers
Polis (journalism think tank)
Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking...
Positive Thinking (magazine)
Quilliam (think tank)
Religious thinkers of India
Rethink Afghanistan
Rethink Food
Rethinking Islam
Rethinking Marxism
Rethinking Multiculturalism
Rethinking "Gnosticism"
Rethinking Violence
Rethink Mental Illness
Rethink (record label)
Rethink Robotics
Retrospective think aloud
Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think
Right You Are (if you think so)
Say What You're Thinking
SeeThink Films
She Thinks I Still Care
She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy
Shudder to Think
Sit Down, I Think I Love You
Six Thinking Hats
SKY Perfect Well Think
Some People Are on the Pitch They Think It's All Over It Is Now
Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Sometimes I Just Sit
Son of a Gun (I Betcha Think This Song Is About You)
So You Think You're Funny
So You Think You Can Dance
So You Think You Can Dance (American TV series)
So You Think You Can Dance Australia
So You Think You Can Dance (Belgian and Dutch TV series)
So You Think You Can Dance (British series 1)
So You Think You Can Dance (British series 2)
So You Think You Can Dance (British TV series)
So You Think You Can Dance Canada
So You Think You Can Dance (Greek TV series)
So You Think You Can Dance (Indian TV series)
So You Think You Can Dance (Malaysian TV series)
So You Think You Can Dance (New Zealand TV series)
So You Think You Can Dance Scandinavia
So You Think You Can Dance (South African TV series)
So You Think You Can Dance: The Next Generation
So You Think You Can Dance: The Next Generation (American TV series)
So You Think You Can Dance: The Next Generation (Dutch TV series)
So You Think You Can Dance (UK) Series 1 finalists
So You Think You Can Dance (Vietnamese TV series)
Speed thinking
Still Thinkin' 'bout You
Stop! And Think It Over
Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before
Straight and Crooked Thinking
Strategic thinking
Summit of Freethinkers Party
Synesthesia I Think in Colours
Systematic inventive thinking
Systematic Inventive Thinking (company)
Tasc (think-tank)
The Art of Negative Thinking
The Art of Thinking Clearly
The Diary (You Think You Know)
The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable
The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
The Lake of Thinking
Theos (think tank)
The Power of Positive Thinking
The Sea Is a Good Place to Think of the Future
The Sea That Thinks
The Thinker
The Thinkers Club
The Thinking Man's Trombone
The Unthinkable (1926 film)
The Unthinkable (2018 film)
The Year of Magical Thinking
They Think It's All Acoustic... It Is Now
They think it's all over
They Think It's All Over (TV series)
Thinkabout (American TV series)
Think (About It)
Think About It
Think About It!
Think About That
Think About the Way
Think About Things
Think About You
Think: act
Think Again
Thinkalaazhcha Nalla Divasam
Think aloud protocol
Think and Grow Rich
Think (Aretha Franklin song)
Think Before You Speak
Think Before You Speak (campaign)
Think Big and Kick Ass
Think (book)
ThinkCentre A series
ThinkCentre Edge
ThinkCentre M series
Think City
Think Company
Think different
Think (disambiguation)
Thinker (DC Comics)
Thinker in Residence
Thinkers of the East: Studies in Experientialism
Thinkers of the New Left
Think Ethnic
Think Fast
Think Fast (1949 game show)
Think Fast (1989 game show)
Think Fast, Father Ted
Think Fast, Mr. Moto
Think Finance
Think for Yourself
ThinkFree Office
Think Global
Think Global (charity)
Think globally, act locally
Thinkhaya III of Toungoo
Think I'm in Love
Think I'm in Love (Eddie Money song)
Think (IBM)
Thinkin' About You
Thinkin' About You (Mario song)
Thinkin' Things
Thinkin Bout You (Ciara song)
Thinkin Bout You (Frank Ocean song)
Thinking 'bout Somethin'
Thinking about Consciousness
Thinking about the immortality of the crab
Thinking About You
Thinking About You (Axwell & Ingrosso song)
Thinking About You (Elvis Presley song)
Thinking (album)
Thinking Ape Blues
Thinking Cap (horse)
Thinking (disambiguation)
Thinking Electronic
Thinking environment
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282
Thinking in Java
Thinking It Over
Thinking It Over (album)
Thinking It Over (song)
Thinking machine
Thinking Machines Corporation
Thinking man's/woman's crumpet
Thinking Maps
Thinking of Linking
Thinking of Me
Thinking of You
Thinking of You (Duke Jordan album)
Thinking of You (Earth, Wind & Fire song)
Thinking of You (I Drive Myself Crazy)
Thinking of You (Katy Perry song)
Thinking of You (Kitar album)
Thinking of You (Sister Sledge song)
Thinking Out Loud
Thinking Out Loud (disambiguation)
Thinking outside the box
Thinking Pictures
Thinking Plague
Thinking (poem)
Thinking processes (theory of constraints)
Thinking Rabbit
Thinking Skills and Creativity
Thinking Strategically
Thinkin Out Loud
Think It Over (album)
Think It Over (The Cars song)
Think It Up
Think! (James Brown album)
Think (journal)
Think Like a Cat
Think Like a Man
Think Like a Man Too
Think Like a Man Too (soundtrack)
Think Music
Think Mutual Bank
Think of England
Think of Me
Think of Me (film)
Think of Me / No More Tears
Think of the children
Think of You
Think of You (Chris Young and Cassadee Pope song)
Think of You (Usher song)
Think of You (Whigfield song)
Think or Sink
ThinkPad 8
ThinkPad E series
ThinkPad Helix
ThinkPad L series
ThinkPad P series
ThinkPad T series
ThinkPad Twist
ThinkPad UltraBay
ThinkPad W series
ThinkPad X1 series
ThinkPad X series
ThinkPad Yoga
ThinkPad Z60m
Think Pink (clothing)
Think Positive
Think (Rolling Stones song)
Think Secret
Think! (short story)
Think Smart, Be Fearless
Think tank
Thinktank, Birmingham Science Museum
Think Tank (Blur album)
Think tank (disambiguation)
Think Tank (game show)
Think Tank (Henry Rollins album)
Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program
Think Tank (Star Trek: Voyager)
Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg
Think (The "5" Royales song)
Think Together
Think Tools
Think Twice
Think Twice (Celine Dion song)
ThinkVantage Technologies
ThinkVision monitors
Think Vulgar
Think with Your Heart
This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About
This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
Timeline of libertarian thinkers
Time to Think
Time to Think (Sarah Whatmore album)
Time to Think (The Kingston Trio album)
Tiny Shoulders: Rethinking Barbie
Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me
Trinit dei Monti (think tank)
Turkish think tanks
Ulmus parvifolia 'The Thinker'
Underage Thinking
Unified structured inventive thinking
Union of Freethinkers of Finland
Unthinkable (disambiguation)
Un-Thinkable (I'm Ready)
Vertical thinking
Visual thinking
WAI Architecture Think Tank
We'll Think of Something
We Couldn't Think of a Title
We Think as Instruments
We Think, Therefore We Are
We Think the World of You
What America Thinks
Whatcha Think About That
What Did You Think Was Going to Happen?
What Do You Care What Other People Think?
What Do You Think About the Car?
What Is Called Thinking?
What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)
What Were They Thinking?
What Were You Thinking?
What Would the Community Think
When I Think of You
When I Think of You (Lee Ryan song)
When U Think About Me
When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes
Where Do You Think You're Going
Who Did You Think I Was
Who Does She Think She Is
Who Do We Think We Are
Who Do You Think Of?
Who Do You Think You Are
Who Do You Think You Are? (American TV series)
Who Do You Think You Are? (British TV series)
Who Do You Think You Are (Candlewick Green song)
Who You Think I Am
Wishful thinking
Wishful Thinking (China Crisis song)
Wishful thinking (disambiguation)
Wishful Thinking (film)
Wishful Thinking (Neck Deep album)
World Thinking Day
You'll Think of Me
You're Not As As You Think
You Didn't Like It Because You Didn't Think of It
You Think It's Like This but Really It's Like This
You Think You're a Man
You Think You Know Her
You Think You Know Somebody
You Think You Really Know Me: The Gary Wilson Story
Zero-sum thinking

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last updated: 2022-02-04 14:49:14
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